A whole crowd of mouthbreathers and nobody stopped him so that the police could scoop him up. Nobody made an attempt to beat his ass. This city and it's people are fucking retarded and nowhere near as tough as they wanna seem. Same city full of liberal mongos, all tooting "kill all rapists!" Meanwhile shit like this happens and everyone can only convert oxygen into carbon dioxide.
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circle__jerk ago
A whole crowd of mouthbreathers and nobody stopped him so that the police could scoop him up. Nobody made an attempt to beat his ass. This city and it's people are fucking retarded and nowhere near as tough as they wanna seem. Same city full of liberal mongos, all tooting "kill all rapists!" Meanwhile shit like this happens and everyone can only convert oxygen into carbon dioxide.
BeerNinja727 ago
This is par for the course in Jew York shitty
circle__jerk ago
They deserve it for allowing DiBlasiNO into office