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Malayar ago

Got punched in the face by one in church when i was a young teenager. The nigger was there hunting white pussy.

DykeOnWheels ago

I got punched in the face by a boy. Am I justified in hating men?

whiterknight ago

Objection your honor, "men" suggests human beings. Niggers do have male and female, but I don't think they count as men in the human sense.

To answer your question though: why not? He learned at a young age to be wary around groids. That's the lesson we all learned one way or another. I thought it was the point of the question posed to us.

DykeOnWheels ago

men" suggests human beings.

Non white men are men.

auto_turret ago

I think everyone wants to punch you, and would be justified in doing so.

DykeOnWheels ago

I think everyone wants to punch racists, and would be justified in doing so.

auto_turret ago

Prove it that whites aren't the best race of people to ever walk the Earth. You can't. Name one successful nigger civilization. You can't.

DykeOnWheels ago

Whites think they’re the best race to ever walk the earth; just like all other races think they’re the best race to ever walk the earth.

Name one successful nigger civilization. You can't.


auto_turret ago

Not successful by any metric. Next.

DykeOnWheels ago

By racist metric?

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

Like arguing with a brick wall! In fact, nothing you say meets the definition of argument. No logical back and forth discourse. You just hold fast to your own illogical beliefs based on feelings alone. Almost like a...what's the word, oh yeah, RACIST!

DykeOnWheels ago

Pot calling the kettle black. I am no racist or sexist, but you are.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Faggot, you keep using the word racist like it means something here. Anyone who posts here has been called that countless times and simply doesn't give a fuck. Some of us have been called racists just because we didn't vote for Obama. Am I racist? Definitely. Am I sexist? Certainly. Am I homophobic? What do you think, faggot? This isn't the place where you can say the magic words of accusation and get a defensive response. You seem to lack self awareness.

DykeOnWheels ago

Am I racist? Definitely. Am I sexist? Certainly. Am I homophobic? What do you think

As long as you don’t bother anyone with your hate, all is good.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I don't hate anyone. And it looks like the only one I both here is you.

DykeOnWheels ago

I don't hate anyone.

You’re sexist, racist and a homophobe.

Also, that was a rhetorical question. I wasn't asking your permission. I don't care if "all is good" by your estimation.


TrialsAndTribulation ago

I don't hate anyone.

You’re sexist, racist and a homophobe.

Also, that was a rhetorical question. I wasn't asking your permission. I don't care if "all is good" by your estimation.


And what? Why do you keep using those words like they're insults? You're in a thread called "Niggers". Why would I be upset that you call me a racist? You liberals completely wore out the magic in those words while Obama was president.

DykeOnWheels ago

I thought facts weren’t “racist”? Make up your mind.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Where did I say that?

DykeOnWheels ago

It’s been said by others, not you personally.