Whitemail ago

Search "people history"

First image: (((Albert Einstein)))

Second image: Gandhi

Third image: White woman I don't recognize

Fourth image: Mein Fuhrer

Fifth image: JFK

Sixth image: Nelson Mandela

Seventh image: Winston Churchill

Then it goes on to show you a warped view of history where Hitler needs to be focused on, and blacks, Jews, and Jewish pawns are over inflated in their significance.

Just based on the 7 in the first row we can include. An overhyped Jewish scientist is the most important man in history, followed by some guy from India, followed by a woman. Then we have "the most evil person in history" as a white man. Then we have another white man that wanted to fight the Jew, but he got a bullet in the head to remind us what rebellion gets us. Then we have a communist, Jew-supported nigger. Then we have a crooked white servant of Jews who is responsible for heinous war crimes against German civilians, but that's okay because they were Nazis.

Whitemail ago

Search for Chinese people history. They even had to stick one nog in there too. Pathetic.

The primary, most notable contribution by niggers to society is destruction, a level of destruction that's not worth the jazz and blues a few musical monkeys made.

Even Arab people history brings up niggers. It's like Google created an intentional strong association between history and niggers or people and niggers. The only history niggers should be associated with is slavery and mud hut making. Also, associating them with people is reality inversion.

Whitemail ago

This obviously was done deliberately.

Mortifera ago

Something seems off. I can't quite place it.

zeus250bc ago

Just WOW.

Shes2FAT4ME ago

This is a fucking joke. It's so stupid it really is laughable! I wunda ifin ima frum afrika nowie?

Shes2FAT4ME ago

UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE! Eight out of ten couples were NIGGERS! Have niggers co opted the word white like the fat fucks have co opted "curvy" and many other words. WTF BRU! Does this mean I'm black now? I DON'T WANNA BE A NIGGER! (Omg do I smell now and look really stupid?)

syntaxaxe ago

"white genocide is a myth. erasing the history, culture, communities, and population levels of native europeans doesn't happen. just ask my german friends, Ahmad Mohammed and Chaim Sheklestein."

BlackGrapeDrank ago


I met this Irish guy named Dakwon. He had freckles under his dark shit skin.

Thetiedyeguy ago

If you look up happy white American couple, you'd think white people in America were 90% black. Kinda strange, almost like the search algorithm has been doctored to hide and replace white people, lucky I know that can't be true since white people are systematically racist and sheeit.

HarveyKlinger ago

That's fucking depressing. After I did that I checked "White People History" and all that came up were posts that make whites racists or more niggers. VERY few white people.