Jigganiggaboo ago

A never ending cycle for these worthless creatures see civilization over populate kill YT starve ask for gibs get gibs it never ends for these niggers

Ocelot ago

Niggers are chimps. Destruction = power. Violence = respect. Rape = possession. Cannibalism = superiority. This is why they commit absolutely braindead acts from the perspective of a civilized man: all they care about is bluff and appearances and mindless bravado. So killing an old white man on the street shows dominance. Raping a white woman shows dominance. Killing cattle shows power. Smashing windows and burning cars, to them, takes away the respect and power of the white man because u canz brake hiz sheeit nigguh. They should be eradicated, any civilized man would take to them as one takes to a particularly bothersome infestation of rats, roaches, or fleas.

I think there exists the potential for a new philosophical awakening in the West, one where we discard centuries of liberal nonsense for the simple truth of killing that which takes from you and that which seeks to harm you. I truly believe this potential exists in the ideological slop that is degenerate, occupied America. I don't know how it will awaken though. Probably through a great man.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

I hope you're right.

redwing14 ago

only top 20% of wealthiest people are civilized. Upper class is... upper class. Higher class of society. Everyone else is peasant class.

Ocelot ago

The least civilized man is still more civilized than the top percentage of niggers.

I generally agree with you, but we really were moving towards the existence of a middle and upper middle class in terms of civility in the US.

redwing14 ago

but we really were moving towards the existence of a middle and upper middle class in terms of civility in the US.

LOL. have you seen the 1950s... its getting much worse. we are all just cattle for big business.

Will0890 ago

I'd order some night vision/infrared goggles and scope and go nigger hunting. Got em.

High_Sierra_Trail ago

This is the work of demons.

TradMan ago

Niggers are just lower demons.

New-World-Ebola ago

if trump doesn't send the military into south africa after winning the second term... he's a fucking kike.

SubSaharanBeast ago

Not our job. We should welcome the fleeing humans, but fuck sending troops to try and stabilize Negroland. It would be another expensive endless engagement. And we know (((who))) likes these perpetual conflicts.

New-World-Ebola ago

i'll rephrase... if trump doesn't send the airforce to carpet napalm the shitskins in their tin cities as punishment for the farm murders, he's a kike faggot.

TradMan ago

Hold up. You want to destroy a black city?

You don't see a problem with that?

zxcvzxcv ago

Just ignore the niggers and they will starve themselves. Starvation is much less expensive than bombs, plus then the jews don't earn their shekels with defense contracts.

TradMan ago

Yeah, exactly.

New-World-Ebola ago

and what's the problem with that, nigger?

TradMan ago

Those niggers have that handled, nigger. They don't need help.

Bombing a black nation is pissing in an ocean of piss.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

agree. accepting them as refugees much better than troops

New-World-Ebola ago

Europeans should never backdown from Apefrican animals. It's time to start eradicating the subhuman cunts.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

we clean house here in USA first

New-World-Ebola ago

the thing that concerns me about this multicultural bullshit reaching a sorting out period is that china and other countries will most definitely take advantage of the situation.

the future is quite fucked unless some smart mf develops a scientific solution.

Tzitzimitl ago

many solutions have been made, it doesnt take a genius to do this, the problem is getting the politics niggers on board.

New-World-Ebola ago

good luck getting kikes onboard... they all need to be eradicated first.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

...how about a Final Solution

New-World-Ebola ago

napalm all of their shit and then watch them try to recover.

they won't.

changz ago

So they just cut the throats of animals that have a $ value and leave them there to make a point? No stealing the meat? Communist Jews were something but communist niggers are a completely different animal. If those were flat screen TVs I bet they wouldn't be smashed up to make a point.

High_Sierra_Trail ago

That, or Air Jordans.

auchtung ago

Soon South Africa will be starvation station toooot toooooot!

Neon_Scrotum ago

This is very strange ... usually they prefer to mutilate and murder the white farmers themselves.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

They do both. This is a very common intimidation tactic.

The_Oogie ago

Niggers are so fucking stupid that they don't even realise they're ruining their own food.

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Tzitzimitl ago

they ate that cow raw

markymarz ago

They get the food from da store not farmers!

shmuklidooha ago


markymarz ago

That was implied