Einsatzgruppen1939 ago

They want you dead. Do not trust them. They want all whites dead.

SirNiggsalot ago

Yes they do !

New-World-Ebola ago

black cunts should be swinging in canopies, not commercials.

Will0890 ago

My mother circles these in her magazines and then drops them off at my house with the most hilarious shit written in them.

SirNiggsalot ago

Based Mom, nice !

Shitt1ngMys3lf ago

You need to post them

Will0890 ago

She'd fucking kill me if she knew I did that. I already told her about this site and about how I told that her code for niggers is "you-knows". Now she's afraid that if she's in public and whispers something to me about you-knows that everyone will know what she's talking about.

Shitt1ngMys3lf ago

I didn't mean pictures, just the stories.

Will0890 ago

Well that's easy. I remember the last one was of a nigger that had blonde curly fry looking "hair". (That really gets under her skin is the kinky curly fry fur, no matter what color it is.) She calls it "worm harm". The last one had several pictures of curly fry haids with circles she had drawn around them and she had written "Look at that damn worm hair it's sick." I also told her what a coal burner is and she gets the terms coonfused so she had written beside one coal burner and her pet "Coaly roller". I like seeing what new words-terms she's accidently made up come up with this week, that's one of the reasons I always look through them. The manager at our local walmart (where she's moreless forced to shop) is a nigger. She hates this motherfucker with a burning passion. She always says "I swear this nigger watches what I buy and stops ordering it because he hates me". So now she's gotten to where (with a little influence from yours truly) she will take shit from one place/shelf and put it were it doesn't belong in another because "them niggers need something to do, all they do is set on their asses". Call me a momma's boy all you want, I'll own up to it. Best mom ever. Side note, because we do play tricks and pranks on each other in my fambly, (sometimes) I ordered from Amazon and surprised her with a huge curly fry fur wig. She was so delighted... "Goddamn it Will, that looks like a dead animal! Get rid of it, I hate that shit!"

Shitt1ngMys3lf ago

And that my friend is fucking hilarious!! Much love to your mom. Hope she lives a good long life and shares tons of laughs with you.

The_Oogie ago

Aldi's leaflet only had 1 halfbreed in it. I was shocked.

Phantom42 ago

Say Ade to Aldi!


SirNiggsalot ago


New-World-Ebola ago

graffiti them all.

nothing is more disgusting in this life than seeing niggers and kikes near Whites

SchwoogNite96 ago

Do these dumb-assed Joos think that we are so stupid that we don't take note of which product advertising features miscegenation and boycott the offending manufacturers??

jewd_law ago

that's a two part answer - yes, and (((they))) don't care. they know there's no american brave enough to do anything about it other than rant on twitter.

nouseforaname ago

Member when the English made Irish women slaves and forced them to breed with Negros? I member.

FracturedButWhole ago

Spanking their wallets is our only option besides protests at retailers pushing this shit. Don't buy their products & encourage others to avoid them like the plague as well

WNwoman ago

Oh yeah, just saw one advertising Christmas cards (think it was hallmark) that made me puke.

everef ago

I like to call them 3%ers, referring to the fact that only 3% of white mothers with black children still have the dad in the picture, and there certainly do seem to be a lot of them in advertisements compared to real life.

SparklingWiggle ago

Everytime I see that shit I say aloud, "Oh look, miscegenation!" My wife is slowly starting to realize that I'm right and there is an actual movement against white people. That's the only way I can deal with it at all is to realize they are waking people up. I know; however, that is a huge part of the brainwashing propaganda that has got us here.

Get those fucking Qtards to research (((who))) runs the ad agencies.

Bigneckedmanjr ago

If you must know basically all of these companies biggest institutional shareholders are a handful of financial investment institutions like Blackrock, StateStreet, Vanguard and FMR which is Fidelity. There ya go

SparklingWiggle ago

They invest in the companies that pay for ads. I want to know who runs the companies that produce the advertising.

Bigneckedmanjr ago

The executives and directors make these decisions but they are actually legally obligated to the shareholder. Go to yahoo finance and type in the ticker symbol and do the research, it’s all right there. The reality is there is a tiny financial megaconglomerate that control the entire corporate world. Free market capitalism doesn’t actually exist. Your asking about what pissant little marketing Jew is making the decisions and I’m telling you the system is far more centralized than you could ever imagine. Do you ever wonder why the entire establishment turns towards one agenda simultaneously? You think it’s all just a coincidence? Hahaha

SparklingWiggle ago

There's nobody on a corporate board demanding miscegenation in their ads.

Bigneckedmanjr ago

Your exactly right, wow you get it. Those faggots just take orders. No little pissant below them is going to just tank the corporation to virtue signal to a bunch of faggots. Its not all about profits either when you watch these corporations take a plunge in sales just to sell an agenda nobody wants. Wake the fuck up

SparklingWiggle ago

A lot of corporations have tanked because of the agenda they pushed over good business sense. Go woke. Go broke. Why would a corporate board knowingly ask to offend a majority to focus on a tiny minority?

Bigneckedmanjr ago

Because their masters engineer wars for profit. Because they sacrifice children like it’s nothing. Because their ‘final solution’ is global human depopulation. Corporations are mere vehicles for human control. When you already own the private central banks money becomes irrelevant. Power and control becomes everything which is why the true agenda becomes full scale Luciferian indoctrination. The libtard agenda is really the ‘globalist’ agenda to surrender all borders and flood third world immigrants reducing the western world to third world status. You think this is Wall Streets agenda? Bwahaha ‘They’ will gladly sacrifice Wall Street and the United States to implement their New World Order. A global fascist police state. But go on screaming how fat pathetic nobody pieces of shit are the problem. 😂

realmonster ago

ive started openly saying to my wife "look honey, they have race mixing".

i laughed out loud when she pointed it out too, although she was a little quieter about it

YoHomie ago

With all due respect, Qtards can't even tie their own shoes.

TradMan ago

Many have come to truth.

not_saying_a_thing ago

I have a little song I'll sing when it comes on. It's the miscegenation jingle. I say brand that shit and call it the fuck out. Little by little.

con77 ago

been over the top for years

jewd_law ago

Someone needs to meme a 'Happy Hannukuh' with a hook nose israeli women with a lil' wayne looking beast that says 'Love is Love' with an israeli flag behind it.

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