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KillDaSpooks ago

grew up in majority white area bc my parents moved out of the shitty area to try and give us a better life. the county bussed the knuckle draggers in but we still had about a 15-1 white people to black "people" ratio on them so they acclimated to our culture more or less and didn't act out around us unless there was a group of them.

moved to the city as a young adult to get closer to work and the ratio is about 50-50 here and their culture really came out bc they were no longer hiding who they are. they're horrendous and at first i was like well maybe it's just a coincidence every single shitty person i meet is black and then i got to the point where i was like is this normal? so i did research online about crime and iq stats and then came to the realization that this is just who they are.

i feel like the overwhelming majority of people who pretend that all races are equal have never lived in a majority black area. they're animals dude, there is no two ways about it.