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CognitiveDissident5 ago

Growing up around them in South Africa and witnessing their barbaric behaviour from a very young age. I grew up on a large, remote farm in SA. The nigger labourers had to be housed separately from the KhoiSan because even they could not tolerate them. One of my earliest memories is of the niggers taking a little white dog and throwing it into a fire. They also used to set cruel traps to catch wildlife on the farm like deer, baboons and leopards. Then there was the time they beat one of their own to death because he had allegedly "cast a spell" on their food.

PukkySlap5000 ago

I've been to SA many times. I like how you can clearly call people white, colored or black. That at least is a step in the right direction. Good luck with that fuckin boon Ramphaposa running the show. You have a much bigger fight than we do in USA.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

The Coloureds have finally had enough of the blacks too. And that's encouraging. Yes, having a billionaire African dictator in charge can't end well.

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

Color me ignorant but what's the difference between colored and black?