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SayNOtothedress ago

I was guilty of a hideous, hideous crime. I was the only blonde (naturally, not talking about nigresses piss dye jobs) at, what I thought was, a prestigious catholic school. Of course I should have realized in my town they'd been ordered to diversity and handed out scolorahips to avoid being called racist. I walk in, a hopeful freshman. I'd of course been going to good catholic, private elementary schools before this. And I'm nice, peppy. Try to make friends. The first kids I talk too? A couple nice looking black girls. They glare at me. Ok, fine. I talk to a group of black boys and feel creeped out because they stare at me like I'm just a slab of meat. Whatever. I pass it off as teens are jerks. I finally run into a white girl and we're glued to each other's side for safety. Rose, her name. Light brown hair with a pink streak. Fun. An artist. I begin to have feelings for her (also the moment I realized I was gay but that aside), I'm still treated like shit by the black kids. We have hispanics and Asians, and a crowd of exchange students from Japan. They are racist as hell. I'm at first horrified and realize.... they aren't bullied. It.... works? Walk forward a couple months, I've been slammed into walls, ganged up on, but I quickly learned how to run..... like a coward. (Hint; old schools have unused sections. Learn the blueprints and where to hide). I meet all 14 of the white kids at my school, including this junior who at the time I thought may have been racist. I now know why (of course she doesn't know this). We begin hanging out in one of the unused classrooms, and get called into the office. We're told if we're hanging out together, our "racist, exclusionary hate gang shall be forcibly disbanded by expulsion". The bullying gets worse, and rose and I are never apart for safety. One day I'm walking back and hear a conversation about girls from a group of negros. "So whatcha think bout any o the hoes? Any fuckable?" "Hell naw, this schoo fulla darkskins" "whatabout that blond bitch? I'd love to get somadat" "and you see dat fuggine yellow bitch she with, they still ain't anyone's bitch. Bet they think they're too good for dick, fuggin whites" "we should teach dat fuggin lez what man sex is better" now, what's cool about this school is we got issued iPads. Tech school and all that, so halfway through the conversation I recorded it. I got the threat on tape. I of course report it to the black headmaster, and give them the video. A week later I'm leaving the school because I am accused of bullying. Rose and I are still togeher, and still deeply racist. Fuck niggers!

mralexson ago

This might sound weird cause you and rose are lesbians I’m surprised you have these beliefs. Lesbians tend to be shitlib as hell and even the racist ones are relatively moderate. How deeply racist are you? How do you feel about homosexuality in the far right? How do you feel about black women?

I know weird questions but I’m curious

SayNOtothedress ago

Well, turns out being threatened with rape by inhuman animals creates unpredictable results. Well, every black girl I talked to, even the supposed "cultured" ones, have been monsters. Actually, cultured ones are worse because they know how to maniupliate guilt to get what they want. I mean hell, I heard a conversation about a bathroom abortion because a buck didn't want to wear a condom from these animals. Homosexuality, well there's a theory that homosexuality is a genetic population control to make sure that even if Herero's make babies like mad, there will always be enough adults to care for them. I believe that it's not a choice (seriously, you think I'd CHOOSE this life of chaos, confusion, and being bullied for not taking a dick?). You can't be influenced into homosexuality otherwise the majority of straight media would have made me straight by now. And black women are.... ew. Now, to be fair I like my girls a little more muscular than is socially approved, but they have to be human. A strong wife is kind, caring, and uses her strength to help you. A groid strong wife is abusive. I once flirted with a black girl, when I was confused about race and sexuality. That lasted about three days, didn't even have the chance to kiss her before I made some transgression (I wanted to get burgers, she wanted KFC) and she yanked my braid hard enough to pull it off my head. Oh, and this "trans" stuff is predatory beta males who can't get straight girls so they try to guilt lesbians into sleeping with them. Fuck trannies, fuck niggers, Asians are polite and respectful people and generally wonderful, racist as hell but I can respect that. Also, never try to play with Mexican girls, at least niggers will slap you and be done with it. Mexicans will try to destroy you. Sorry, but I'm very happy with my beautiful English Rose and when we grow up, we'll adopt as many little whites as we can.

mralexson ago

Tbh I don’t have that bad of a personal expirence groids, the few that I been around. My area is around 10-15% percent black so not so a lot but a decent. Honestly I got redpilled completely Through the Internet by reading stats and anecdotes. That’s why I’m confused as hell about I want to give blacks a chance from my experience but everything I’ve read from the internet tells me not too

I’m also part asian and Hispanic. Honestly never heard anything overtly racist from either but then again race relations are probably way in places like California than central Texas. There is tension but I never heard of Mexican gangs trying to ethnically cleanse blacks from neighborhoods here. My friends are ironic racists like they’ll say nigger and make racist jokes but they’re clearly not being serious

I’m bisexual and it makes me feel confused being here. There is something about homosexuality that just seems inherently liberal I can’t really explain it

Also most trans people I know tend to be gay as fuck atleast from my expirence. A lot of the internet ones tend to be depressed teenage weaboos who want to be cute like the “traps”. I guess you can blame anime

Tbh as a mutt lgbt guy idk know why I’m here sometimes. I may agree with some options but in the end I’ll never be excepted or even you but some of the folks here like you adopting children. Sorry if I’m rambling or insulted I’m just confused right now

SayNOtothedress ago

Yeah, there's a clear line between the "men are disgusting" conversations and "let's hold her down and teach her what she should like". And hey, I'm a gay girl. This place is toxic for the off brands like us. Though I will say, there are two breeds of hispanics. The ones who came here legally just want their slice of the apple pie. They're wonderful and you see them around Indiana. Here, in California, in my sanctuary city? Here you get the border hoppers who want to take control. And homosexuality seems liberal because they're the only ones who supported it not being punishable, and republicans are still trying to tear it down. It seems liberal because they're the only ones who don't want to send us to hell. And yeah, correctional rape is only KNOWN in Africa or the Middle East. Here it's kept quiet. Rose was sent by the school to one of those conversion places, and while she never went through it, it was definitely a thing there. You don't get fixed. You learn how to act straight.