DrYiddingston ago

This is your Brazil future of America now. You’re in it, gentlemen.

24488835? ago

Look at the famous Rocinha favela in Rio. It's clearly a liberal paradise with numerous "community organizers" as well as NGOs.

fightknightHERO ago

Feral Negro removes under-cooked kebab with one magic trick

LoveDeadNiggers ago

Dead sand nigger, who gives a fuck.

BlueDrache ago

Arab girl? Nothing of value lost. Catch and release this one with an encouragement to shoot more arabs and niggers.

black_trash ago

Come on, she'd be very valuable to Muhammed in a couple years

jewer ago

practicing baptist family unit though, as per another goat, even if she is clearly to me a half-arab, possibly chaldean

BlueDrache ago

One drop. Not white. Good riddance.

SitDownSlave ago

He will be supported by BLM

SirNiggsalot ago

You know (((why)))

VoatMikeNolan ago

Why do you think she's an arab? Last name is Norris.

jewer ago

My arab-face detector circuit tingles.... she is a half-arab or arab, her mommy is probably an arab.

jewer ago

Cahldeans are arabs that are christian, also remember her mom had multiple baby daddies.

One baby daddy created a stepsister, Nevayah Ledford

metricisokay ago

Well that first name tho "Aaliyah"

obvious-throwaway- ago

The important thing we must remember during all this, is that a drug riddled criminal with multiple felonies who once put a gun to a pregnant woman's belly died while committing yet another crime while high on drugs. That's what's truly important.

rumorhazard ago

I’ll never get tired of saying he dindu

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

I wish I could upvote that all day!

metricisokay ago

He wuz a good boy

Cunty84 ago

Niggers are released god speed, probably the prisons are full.. of other criminal niggers. I’m guessing some of them love being locked up, they have shelter, food, hearing etc, better than being homeless.

con77 ago

black crimes matter

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

More and more every day hopefully!


Own Goal!

AngelofDeath ago

Execute the judge and lawyers involved with his release as well.

Moonman_Alpha ago

I've been pushing that very idea lately. Every judge, lawyer, politician, parole/review board that releases criminal scum onto society, need yi be held liable for all subsequent crimes the scum commit.

angryspin ago

We're going to have to make some new words in the English language specifically for this once we've rebuilt.

You used the word liable and the only other suitable aternative is accountable, neither of these words carry an implied death sentence.

78616BC93459 ago

Citizens can create propositions/initiatives for their state's ballot. People should put one on the ballot that makes any person who releases a violent felon from prison an accessory to any crime that felon commits after being released.

One-Way_Bus ago

TIL: Nigger goodified sand nigger child.

llliilliilll ago

They are tools. They are best if they’re on the street.