A Small Collection of Redpills on Blacks (Niggers)
submitted 5.8 years ago by VicariousJambi
Why Do Black People Commit More Crime? - http://thealternativehypothesis.org/index.php/2016/07/17/re-why-do-black-people-commit-more-crime/ - http://archive.is/7Mk9J
2016 Violent Crime FBI stats - https://i.imgtc.ws/HwTc7A9.png - https://imgur.com/gallery/tSviM - https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/tables/table-43 -
The CDC Confirms It: America's Homicide Problem Is Entirely Driven by Black People - http://stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com/2018/04/the-cdc-confirms-it-americas-homicide.html
99.3% of all murder suspects black in st louis 2017 - http://www.slmpd.org/images/Homicide_Stats_for_Website.pdf - https://i.imgtc.ws/nSYP6Y5.png
Rich Black Kids are More Likely To Go To Prison then Poor Whites - https://i.imgtc.ws/8OlulPW.png
54% of US counties in 2014 had zero murders, 2% of counties have 51% of the murders - https://crimeresearch.org/2017/04/number-murders-county-54-us-counties-2014-zero-murders-69-1-murder/
In 71 Percent White King County, Washington (Home to Seattle), 85 Percent of Firearm Violence Is Committed by Non-Whites - http://www.unz.com/sbpdl/in-71-percent-king-county-washington-home-to-seattle-85-percent-of-firearm-violence-is-committed-by-non-whites/
Last Common Ancestor - https://i.imgtc.ws/cX6K6bY.png
IQ Curve / Genetics - https://i.imgtc.ws/9n40d7k.png
Human Biodiversity - https://i.imgtc.ws/rz8jvmQ.png
The genetic relationships of modern human races - http://www.andamans.org/the-genetic-relationships-of-modern-human-races/
Underdeveloped frontal lobe - https://i.imgtc.ws/8hJO9hY.png
The Genetic Ancestry of African Americans, Latinos, and European Americans across the United States - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0002929714004765
The Bible - https://i.imgtc.ws/E5DMFAJ.png
Identifiable Subspecies - https://i.imgtc.ws/QBiA30p.png
Subspecies / The Races of Man - https://i.imgtc.ws/9FXuyDD.png
Anon on "Not the Same Species" - https://i.imgtc.ws/PVSfA8V.png
Totally Human - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSQ79dU9faA&feature=youtu.be
Equality Facts - https://i.imgtc.ws/vUytQvN.png
Lots of Stats - https://i.imgtc.ws/yNFnF5M.png
STD Rates - https://i.imgtc.ws/FY8sBla.png
Morality and Abstract Thinking - https://i.imgtc.com/St2UaaC.png
Confessions of a public defender - https://i.imgtc.com/EApgOy4.png
Cannibalism in the African Congo - https://i.imgtc.com/v1wNDQH.png
Peace Corps - https://i.imgtc.com/DMajfYs.png
Russian Businessmen in South Africa - https://i.imgtc.ws/uBYd6bn.png
Africa is the worst place on the Planet - https://i.imgtc.ws/dyFbrJx.png
Anon on freeing the slaves - https://i.imgtc.ws/5hjOHtN.png
Anon on Detroit - https://i.imgtc.ws/yKJrvJt.png
Anon on Why Racism is Increasing - https://i.imgtc.ws/Jqt945D.png
Zimbabwe - https://i.imgtc.ws/FLX3g7G.png
Rise in SAT scores - https://i.imgtc.ws/Hft2qKq.png
The Record Says Humans Came Out Of Africa. He Says We Went In (Forbes) - https://i.imgtc.ws/y7UgsTh.png - http://archive.is/Z3CCf
Why I can't go to the state fair anymore - http://archive.is/EC2xD
Who would win - https://i.imgtc.ws/Zkjp5Vv.png
Police Brutality - https://i.imgtc.ws/MtWBSWP.png
Stonetoss on Genes - https://i.imgtc.ws/Yu3ovMC.png
Ramsay - https://i.imgtc.ws/d0NknL7.png
Soda Shaman - https://www.bitchute.com/video/rrRIP2n11XPZ/
We wuz dick washers - https://i.imgtc.ws/dEjydiP.png
Top Tier debaters - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmO-ziHU_D8
Responses to Common Arguments Against Race Realism - https://pastebin.com/a0nzrQTf
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Celtic_Cross 5.8 years ago
Wow, look at all the black and white (lol) Bible verses. I'm gonna talk about this basic scripture at church this weekend.
I'll get thrown out for reading the bible.
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Celtic_Cross ago
Wow, look at all the black and white (lol) Bible verses. I'm gonna talk about this basic scripture at church this weekend.
I'll get thrown out for reading the bible.