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littlechinchilla222 ago

i took the redpill through reading up on things like crime rates, which previously i would have discarded as RAYSIS because i grew up in a very left-leaning area. i found myself being exposed to truths and it certainly made me more self-aware

but the thing that really solidified it was real life experiences. i had never really noticed, or cared much, about how niggers were a hell of a lot more violent and aggressive than white people. i got bullied all through infant school and then for half my time in primary, and it was always niggers. and even now, niggers tend to be so shady and its at a point where i dont feel safe around them

and yknow what makes it worse? im a fuckin nigger. not burnt toast black, but still pretty non-white in a way that makes me disgusted in myself especially because im powerless to do anything about my horrible excuse of a race. and people think black people are all this hive mind that can only have progressive, leftist opinions and anyone who is different must be a white russian bot troll or whatever. fucks sake, its so goddamn irritating

fuck niggers

Splooge ago

If what you’re saying is true, then you are the exception, and the exception proves the rule. You are literally the 1% and I would imagine many of the contributors here would argue that a nigger is more a state of mind than pure pigmentation.