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black_trash ago

I grew up in the hood. Great Gramps fought in the War, came back and built a nice Victorian on subdivided farm land in St. Louis in the 50s. 95% white, safe neighborhood, large gardens, kids playing ball in the streets like you see in the movies. In the 70s and 80s the thugs invaded. Crime shot up, whites fled, the community collapsed. But Grandma refuses to sell the house to this day so here we are.

I grew up next to shootings, stabbings, robberies, drug dealing, litter, noise, drugged out thugs with crazy eyes roaming around, dogs barking all day, constant sirens. I go to charter school, the local school has stabbings pretty much every week. Our house is the only one in good shape on the block. Nobody takes care of anything. But I see lots of nice cars, Jordans and expensive hair.

I don't think there was a specific moment. But I knew even when I was a little kid that my family wasn't like the others. We were neat, polite, spoke different. We listened to different music. And even when I was 5 I didn't like the way they looked at us or talked to us, and the kids all had these eyes like they were going to beat you up. There were some neighbors that we got on with, ones that went to church with us. Their houses were trashed, kids running rampant, constantly yelling, and those were the good ones that mostly stayed out of trouble.

I have to say living here is a real eye opener. I think college campus liberals should spend one month in the hood, just 1 month. 99% chance they vote Republican next time.