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OdinsMessenger ago

Grew up in a semi-rural suburb in the Midwest. I could count on two hands the number of blacks in my town, and they were quiet and well behaved for that fact. I was an avowed communist and absolutist egalitarian by the time I was in 7th grade. I built these beliefs upon the lovely and wonderful (about 99% white) people I grew up knowing and the idealism forced upon all people of my generation that everyone is the same. I made it through high school and headed off to college.

This is were it really began for me. I went from that small town to good ole' Chicago. I had never seen so many blacks and spics in my life, but I took it in stride, working hard to never compromise on my beliefs. But class after class I saw niggers struggle, I tried to help out of kindness, but there is no helping them. It chipped away at me that these "people" are supposed to be on the same level as me. They passed high school and had good enough test scores to get into that University and take the same classes as me, but it almost seemed as if some of them could barely read much less comprehend what they were reading. That showed me they were getting preferential treatment and they were dumb apes, though I wouldn't have phrased it that way at that time.

I continued to live there, finishing college then moving around and doing a couple different jobs over the next about 10 years. And ever more and more I was exposed to their behavior, their inability to understand and perform basic tasks, their lack of hygiene, their rudeness and ungratefulness. It picked and chipped at the cracks that began to form in college.

Then, one day, a week or so after I lost my job and was sitting at home, a nog neighbor had one of his baby mommas banging on his door for about 15 minutes. I was drunk, as it was the only thing keeping me from killing myself at that point, and I snapped. I flung open the door and yelled at her something I can't remember, but it all hit me like a ton of bricks that this how all niggers were, they were at home all day doing nothing, I had to lose my job to see it. They are only concerned with base instinct and the now. They are stupid and ugly beasts. I ended up staying and partying until my lease was up, trying to avoid nogs as much as possible, but I was a punk so that's harder than you'd think,. Then moved back home with my parents, sobered up and got a good job, found some decents hobbies (guns :) ) and I've been hating niggers ever since. Almost back on my feet looking to move out on my own again soon as the 'Rona dies down a bit.