Imagine sitting at a quiet cafe minding your own business with a few minutes before you have to leave to go to work like a civilized person only to have a pair of loud ass female niggers walk in and start nogging on about "xD white ppl."
They nogged on a bit about how "whites are funny" because pumpkin spice and Uggs and whatever the hell else. They couldn't wait 2 more minutes before I would have left before ruining the atmosphere. I wish all this BS about how they want their own space free of whites and police would actually happen already so we can segregate again. I wouldn't mind at all.
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SchwoogNite96 ago
Continental segregation is the only real solution. Back to APEfrica with the lot of 'em!!
tanukihat ago
I have another solution. But it's in nature.
obvious-throwaway- ago
One can only fathom what wonders Africa would produce if it were full of whites and had no niggers.
tanukihat ago
Bro, it's the literal Garden of Eden. Fruit hangs from the trees. Precious industrial metals can be found under every rock. The ecosystem is more beautiful than anything we have in North America.
And it is all being completely SQUANDERED. Useless fuckin' niggers.
Draksen ago
It's actually just so god damn pathetic. Niggers will cry about "teh white man" when they are sitting on quite literal gold mines right beneath their feet.
FFS. If Whites had Africa, it'd be a paradise. They have all those resources going for them. They can farm the lush lands and produce food for the entire continent several times over. They can mine and sell precious metals with ridiculous taxes for exporting to other countries for insane profit. They can build incredibly luxurious resorts and tourist attractions that the world would envy.
But no, all they care about is nogging and raping each other. Then blame white people later for their miserable failure as a species.