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CognitiveDissident5 ago

Growing up around them in South Africa and witnessing their barbaric behaviour from a very young age. I grew up on a large, remote farm in SA. The nigger labourers had to be housed separately from the KhoiSan because even they could not tolerate them. One of my earliest memories is of the niggers taking a little white dog and throwing it into a fire. They also used to set cruel traps to catch wildlife on the farm like deer, baboons and leopards. Then there was the time they beat one of their own to death because he had allegedly "cast a spell" on their food.

ShitArchon ago

The nigger labourers had to be housed separately from the KhoiSan because even they could not tolerate them.

I'm reminded of when the Dalai Lama said "Europe belongs to Europeans" and "Germany must not become an Arab country." It's telling when nonwhites notice how horrible [insert group here] is.