devnulll ago

They got what they paid for... ;)

Will0890 ago

Doesn't matter to me, I don't watch anything new these days. Only shit that has absolutely NO niggers in it.

Whitening ago

"Actor"????? How daaaaarrrrre you?!

ichlibejuice ago

Why would they even give him a script in the first place?

Did they actually think he was capable of reading it?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Why would any self-respecting person watch a new Star Wars movie?? There's only three Star Wars and that's the first three.

invisiblephrend ago

it's only 4 episodes in so far, but the mandalorian series is turning out to be really fucking good, so far. it seems someone at disney put the gauntlet down and told the crew in charge of production to cut the virtue signalling horseshit and just stick to good writing.

ARsandOutdoors ago

i haven't seen the movie, but damn, is that one hell of a title


thebearfromstartrack ago

Get niggers OUT of our lives.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Diversity Hire


Hey_Bud ago

Stupid PR stunt to get people interested in a already failed franchise, by the magical negro. Eat the poison goy! Just keep consuming. Fucking bug men.

Sleuth222 ago

That headline hurt to read.

superspathi ago

Why does a monkey need a script?

Einsatzgruppen1939 ago

Star Wars is for niggers and faggots

Dark_Shroud ago

I figured it was him. Either an actual screw up or just because he's an uppity nigger.

1Sorry_SOB ago

"Sorry, from now on we're only letting the white actors take scripts home."

blueblur ago

Why are only the white actor’s scripts not behind protective glass?

1Sorry_SOB ago

laughing out loud.

DamonAxemaker ago

This is almost as good as the time the black stunt woman died because they had to use a black woman for a white role in Deadpool 2

Killdozer6gozillian ago

Lol wut.

DamonAxemaker ago

Domino, a character in the movie, is a white character (not even caucasian- she's ghost white) and they replaced her with a negroid.

I supposed it's easier to be a negress stunt woman because they are so few and far between and they have lower standards. Negroid tries to make a jump on a motorcycle and ends up killing herself on set

invisiblephrend ago

lmao holy fucking shit that entire article is hilarious. the official report states that the stunt was not particularly difficult, that she never exceeded 10 mph in speed, and that the only reason she crashed through a window and fell to her death was because....she didn't use the brakes in time. only fucking niggers....

DamonAxemaker ago

She died for diversity

nouseforaname ago

Lol good post

Tzitzimitl ago

huh, hollywood finally did something right

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Wait so the script for the movie that hasn't come out got leaked?

invisiblephrend ago

i mean if the movie came out already, then it wouldn't be a leak lol.

saltpricesplummet ago

I don't watch star wars (seen the original trilogy, that's it), but I listened to the leaks and it sounds like absolute shit. Test audiences walked out. Allegedly.

squishysquid ago

They used to put out books before the clone wars trilogy movies. I remember my 9 year old ass reading them and basically knowing the plot a year before the movie.

Charilko ago

Leaks all over the place actually.

SchwoogNite96 ago

Dat's th' nigguh dat play "Finni" in de moobee!

Charilko ago

Ahahaha, I thought it was Boyega.

This guy has been subtly insulting Star Wars for the past few years. He knows the score and I think he’s a little pissy about it. His character would have made a much more interesting protagonist, and if not that, having him be the love interest would have at least made sense. (Yes, race mixing, I know. I’m not saying I would have liked it, but narratively it would have made more sense). I bet they sold him the role based on a pack of lies - “oh yes, Finn is very important.”

Instead what does he get? He gets to kiss the fat Asian chick and get taken off the posters in China. Plus Star Wars has turned into a massive trainwreck. This has probably destroyed any chance of a good A-list career for Boyega.

I don’t blame him. Looking forward to the post movie interviews.

Jews and feminists ruined Star Wars.

steven_feelsperg ago

destroyed any chance of a good A-list career for Boyega

All nigger destruction is good. The only thing better would be weaponizing him against jews to reach the cucks.

AmazingFlightLizard ago

It’s funny, Jews want to push miscegenation, but the movie would have tanked in China, because of the race mixing, and (((Disney))) would have lost a lot of money.

Somebody make a meme with the two buttons and rather than the sweating dude, the Happy Merchant.

Charilko ago

TLJ did tank in China, so much so that they changed the name of “Solo: A Star Wars Story” to “Ranger Solo” for that market. You know, because trick ‘em! And Disney is losing money over it.

It’s fun watching them shoot for SJW perfection and fail.

narcissist ago

That's funny as fuck. They are trying to sell blacks to china much like how they are probably selling africa to china.

Jews are trying to recoup money on their investiment china plz buy africa!!

Charilko ago

Yeah but the Chinese aren’t buying.

Phantom42 ago

They actually could have made the guy a decent character. He does acting much better than Daisy Ridley, who apparently believes breathing with her chest, leaving her mouth agape, and bug-eyeing everything is "acting".

Gopherurself ago


Lynch_Tree ago

This has probably destroyed any chance of a good A-list career for Boyega.

Also looking just like an ape (just look at the size of its snout). Most A-list nigs have more human-like features.

Chimaeric ago

get taken off the posters in China.

this was going to happen regardless by virtue of his being a nigger.

Charilko ago

Yes they’ve been at it for a while. Pretty funny. It seems like the kiss in TLJ is what really pushed the Chinese audiences over the edge.

Chimaeric ago

i mean yeah, i'm sure it disgusted them, but so does the very sight of a nigger.

also the fact that the fat asian cunt is vietnamese also pisses them off. chinese hate the vietnamese. almost all the east asian ethnicities loathe each other.

but they have to alter all kike hollywood production marketing over there to hide the niggers.

Phantom42 ago

Japanese>Korean>Chinese (can go more in-depth... Basically North to South)>Vietnamese, Cambodians, etc.

Charilko ago

I know I know. I can’t believe that Disney was stupid enough to do that. They’re such SJW morons that they’ve bought into their own propaganda, that all minorities love each other and are equally committed to hating whites and celebrating diversity. Anybody with any experience in Asia could have told them that anything other than an attractive slender Han Chinese woman was a mistake. Also should not have had her kiss the black guy.

Makes you wonder where it will end. Will Hollywood kowtow and stop with the race mixing? Or will the Chinese pull their money completely?

Chimaeric ago

it's honestly baffling.

i never thought i'd see these companies pushing propaganda in spite of profits. it's insane that they wouldn't know niggers and the chinese don't mix and yeah any level of market research would tell them they can't have a fat viet represent Asians for the Chinese market.

the whole star wars thing is fucking wild. they seriously had one writer just pass the baton to another? like how is that fucking possible that they wouldn't have the entire 3 movie script ready to go by 1 skilled or a group of qualified writers. jj already fucked it up by my god, why rian did.. holy shit. and all under kathleen kennedy who still, to this day, somehow still has her fucking job!

whole this is fucking clown world bonkers shit.

Charilko ago

I honestly think they thought it would appeal to the Chinese market. They are that blinded; they are that deep into the fart-sniffing.

I am fascinated by how badly this entire trilogy (indeed, the entire IP) has been handled by Lucasfilm and KK. It’s really amazing. A great case study in what happens when you put your identity politics ahead of all other considerations.

squishysquid ago

It's like they where starting to make him important then backpedalled. Like is there some better backstory on why the sewage storm troopers out on missions body guarding the sith lord apprentice and generally way more capable than his rank as a storm trooper should have allowed. They never gave a reason but at least there's a back story possibility they can fill in rather than ray who's just magically super force capable immediately.

WetFarts ago

He's more capable because he's not a clone.

He was kidnapped as a child...

Phantom42 ago

None of the First Order units are clones. They were phased out in the transition into the Empire due to their rapid aging. The Dark Troopers were born of these old clones, spec ops units that were half-machine, half-man, much like Vader himself. Such modifications were necessary to keep these old "men" alive and effective in the field. Many would not survive the transitive medical processes and training required. Those that did though, they became the Elites of the Imperial military, even above your average Stormtrooper (already a very elite unit, they were not the regular ground force... Think of the actual Stormtroopers from WWI)

Charilko ago

It’s Jar Jar Abrams. He can’t write his way out of a paper bag. And the story team is filled with idiot Tumblrinas, so they can’t really help him out all that much.

ForgottenMemes ago

destroyed any chance of a good A-list career for Boyega.

The other niggers who are "a list" aren't as ugly and chimplike. Even then they aren't a draw. It's just "Oh, Morgan Freedman is competent. At least it's not Nick Cage." People actually go to see Phoenix and Norton.

WetFarts ago

You're saying his nose is small?

Niggers have WIDE noses, so this is a bad angle for that.

Lynch_Tree ago


the part of an animal's head projecting forward and containing the nose and jaws; muzzle.](

WetFarts ago

If you're referring to his PROGNATHISM, it's relatively not that bad compared to other nogs.

Charilko ago

I don’t like Boyega, but then, I hate most actors. Doesn’t stop Hollywood from elevating them though.

DamonAxemaker ago

Why do you think they killed off Luke and Han? Part of the deal between Disney and Lucas was that he could get Harrison Ford, Mark Hammill and Carrie Fisher into any movies they wanted to make. They were friends and would do it if George Lucas asked but once they saw what a shitter it was they all wanted out and would have run down any promotional shit they did if they kept them on.

Charilko ago

Oh yeah, it’s 100% transparent why they wanted to kill off Luke: he’s a white dude, and wanting to prop up their own shitty characters. Han is dead because that’s what Harrison Ford wanted. Leia should have died, but the cunts in the story group kept her character alive just to lecture us about how evil men are.

There are also rumors that Lucas had royalties on the OT characters.

DamonAxemaker ago

Harrison has a lot more pull than Mark Hammill. He's been in many more successful movies and could take or leave Star Wars (or any franchise) at this point. Mark has had a lot of success as a voice actor but his main gig is still Star Wars. I'm sure Harrison could get out of a contract if he wanted so they killed him off.


Haha never watched it after the first one because it was so terrible. Funny they make him get with a fat asian chick

invisiblephrend ago

on the plus side, i've been seriously impressed by the mandalorian series so far. it seems that someone at disney must have told the crew to cut the virtue signalling horseshit and stick to good writing.

Charilko ago

Yeah, she tazes him at the beginning of the movie. Then they go on a side quest on a casino planet where the Asian chick tells us all how bad rich people are (literally dialog). Then she almost kills him by crashing a space car into him, then kisses him.

It’s a big part of the reason why the movie was yanked out of Chinese theaters within 2 weeks.

Splooge ago

I mean, who wouldn’t want to bang this?

Bitch looks like she's about to make me an iPhone.

DasReich ago

I mean, who wouldn’t want to bang this?

A nigger?

Charliethebum ago

No he said wouldn't

ravensedgesom ago

fuck just when you thought that they couldn't make jews suck anymore than it already does

ScientiaPotentia ago

It seems intentional, doesn't it? Why do they pick such bland ugly people for the roles. The nigger is short and has disgusting giant lips. The Asian chick looks like a dumpling. The main character is a short frail weak bland basic with the only thing she has going for her is that she is a White woman but that is ruined by her butch feminist attitude. The villain is a total geek who kills "his dad" the handsome Han Solo, the epitemy of cool. Boba Feta is literally the 56% meme. The supporting characters are equally boring and stupid. This is the ideal for egalitarians I suppose? That plain, ugly, boring, weak, average people can be heroes too?

steven_feelsperg ago

the handsome Han Solo

You can thank the infusion of White DNA into the parents of (((Harrison Ford))) for his handsomeness.

ScientiaPotentia ago

Ford is supposedly 25% Jewish, but the truth is he isn't at all Jewish. The grandparent that is supposed to be Jewish is actually 100% European. He said he was Jewish because it pays to be Jewish in Hollywood. He is as Jewish as Elizabeth Warren is Native American.

steven_feelsperg ago

I dunno about that. On the one hand, it makes financial sense to suck up to jews and sell out the goyim since jews wormed their way into every aspect of White civilization, but on the other hand, there is this:

Harrison’s maternal grandfather was named Harry Nidelman/Needleman. Harry was born in Minsk, to a Jewish family.

Harrison’s maternal grandmother was Nachama “Annie/Anna” Lifshitz/Lipshitz (the daughter of Chaim/Khiam Ha Levi “Jacob” Lifshitz and Reisa or Leah Shmerkovitz). Nachama was born in Minsk, to a Jewish family.

Charilko ago

Ahh Rose Tico... there’s a YouTuber who devoted several months to randomly cutting her action figures apart on his live-streams.

senpaithatignoresyou ago


I doubt it. A lot of the disney share holders are nervous about this movie, and they have agents all throughout the company to leak stuff like this so that way they can offload their investments and get away with it.

SEC: Why did you sell your massive disney holdings before this movie bombed? Did you have some insider information?

Kike investor: Oh vey!!!? That scary rumor scared me so i sold for shekles for the hall o cost memorial in my bank account!!!

SEC: Ok, carry on.

There are too many rumors about this, and i am seeing the standard pass the blame techniques appear. If disney fucks up star wars, and the stock takes a dive, we may see chink bugmen buy out the company and fire a bunch of kikes. It will be a mixed blessing: more chinks, but less niggers.

squishysquid ago

sw is kind've chump change to disney, it shouldn't affect an investor at that levels investment in them.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

The main audience is not sjws, but normal people. So why make content for the minority that does not spend money? disney has been doing this. The big rumor is that Iger walked out of the test screening pissed, because the test screening for rise of skywalker got a 3 out of 100. The lowest score in disney history for a major movie. The comment was "They are a woke company, but they also like making money"

There is a price for failure. It is not a pleasant to pay.

Ocelot ago

Chinks are essentially yellow Jews, but with two differences that make them not quite as bad: 1) they don't have an ancient, deep-seated racial grudge against whites, it's mostly just standard international animosity, and 2) they built their own civilization, so they are not racially determined to be parasitic usurpers.

Still don't want them in my affairs, but if I had to pick between Jews and Chinas, I'd pick the Chinas.

syme_newspeakagent ago

well you gotta understand the )ews started communist china also-all communist countries were started &are run by the tribe of shylocks to exploit the peoples-i mean proletariates-

ALIENS2222 ago

Phantom42 ago

Just fucking nuke everyone already...

Ocelot ago

I never said they weren't an issue. They're just learning from the Jews.

RaptorJesus ago

If the Chinese took over America Whites would be treated as second class citizens.

It would be an improvement because right now Whites are treated as 10th class citizens after, blacks, latinos, Arabs, and any other brown race.


They'd make sure our bloodlines survived so they could soak up all the sweet technological developments.

Octoclops ago

I think you overestimate their foresight.

Charilko ago

More chinks is a good thing for nobody. And even they wouldn’t be able to dislodge the Jews from Disney. The propaganda would become much worse too.

The easier explanation is that Boyega is salty as fuck and lost it on purpose. He knows this movie is a piece of shit. And he does seem pretty salty.

Good times.

steven_feelsperg ago

I can only imagine Chink Star Wars: where kung-fu stormtroopers eat alien unborn at the mono-racial cantina.

ALIENS2222 ago This one is always fun.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

The easier explanation is that Boyega is salty as fuck and lost it on purpose. He knows this movie is a piece of shit. And he does seem pretty salty.

I forgot about the bad attitudes of Negroes. He probably did lose that script on purpose. It will be a shit movie. The good news is it will be one giant red pill for the neckbeard incels.

Charilko ago

Oh yeah. The Last Jedi already woke a lot of people up. The dumpster fire that will be this new one is going to wake up more.

derram ago :

2019-11-27 | 'Star Wars' actor John Boyega says his script landed on eBay

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