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Boris ago

I work at a services company that dispatches technicians to residential and commercial properties. We have a severe labour shortage so it's a sellers market. As a result, companies will take just about anyone who can legally work. Which every day is becoming a blurrier line. But anyway, I sit close to the guy who directs the technicians. Now I hardly see the technicians in person but I hear interactions through the phone and can usually get a picture of what a tech is like. This one name kept coming up. The director would throw his arms up in frustration with this one name throughout the day. We live in a diverse place so some names are interchangeable. This guy would constantly detour enroute to eat, every two or three hours he would stop for 45 minutes. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt as I believe that this director is also pretty dramatic. But one day, the tech comes in and sure enough he's a mother fucking pavement ape. Slurs his speech and reeks of weed. The company kept him for almost four months before he caused a ton of damage and cost the company thousands in reputation.