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fightknightHERO ago

Mine's a long story but definitely worth the read, stay a while and listen

Grew up in a relatively quiet suburb, lotas of old people but a few ex communists...

in Grade school everything seemed nice and peachy, there was relatively no niggers around but that soon changed when they brought in a crazy, Liberal,Kikeress of a Principal who decided that the school would accept ALL people (there was only 2 grade school in my suburb, and the other one REFUSED to bring niggers in, alas it a was a different, far better time)

fast forward to the middle of second grade, in my homehome class with our lovely tutor who never hurt a fly a skinny Nigger decided to chimp out that day, putting rebellions and calling our teacher a lot of hideous things i didn't even know the meaning of (granted i was only in second grade)

she told that fucking nigger so gently to calm down or she'll tell his parents he's been naughty the Nig chimps out, fucking SHOVES the teacher (a fucking second grade GROID) to the ground and i'm standing there shocked! at that moment i saw them as something... else.. not quite human and not quite an animal (even animals have more respect that that Nigger)

the following years i've withnessed a lot of "dark" things the groids do Stealing from others, cracking other Groid skulls for petty bullshit and crying "racism"

and also getting ganged by them because i showed signs of early racism but refusing to play with them in sport class

but in the fifth grade where my Pater died off a heart attack, i was a whole lot colder, a much different person then... i trained in boxing, and ran a few miles everyday to harden myself for the daily suffering of darkness...

at some point at the end of the fifth grade, a Groid made a joke about my father and then when i told him "at least i HAD a father" he spat in my eye, that was the last straw

i chased him like a cheetha chases a Gazzle, just before the groid managed to lock himself in a toilet i Grabbed the coon, Smashed his face over the bathroom wall and literally grabbed the entire nigger and tossed him on the stalls

the Nog cried in pain as he was cursing me in many vibrant ways apparently when i tossed him at the stall doors he broke/sparnged his legs and had to spend the entire great vacation in Crutches

while i got reprimanded and got an extra 2 weeks of great vacation because what i did was a "serious offense" in the 6th grade fighting was pretty much every month, sometimes i'ed smash a nigger.. sometimes they'ed gang me and bash my balls (cowards can't fight me straight)

at some point on the 6th grade, i was returning from the library (which is located a few metres next to the school) and wild groid was there with two dindus at first he asked for some small change but when i reached for my pocket he tried to snatch it

and i held it with an Iron grip things became tense, he pulled a tiny switch blade on me and i was at a dilemma lose the wallet or take a chance

luckily i had a chain attached to my Kike-tier Velcro wallet and i took a lucky swipe at the Coon and it landed straight in his eye he was screaming in pain and i made a dash past his two blood thirsty orcs (who tried to trip me but i was extremely agile at 12 years)

i ran home and told my mom about the attempted robbery and of course since i knew the Groid (since i read up all the coons name in the schools database) i managed to track his name, file it to the cops and later he was arrested and questioned

but i SHIT YOU NOT, THEY RELEASED HIM! he claimed he was "pranking" and no harm was done so the fucking PIGS released the fucking coon

but after that, i had a reputation as a Cop caller and all the coons feared of messing with me i could continue but alas i doubt anyone's gonna read this at the bottom of the thread and if you did, well you're a fine chap ;)

Splooge ago

You got to stab a nigger? Lucky.

fightknightHERO ago

Whipped actually, it's almost if Lady luck herself guided my iron chain to the Nog's face

FridayJones ago

Reminds me of a kid in my low-rent apartment complex, he was over at a party pad apartment when a bunch of niggers broke in and started trying to stab the dudes who lived there over some beef they'd been having. He got backed up against the second-storey railing when a nigger thrust a knife at him, he went over the railing backwards, flipped over...... and landed safely on his feet.

Sometimes Lady Luck really smiles on you, right when your luck seems to be at its worst.

Attac ago

Thanks mate. Worth the read. So glad I hadn't have to spend any time with chimps. But honestly the kind of niggers that were located at my school in Germany behaved very Uncle Tom like.

Maybe their behaviour is also culturally determined.

albatrosv15 ago

I am.