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Joe_McCarthy ago

Dealt with a lot of blacks in a gym environment in earlier years. Didn't really have a negative impression. These were uneducated athletes - but well behaved. They had to have their noses clean, lay off the gangbanging, etc.

My dislike for blacks started after I became a racialist. It was still kinda understated though. I'm now intensely anti-black and I'd ascribe it to more experiences with them traveling around the country, their bad attitude, hostility to white people, being a victim myself of them in violent crime, and most of all their massive racial aggression in fucking our women. I'd see them dealt with Rwanda style at this point - if it could be done without blowing everything else up in doing it.

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

I absolutely think it could. That's why whites win/have always won is because, unlike niggers, they don't chimp out, they use logic and intellect whereas niggers have neither.