whiterknight ago

No love for the fucking Chinese bastards here (at least mainland CCP bastards), but honestly I can't blame 'em for that move. It's a no-brainer if you ask .. well .. any of us, that's for sure.

ChimpEvader ago

Good niggers are disgusting. I actually approve. One drop of nigger blood destroys an entire bloodline for all humans.

PizzaphilePodesta ago

i wasnt aware china had niggers

Ocelot ago

Send them halfway to Africa.

steven_feelsperg ago

I love the irony that the Chinese are developing infrastructure and mating with niggers in Africa while ousting niggers from China. What is the nigger social media? Africa must be informed to initiate the Great African Chimpout upon the Chinese! This is a job for memetic warfare.

benyens ago

Isn't every social media "the nigger social media"?

favoritecoloriswhite ago


washingtonpanther ago

I really have to like chinks for something now?

God damn it, 2020.

Can we at least nuke Nigrica to make the world a little better place?

benyens ago

2020 has used zero lube

washingtonpanther ago

raping asses harder than Jamal in the cell block.

thebearfromstartrack ago

ALL shit skins should be FORCEFULLY put back in their native shitholes.

New-World-Ebola ago

you mean sent to hell i.e. dead? then i agree

thebearfromstartrack ago

Nope. I mean back to their native lands. Probably a LOT like hell. See what they are SPREADING in OUR nations? We have our OWN problems, yet the elite see fit to saddle us with THEIRS, thus sacrificing our ability to work on our OWN problems (ie the elites). Get it?

AlternateSelection ago

This should be world policy. So let it be written. So let it be done.

thebearfromstartrack ago

We CAN pray for that. As it was CREATED. I'm thinking the odds are GOOD for that.

AlternateSelection ago

There are some benefits to living in a communist country. Not many but some. Ejecting unwanteds out of the country without discussion is one benefit.

thebearfromstartrack ago

There are benefits to EVERY situation. Pop culture is RUINING that. Ejecting parasites is NOT a bad thing. PERIOD.

Derpfroot ago

bugmen are sicks of the chimpouts, too. Who wouldn't be?


Jack-Wagon ago

All disease comes from coloreds.

BlueDrache ago

You're allowed to say "nigger" here.

Jack-Wagon ago

I’m not as new as my account says I am. However, whence I say ‘coloreds’, I am summarizing all that are not White, excluding the aforementioned chinks, which are yellow.

BlueDrache ago

Taco niggers, rice niggers, curry niggers, sand niggers ... they're all niggers.

ginx2666 ago

Weird, I expected that chinks would eat them, since they love eating disgusting shit. Turns out that even subhuman locust chink bugmen can't stand niggers.

LeopoldXXII ago

Lol where did this hate for the Chinese come from? Like it or not, the Asian race will be the one to carry on the torch of advanced civilization. The US fucked itself after the 1960s immigration act was passed. Europe has been, and continues to be, flooded with millions of mongrels and subhumans to dilute the waters there too. Jews don't look Chinese though so the East-Asian peoples will likely continue to prosper.

ginx2666 ago

I've been working (or dealing with... business relations and all - steel industry, then electronic parts and IT) with chinks for more than a decade, and can confirm without a doubt that they're the unholy amalgamation of niggers (savagery, ugliness) and kikes (greed, lack of humanity, treachery, mendacity). If they can fuck you over, they will fuck you over even if it doesn't benefit them. They will lie to your face, reach into your pocket, and when caught - deny it's their hand and try to shift blame on you. The only thing chink hates more than others is the other chink. Chinks will use their last words not to forgive, not to express any positive emotions like love - both concepts unknown to chink-kind - but to curse the closest chink. Those humanoid locust will eat everything that has legs and isn't a table, and wings and isn't a plane, because in their primitive minds the only advanced concept it spite, and they see organic matter as nutrition, not people, pets and other animals. They are like Zerg without Overmind to rear them in - infinitely expansionist, all-devouring swarm of bugs. And they're communist - this sole thing makes them subhuman, even if you ignore all above, and a free kill.

Asian race is composed of Japanese, Koreans, Thai etc. They might carry the torch. Chinks are only "Asian" by virtue of land they've infested, and like all pests need to be purged, so it can be re-settled by humans.

LeopoldXXII ago

I don't see how you can call the Chinese, or really any other East-Asian race besides the Japanese, expansionist. Mainland China has had essentially the same borders for centuries. They're isolationists. Secondly, I find it a little funny calling them primitive when China and even Mongolia are ranked among the highest nations on the planet for IQ, even higher than Europe.

As far as the communism goes, that's something that concerns the elites. Half of Europe was under communist rule for half a century. It did not mean the masses actually supported it. By your logic, most of Eastern-Europe was subhuman, and now they're not?

ginx2666 ago

China and even Mongolia are ranked among the highest nations on the planet for IQ

...according to what they report. You're the type of gullible person who'd believe kikes all they say about holocaust, niggers about their "royal" blood, and faggots that they're not a threat to children.

Half of Europe was under communist rule for half a century.

Which they've fought tooth and nail to abolish, and they have done so. Only chinks have adopted communism, reveled in it, and still support it to this day.

LeopoldXXII ago

You're a retard

acoustic_Khazar ago

subhuman locust chink bugmen

New-World-Ebola ago

if we don't kick all non-whites out of white countries... the future is fucked

benyens ago

that ship has left the harbor

binrobinro ago

Return them to that "Africa" they all seem so proud of.

redwing14 ago

israeli president once said the problem they have in their country are african refugees invading into their land. LOL. No one in America ever is able to point at israel

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AlternateSelection ago

They are very proud of a continent they have no desire to live in. Same with Mexicans flying the Mexico flag. They are here because Mexico is a shithole.

benyens ago

what about wet backs?

SirNiggsalot ago

Niggers are the pebble in the shoe of humanity

Fried-Laptop ago

the turds that refuse to flush

smokratez ago

The skidmark on the road of life.

Coolbreezyfuck ago

The 3 foot deep pot hole on the road of life.

Jack-Wagon ago

The hemroid in the asshole of life.

benyens ago

what the fuck is xenophobia

Jack-Wagon ago

Fear of Xena, the Warrior Princess?

zxcvzxcv ago

You are correct.

FridayJones ago

I think it's a country on the Baltic.

derram ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=YvN4WHBhnoo&feature=emb_title :

Africans told to leave homes as Chinese regime blames foreigners for bringing CCP virus to China - YouTube

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