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Obrez ago

Grew up in the south, tried to give the benefit of the doubt as is demanded by public education but it was the lying, thieving, and violence of them I experienced and witnessed in school that showed me what they were, I've known some well behaved and civil blacks but all of them were old boomers or older, I haven't known a single well behaved or civilized nog in gen z and among millennials maybe 2-4% are civilized and even then much of it could have been a facade, one I thought civil is indeed in prison for fucking an underage boy.

I know how to get by down here but my God, are niggers stupid, it's just a constant stream of incompetence in any dealing with them. I had to rely on fast food by the nature of a job i had and i legitimately had every order i made come back wrong or inadequate, i know why chick fil a is preferred by so many, niggers just don't often get hired, though that is changing.

This multiracial experiment has failed, niggers are the most egregious example and we need to be rid of them if civilization is to prosper.