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Jock_Sniffer ago

Of course, he could be part spic. He has some Hispanic facial features.

A man was caught on video attempting to rape a 25-year-old woman, police say. The horrific attack took place at the train platform for the Q train at Lexington Avenue and East 63 Street around 11am on Saturday (Aug 29th).

The man approached a woman, climbed on top of her and 'attempted to rape her' as she screamed in the train station.

A crowd of bystanders formed and yelled at the suspect to leave her alone. The perp then sauntered off as if he hadn't a care in the world.

The victim suffered minor injuries but refused medical attention.

gazillions ago

Hybrid monsters, bred to destroy.

Ocelot ago

Subhuman x subhuman = subhuman. It's simple math.