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spirallocus ago

The internet, where truth is unveiled for all to see.

More specifically: I remember reading about the Christian/Newsom murders and wondered how any 'human' was capable of such evil, I was sickened by the lack of media coverage while black groups continue to guilt trip whites over Emmett Till like it's relevant. To see the perpetrators praised by many blacks as some kind of heroes made me lose all hope.

More recently: the rise of the BLM movement including all the lies and false narratives in spite of the truth (eg. Travon Martin, Mike Brown, Sandra Bland etc.). Also the neverending barrage of anti-white hysteria from the left wing establishment has driven me to become race realist.

AristotleCLONE ago

...the rise of the BLM movement including all the lies and false narratives

Top 7 Reasons Why we white people tell the most lies

Maersk ago

ok sores fam

Maersk ago
