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con77 ago

I was a kid in Detroit in the late '60's. It was like Beirut. The Army came in and put a halt to it. You'll never see that on the msm. 20 years later i attended a Fed LEO Academy. one of the instructors was a retired Wayne County Sheriffs Deputy. 20 years later he still wouldnt talk about it.

Smallest_Skil ago

they had to call in the army to put down the chimp out? Worthless chimps.

con77 ago

yuuup. And they werent talking the monkeys down either. You'll never see the truth reported.

bobdole9 ago

@con77 @acoustic_Khazar

Any advice or insight for today's goats living near Detroit? Other than "run while you can"?

con77 ago

carry a gun 24/7

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

Jesus Christ I remember you told me that a while back and it's still hard to get my mind around. I was still in diapers in the 60's and have always felt I missed many great parts of history by a few years but I just can't imagine what hell you went thru as a kid. I hate niggers from one bad experience but going thru that, nope. That needs to be a movie!

con77 ago

I was 7 or 8. I saw cars full of niggers driving down my street with rifles pointing out of windows looking for whites to shoot. The fires were so close the sky lit up. We lived near the GM plant.

Theres a thin veneer of civilization covering 3-4 million savages that thirst for white blood. The rest would watch and say nothing as their "bruthas" stomped on your mothers skull. if welfare or EBT stopped theyd revert to africa overnight.

RogueWaveofGoats ago

I think this corona bullshit is the beginning of the shit hitting the fan like what you experienced. When food shortages hit, and I believe they will, things will go south faster than anyone can imagine. Wait till the EBT stops working and the fast food shuts down.

Get ready. The worst that can happen is you die before shit collapses.

con77 ago

You may find me dead in a ditch. But I'll be lying on a pile of spent brass surrounded by dead enemies of The Constitution.

acoustic_Khazar ago

My old man was a kid in Detroit in the late 60s too. Used to tell me about the riots and why to avoid the groid.