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Malayar ago

Got punched in the face by one in church when i was a young teenager. The nigger was there hunting white pussy.

DykeOnWheels ago

I got punched in the face by a boy. Am I justified in hating men?

thezika ago

You raise an interesting perspective that I think a lot of people here don't have. Hate an entire group because one time you were attacked by one of them a long time ago.

If you were abused by men for most of your life and pretty much the absence of men were a requirement for you to enjoy life... yeah. You'd be justified.

I had the misfortune to grow up around blacks. I can't count the number of fights I've been in with blacks, the number of them where I was ganged up on as soon as I had the upper hand was roughly 100%. I cannot relax around blacks I do not know and I do not like to - or even want to - be around blacks.

If you had a similar experience with men - you're justified and I'm sorry that happened to you.

DykeOnWheels ago

Replace “black” with “men” and imagine you are a woman.

Now how does that feel to you?

thezika ago

I can't tell if you didn't read what I had typed. I conceded that if your experience with men has been abusive and because of that around men you did not feel safe then no one could fault you for that.

For me the pattern of abuse is a little more different in so much that it is almost exclusively blacks. There is no other race that, in my experience, is as violent and unconcerned with anyone as the american black.

So, I've addressed your supposition and I'll turn it around - I'm genuinely curious:

You replace YOUR story of "men" with "blacks". How does that feel to you? If you had only been abused by black men, would you mistrust ALL men or just black men?

DykeOnWheels ago

I can't tell if you didn't read what I had typed.

I did read it.

For me the pattern of abuse is a little more different in so much that it is almost exclusively blacks.

It’s actually not. But even if that were true, that it’s exclusively blacks, can’t you say the same about men in general? How most crimes are committed by men?

So would I or any woman be justified in hating all men?

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

Nothing you said is accurate so must therefore be considered hypothetical. Under those parameters the answer is no.

DykeOnWheels ago

So it’s OK for you to hate blacks, but it’s not OK to hate men?

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

Hate whoever makes you feel good dyke.

DykeOnWheels ago

I don’t waste my precious time I have on Earth on hate.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Then why do you waste your precious time engaging in conversations like this? Trying to change some minds? Or just virtue signaling?

DykeOnWheels ago

Then why do you waste your precious time engaging in conversations like this? Trying to change some minds? Or just virtue signaling?

Racist, homophobes and sexists need professional help, so no, I’m not here to change minds.

I honestly like this website sometimes. It’s a real eye-opener. Every now and then you get your ignorant, hypocrital posts and well, it’s kinda hard to keep quiet.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I wasn't talking about the website, I was talking about the sub. As I expected, your motive for being in this sub is virtue signalling and attention seeking. Typical liberal point and shriek outrage.

DykeOnWheels ago

I pointed out why I’m here and you chose to ignore it.