14Icemonkey88 ago

Like who? Names please. Otherwise, you are the guilty party. Probably amployed by the SPLC.

Now, you have to prove you are not.

Besides, who cares?


Vote monger.


Crackrocknigga ago

Hello, sleeper acct. Did you click on the link above? it has a comment!

14Icemonkey88 ago


Crackrocknigga ago

Says the one with no reading ability. You and niggers have somehting in common!

14Icemonkey88 ago

We both drilled your mother? Not. I don’t fuck coal burners. Fag.

Crackrocknigga ago

oh fuck. i just remembered, i busted in your mom 12 years ago. I might be your fucking dad!!

son, please behave

14Icemonkey88 ago

You might could be. You would have to be fifty years old though, but my mom is a whore. A cock slut all the way.

Crackrocknigga ago

Son, youre 12 and yes she sucked me good! Dont tell your mother, I dont want to pay her child support

SchwoogNite96 ago

Nothing like agent provocateurs spreading dissent to ruin something.

Elite_Niggerfaggot ago

Yeah. All those upvoted they sell to kikes....

HomerChimpson ago

PSA: disregard statements which you agree with because of unrelated beliefs held by the poster.

How social-justicy of you.

CameraCode0 ago

It's not an anonymous post disconnected from the person who posted it, it is tied to their reputation. Also not upvoating a post isn't disregarding or downplaying the statement made.

Crackrocknigga ago

What you're saying is like accepting Jared Kushner actually wants " world peace" despite his rabbinical judaism

The messenger is just as important as the message

thomastheglassexpert ago

I would have no suspicion that "nigger lovers" are much of a presence on this website nor Jew lovers. Virtually every page no matter what tab I click there is deep seething hatred of both niggers and jews. And what exact is a nigger lover? Loves their "what"? What exactly is there to love or admire of niggers? Anything pop to mind for my mind is a blank on that question?

SchwoogNite96 ago

You've got to be really fucking disturbed to be a nigger lover and not be coon-vinced by their sub-Human behavior chronicled here and other sites that these homo erectus troglodytes are NOT "just like us!"

Will0890 ago

Some faggy lefty tried to tell me "we're all the same on the inside" I looked at this motherfucker and said "So you're just like Charles Manson huh? Ain't that a bitch?" He completely quit his lefty shit and I heard not another word spill from his nigger dick sucking lips.

Crackrocknigga ago

I don't know. He also replied to be blaming christian's for the actions of jews. He reposts memes for scp to pretend to be a "fellow white man".

Im just saying. Instead of blindly clicking links, find out who these front page posters are.

I've already caught shills @syriansfuckcorpses @tendiesonfloor @magnusveritas , all of whom were very good at being "fellow redpilled white men".