Ever seen that BlackMirror episode where the girl is running around, being chased, and no one will help, everyone is just recording her on their phones and shit, and it is all supposed to be some sort of weird punishment? I feel like that is literally exactly how things are already. People record everything, and when a tragedy is occurring right in front of them, instead of getting involved, they're just videoing. I've seen people even start trying to help in some situations, to help save someones life, but they can't help shit because one of their hands is full with their phone. It's crazy. These people are too stupid to put their phone down before attempting CPR, or tying a tourniquet, or even before they try to defend themselves. People think hiding behind a phone will prevent someone from hitting them, or will do anything besides further enrage the already raging rape ape directly in front of them from attacking them.
And I don't think it's a result of the bystander effect. I think it is because everyone thinks the way to win a confrontation is to successfully appeal to a higher power. So that's what everyone tries to do. This is for the people actually involved that still just sit with their phone up like a retard. Like they need to get footage to get the other person in trouble. Because getting the other person in trouble is the ultimate win in the eyes of the faggot normie npc. Shit is sickening and infuriating.
The TL/DR: was the best part of your post however,you make serious valid points.I'm X-Military and twice I've stopped a crime in commission,both instances were nig vs. small white women.I never once laid a hand on either perp. I just started walking over and yelling some B.S.-in both cases the nig ran off like it was on fire.I think the nigman is a coward.
Bystander effect. It’s always been a thing. The more people there are the less likely anyone is to interfere because everyone is thinking that everyone else will.
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Misskylie42 ago
I would have kicked him away from her. Jesus. People need to grow spines
Ocelot ago
Everybody's a fucking voyeur these days. Just watching things happen in front of them. It's so perverse.
UrCoolerOlderBrother ago
Ever seen that BlackMirror episode where the girl is running around, being chased, and no one will help, everyone is just recording her on their phones and shit, and it is all supposed to be some sort of weird punishment? I feel like that is literally exactly how things are already. People record everything, and when a tragedy is occurring right in front of them, instead of getting involved, they're just videoing. I've seen people even start trying to help in some situations, to help save someones life, but they can't help shit because one of their hands is full with their phone. It's crazy. These people are too stupid to put their phone down before attempting CPR, or tying a tourniquet, or even before they try to defend themselves. People think hiding behind a phone will prevent someone from hitting them, or will do anything besides further enrage the already raging rape ape directly in front of them from attacking them.
And I don't think it's a result of the bystander effect. I think it is because everyone thinks the way to win a confrontation is to successfully appeal to a higher power. So that's what everyone tries to do. This is for the people actually involved that still just sit with their phone up like a retard. Like they need to get footage to get the other person in trouble. Because getting the other person in trouble is the ultimate win in the eyes of the faggot normie npc. Shit is sickening and infuriating.
Ok. I apologize. Rant over.
TL/DR: put your phone down and your dukes up
Bigneckedmanjr ago
Helping people is a Bandaid
Nigger genocide is the cure
Zulu2Oscar ago
The TL/DR: was the best part of your post however,you make serious valid points.I'm X-Military and twice I've stopped a crime in commission,both instances were nig vs. small white women.I never once laid a hand on either perp. I just started walking over and yelling some B.S.-in both cases the nig ran off like it was on fire.I think the nigman is a coward.
DykeOnWheels ago
Don't act all high and mighty. Would you have stopped a "nig" if the victim was a black woman?
Zulu2Oscar ago
I would've guessed the nigbitch,must have deserved it. Answer : NO!
DykeOnWheels ago
Oh, I forgot, you're racist. Only "nig bitches" deserve male violence.
Zulu2Oscar ago
In a word :YES! Problem?
DykeOnWheels ago
As long as you don't have a problem with "nigs" attacking white women without someone stepping in, then all's good.
Bigneckedmanjr ago
Whaat?!?! Do you even know where you are? Hey guys, I think Joe Biden stumbled in here on accident.
DykeOnWheels ago
You mean I'm on a racist, sexist, homophobic, hypocritical, low IQ, redneck, hillbilly site? You don't say!!
Bigneckedmanjr ago
Mainly just facts, sorry they don’t care about your weak minded fragility.
DykeOnWheels ago
Not as fragile as when you see one of "your" women with a black man. That's the funniest shit I've ever seen.
Nukeisrael ago
Bystander effect. It’s always been a thing. The more people there are the less likely anyone is to interfere because everyone is thinking that everyone else will.
philmchawk ago
Wrong, it wasn't before motion pictures.
Nukeisrael ago
philmchawk ago
Source? You want me to have a source for something that old? Just read history, you will find zero examples of it prior to motion pictures.
Ocelot ago
You're right, but it's probably a dozen times worse in the Current Year than ever before in history.