HeartAche ago

I'm beginning to feel the same way. Niggers constantly cry about how they have to fear the police and the evil whites, while they kill and rape more whites every year. Last night I could hardly sleep because my family lives in Ohio, and I'm afraid the niggers will start invading the suburbs there. They want me to cry when one their ape friends dies? Get the fuck out of here. If we lived in a sane country, we'd throw them all in the ovens, along with the faggot white liberal traitors and all of their kike enablers.


I hear ya man.

danjo_kandui ago

Jews must really have you fooled.

mitoriomyt ago

Every single feed I see where looting is taking place in cities - whether it's east coast or left coast - has 99% niggers. I've never felt more convinced that niggers are feral thieves and low IQ barbarians.

Napierdalator ago

Can they just fuck off?

They can't. That's why all of them need to be sent back.

Smokybubbles ago

That's the whole point of this nigger riot bullshit, The organizers want you to hate niggers more, and niggers are stupid enough to be manipulated into rioting, through lies and bribes. It's the leftists sowing societal division.

GeneralDisposition ago

You live among them. Fortified my corn bed today and listened to golden oldies. You don't know what i just said jidf among us.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Voat could have a nigger bot and every time you type nigger it gives you an upper.

Lil mob of niggers could elevate the comment well.

Tyrone_Biggums ago

I think everybody is feeling the same. But its just a matter of them actually saying it aloud.

corpuscrispy ago

Literally saw a pack of feral niggers beating the shit out of some white dude downtown

AllOfItAgain ago

Look into the pharoahs of Egypt. They found Rameses' mummy and he's light-skinned, red-haired, and a nose that you only see in Israel or Italy. They did DNA sequencing on the hair, they know it's not dye, which is what they used to try and say. Oh is a gud boi who done henna he hair. Nope.

Nogs have never accomplished anything. They never built anything or did anything of note. It was literally white gingers, not Shaneequa and Tyrone, that built Egypt.

AllOfItAgain ago

Well the other thing is of COURSE nogs are all over Twitter. It's not like they have a job to keep them occupied 8 hours/day.

AllOfItAgain ago

I'm just praying they start firing on the nogs with live rounds.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Nope. You have to make them fuck off or they will continue to nig. Sorry it's the truth. Beast of nature, it's in the Bible.

ardvarcus ago

I think it's a joke that they declared them human.

This was the result of Christian charity. Christians were willing to embrace the Negro into the family of man. The trouble was, the Negro wasn't a man. Hmmm, bit of a problem. No amount of charity was going to solve it, as we know today. We have scientific, DNA and IQ test evidence that the Negro is not a man -- he belongs to a subset of the human race. He is something less than human. This was known to naturalists in the 18th and 19th centuries, but the "enlightened" reformers buried their teachings and denied them. All the while, the nigger hasn't changed. He is as subhuman today as he was when he was pulled out of the African jungle by Arab slave traders in the 16th century.

nigger_plz ago

Next we gotta deal with the wall to wall coverage of that nigger's funeral. God damn what a shit show that's gonna be. Everybody and their mother will be there. I hope niggers start doing their drive-bys like that usually do at nigger funerals. Hopefully they pick off a few news fucks and Pelosis.

CheeBooga ago

Today I saw some black bitch on TV running her mouth. She said that niggers just want to "go to skoo and learn dem sciences". She then uttered the word cracker. She then pushed lies. The jew news reporter did not correct her about any of her bogus nigger claims. The reporter and news anchors started talking about how brave and passionate she was. They are all aiding & abetting terrorists. mother fuckers. I didn't think I could hate jews & niggers more but that did it for me.

AllOfItAgain ago

Someone on facebook told me that my white privilege was making me blind to blah blah blah. I worked for a charity in the Black part of Brooklyn back when I was young and idealistic. About 1/1000 nogs has half a brain, they all work their asses off to move to the whitest suburbs they can find in CT and they never look back. (I know this is an unpopular statement here, but the occasional nog does think white. They want their kids to grow up acting right, they want them to have a future. That type of nog gets a real job, marries white or Asian, and never goes back to the old neighborhood.)

I know what they are. I know why even their own kind don't like them. If they would act like people, they'd get treated like people. But 99.9% of them don't, and they get treated accordingly.

Derpfroot ago

My city, too. Downtown is close...circling bird for hours now cuz they burned city buildings. Niggers bring their chimpout to me, there'll be less of them. Shit's getting real old.

Fuhrer1488 ago

Ive used up all my nigger-kike tollerance juice and i cant seem to find any refills!

steven_feelsperg ago

Have to admit, your tale is simultaneously infuriating and hilarious.

superspathi ago

I am pissed enough to exterminate every last one of them off this planet.

derpderp12 ago

Ever hop on social media? twitter is even more of a dumpster fire. I know i'm preaching to the choir here, but it's ridiculous how nignogs frame all cops as evil now. If you're job is literally to prevent crime and a specific group is more prone to commit crime than others, of course you'll exercise more caution around them. That's why niggers say they're more of a target than others without realizing the root cuase. fucking idiots

OdinsMessenger ago

I've been arguing with some people on a friend's Facebook post. I'm even framing it as if I'm not racist, but just don't support the violence. They're basically defending it all and saying I deserve the racist shit I've suffered from nogs. These people are fucking delusional freaks.

Usernamenameuser ago

Have you brought up the fact that they are also destroying black owned businesses?

OdinsMessenger ago

Yup. They justify it with muh black opreshun and muh systemic waycism and Trump started it. It's all just a bunch of ignoring what I say and calling me white and uneducated.

Fuck, it's maddening. I need to remember to stop debating stuff in echo chambers like that. If had posted "kill all whites" I'd probably have a million likes by now. At least there's one guys who's been going through my comments and liking them, makes me feel like I'm not completely alone in the asylum.

AllOfItAgain ago

The only reason to be on Twitter right now is to watch Ann Coulter bully Trump and see Katie Hopkins take the piss out of Sadiq Khan. There's no real value on there anymore.

Usernamenameuser ago

Was there ever any real value there?

MidnightStar ago

no it has been useless since it was created in 2006

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

They're not all idiots. They know what they can get away with. Just like that big sheboon hitting that white cop. Took a nigger cop to lay her our!

anticlutch ago

Just say nigger.

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Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Nigger nigger nigger, poof awe sheeit nigger.

Niggerenslaver ago

People say racism dies with exposure... I’d say the opposite. The more I interact with and hear news about niggers the more I fucking hate them. Like notice how they whine and riot every time a nigger criminal dies while they don’t care if it’s ANY other race, be it white, Indian, Asian, etc. Fuck all dirty ass niggers, they only think about themselves and other niggers and “how hard they have it” being shamed for being a bunch of lazy lowlife degenerates who just live off other races work.

AngelofDeath ago

But ... But ... But ...


Drain0 ago

Niggers only think about themselves and what their wants are this moment. They do not plan for the future. They could give a fuck less about cops killing other niggers, they only use them as an excuse to get away with doing nigger shit. And the worst part about it is every time you see the niggers rioting is because there is some evil fat greedy kike in the background goading the niggers and bribing city officials to let the niggers do what comes naturally to them. If you don't think this was all a fucking setup, step by step, from the beginning you're not awake yet.

New-World-Ebola ago

i've got to the point where even visiting the supermarket pisses me off because i have to hear nigger bullshit being played over the fucking speakers

fritz_maurentod ago

People say racism dies with exposure...

In South Africa they say the difference between a Tourist and a Racist is about two weeks.

oneinchterror ago

The fact that the South (which is full of niggers) is more racist than the North blows that retarded kike platitude out of the water. If "exposure" or whatever actually made people less racist, North/South racial attitudes would be flipped. Kiked leftism is always an inversion of reality.

baronOfGraymatter ago

The south isn't more racist. The south is more realist. We can tell who are the dangerous niggers and who are the house niggers. Yankees run and lock their doors any time they see ANY nigger. We are more discerning in our niggerology.

Look at the maps. Chicago is infinitely more segregated (TODAY) than Dallas ever was.

oneinchterror ago

I'm in agreement, and that's basically what I meant by "more racist". "Racism" certainly isn't a bad thing. It means you have an accurate perception of reality.

RobertMewler ago

You can't even admire their tribalism because they're the ones most likely to kill someone of their own race.

"You're not allowed to kill George Floyd. But if he ever disrespected me you can be sure I'd pop a cap in dis nigga."

SumerBreeze ago

Their ancestors were either captured or killed by niggers that wanted to get paid - killing their own, even - it doesn’t matter; “it is what it is,” is something they like to say while destroying their own kind because some jew offered them a barrel of whiskey.

AskPutin ago

Hopefully they start killing each other due to these riots, and media shows this.

Can’t cry victim if you’re killing your own

Truthsayer9000 ago

They will do that, after they run out of whites they can kill and torture..

Usernamenameuser ago

"Systematic racism made us kill each other."

There, see how easy it is? You can use this answer for any question and its acceptable.

gazillions ago

And how many prissy, tight mouthed whites that were so upset about the word nigger yesterday, won't be today

paulkersey1947 ago

Tell me about it. I live in Fargo. They have no reason to protest here. And they're burning down town now. Fuck niggers. I hope they all get covid and die.

Podd ago

Covid lol better hope for something serious instead.

cokesmcgee192 ago

Best bet would be lead poisoning

BlackGrapeDrank ago

and the jew smiles and ribs his hands

Merlynn ago

For her pleasure?

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

You'd hope so!

Merlynn ago


White_Collar_Crimnal ago

Well it's not for his!

Merlynn ago

Can be.

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

Good luck with that.

Merlynn ago

No thank you.

mfquesodindunuffin ago

There's not a single day that goes by that my level of nigger hatred doesn't increase.

voatuser1128 ago

My stupid naive mother sent me to a nigger ghetto public school (when she could have easily sent me to a better, whiter school) where I was severely bullied for many years almost to the point of suicide. You could not understand the amount of nigger hate I have.

mfquesodindunuffin ago

I'm sorry to hear that man. That's rough.

random128dsf321 ago

you're free now bro. Make the most of life. Start a family, do better.

voatuser1128 ago

I'm trying but the bullying and my mother's abuse and craziness gave me crippling depression. I'm trying to find a good girl to marry and start a family with but no luck so far (which made me hate feminism even more) which is also making me more depressed.

dialate ago

  1. It's tough because bros move where the work is, and if you're where the work is, more bros appear to fight over the same women. You might have to look further out, bug extended family for contacts, maybe hunt overseas. But chin up, if you have a job in these times, your odds are better than normal, and if you don't, then worry about it later.

  2. A relationship right now might make you happy for a little while, but you gotta work on yourself and be the captain of your ship if you want to be ready for the long haul. Finding what works for you (find your path to with the Lord, putting down the bottle for good, joining the circus, whatever works, it's your life) and then looking for someone compatible with THAT better life will be much more successful in the long run. Otherwise you're going to pick someone that fits well with your current depressed, maladjusted life, and trying to find your happy place when you're with someone who fits the mold for something else is going to be a struggle if it works at all.

voatuser1128 ago

As for your number 1) I'll keep a look out but I tried everything aside from foreign brides because I'm afraid of divorce-rape when she gets US citizenship and I'm a hopeless romantic who wants a connection and language compatibility with my life partner. I'm also loath to move because its hard for me to make friends and thus I value the ones I have and also all of my social network that helped me get through my depression episodes are all in my city.

As for your number 2, that's actually very insightful. I haven't really thought of that. I normally think I find somebody which then gives me the motivation and happiness to try harder in life. I will try to follow your advice and try for the life I want then find a mate suitable for that life. Thanks.

SARSCoVKillsFatties ago

I empathise with your situation a tremendous amount. My childhoow was not the same but it was abusive and it sodded me right up and as an adult I've had to struggle to come to terms with it all

It isn't easy,and I don't want to suggest therapy because (((they))) like it so much. But find an outlet, a survivors group, religious leader of your local faith community if you have one, take up running or a sport - find something, but stay away from meds and therapy. You need to confront your trauma and tackle it head on if you can, and it's not easy, I know

But it is possible to come out the other side of it. Happiness comes from within and sometimes that means us facing off our demons. I really wish you good luck though

YamaMaya ago

Don't give in to despair, its (((their))) plan for you and why all this happened to you. Find a place to go where the people are friendly (and white) and start over.

oneinchterror ago

So sorry brother. "Equality" is the most evil, destructive lie ever told.

VNR8sourdough ago

Once, I used the locking women’s employee bathroom at work when the men’s was occupied. Upon exiting I was accosted by some feminist harpies to which I retorted “I thought you believe women are equal to men.” Ironically, third wave feminism is not about equality.

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

That's how I feel. Just when I think I've seen the lowest level of depravity a nigger can sink they kidnap a white women and rape her. Where's the media coverage of that. (We can't cover that, negros have had a hard time). More importantly where are the white men hanging the niggers?

Fried-Laptop ago
