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WhitePlainsDrifter ago

I was walking on the sidewalk on front of an exit to an underground parking garage. A car was coming up the exit ramp. It was a ways away, so I had plenty of time and I continued walking. The car sped up in order to hit me. And it would have, except I jumped out of its way. It stopped to wait for a place in traffic. I looked back and saw a nigger in the drivers seat glaring at me. I said "WTF were you trying to run me down?!?". It glared at me with a stone cold hatred I'll never forget and said "Yes, I was." It then pulled out into traffic.

I was enraged. A little ways later I came across some bricks and fantasized about smashing that niggers face with one.

Up until then I had given niggers the benefit of the doubt. I had always tried to keep my feelings about niggers in general separate from my feelings about niggers in particular (the ones that had personally given me trouble).

That collapsed the moment I saw the hatred in that niggers eyes.

It took some time, but eventually I accepted the fact that niggers are a fucking plague and don't belong in Western society.