binrobinro ago

Plus if there is more than one of them, they leave blood everywhere.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

I haven't swum in a public pool for about 25 years. The last time I did so, the pool had to be closed because there was faeces floating in the water. I don't need to be told twice.

1Icemonkey ago

As the owner of a pool chemical retail store, I can tell you that chlorine kills urine. But, it will not kill shit germs. And we all know niggers shit where they eat, play and swim.

Gail33 ago

Nevermind shit germs.

I'm waiting for a pool chemical that actually kills niggers on contact.

SchwoogNite96 ago

That ain't a Baby Ruth bar from "Caddyshack" floatin' in that porchmonkey-filled pool!🙊🐒🐵🙈💩👧🏿🙋🏿‍♂️👃🏿😖🤮

ardvarcus ago

Swimming pools are unsanitary in general. They are worse if niggers swim in them.

Spaceforcepilot ago

I will never swim in a public pool ever again regardless. I worked for an apt complex and after seeing how much acid and chlorine they put in, I was disgusted. Also the bandaids, puss, vagina fluid, piss, poop, jizz, ear wax, etc. Fuck that noise. I take a rural lake, pond or river any day.

ArbeitMachtPepe ago

+1 give me a stagnant algae coated pond over a nig sullied pool

SirNiggsalot ago

As a kid in the 70s, we swam in a nice public pool, until niggers showed up in skoo buses after lunch. When we heard the buses rolling up we would pack our shit and leave. None of us wanted to be in nigger water !

Maximus_Dinduicus ago

*nigger soup

SirNiggsalot ago

😝 !