Bilbo_Swaggins ago

I'm trying to think of the name of this- it seems that you're taking your own experience to be representative of the Jewish experience as a whole. That probably works for most Jews; I'm willing to bet that the overwhelming majority of them are not involved in conspiracies.

But important exceptions exist. You look at the Balfour Declaration, the Clean Break paper, Jewish pro-immigration groups, and anything related to George Soros, you begin to get examples of Jewish conspiracies.

JewsAgainstNigs ago

I agree that Jews are killing the caucasian race (which includes Jews), but its not IMO a conspiracy, rather a level cultural cuckdom. Then again, there may be SOME jews in conspiracies, but mostly its just smart jews getting into powerful positions and then cucking out (just look at this article). It comes from our over-blown fear of racism.

Bilbo_Swaggins ago

Some of it could be considered cuckery- look at how George Soros actually undermines Israel- but there's zero doubt that guys like Richard Perle are acting in their ethnic interest regardless of how many Gentiles get hurt as a result.

mleczko ago

You fucking lying piece of shit.

JewsAgainstNigs ago


You really showed me

mleczko ago

Whatever. Go back to reddit where you belong.

1Icemonkey ago

It may not be a Jewish conspiracy to eliminate whites via niggers, but maybe more like the fact that most Jews are equally sick in the head to the degree that they all act the same on a social level, making it look like a conspiracy. Kind of like niggers! Edit: but I guess that's the point you were making?

JewsAgainstNigs ago

Yeah! Thats exactly my point! Ever since the holocaust Jews have become DEATHLY afraid of anything that isn't ultra-PC we-love-equality bullshit.

ShitArchon ago

Recommended reading: JAY's firsthand experience with a ghetto school.

I am jewish, and live with my jewish family

Food for thought: if Jewish success is due to culture or being Yahweh's Chosen People, and intelligence isn't hereditary, why don't Mizrahim have an IQ just as high as Ashkenazim?

(Im still in highschool).

What are your teachers like? Do they think successful nonwhite immigrants are more "privileged" than Michael Brown?

Protip: at all costs hide your powerlevel in situations where it matters--I'm an Aspie with no filter, I understand this can be hard to do. You don't have to lie, but omit anything that would interfere with you getting a job. For example: I don't announce to my professor that I'm an atheist--I have negligible experience in the field I need a job in, so I need him as a reference.

When trying to redpill people, do it only when you see a wedge in. Usually in political discussions people say their conclusions and not the evidence and journey that led to those conclusions. In a subtle manner, give people the evidence and not the conclusions, and invite them to make their conclusions.

Game tactics work. When the Charleston Shooting happened, I pointed out to my coworkers that bullies are cowards who want defenseless victims, and Roof would never have done this on Take Your Gun To Church Day. They laughed, a great success.

My entire family is very liberal (especially my sister, which will come into play later), supports BLM and other pro-nigger shit

How would they react to her bringing home a shvartze? Is their any difference to how they would react to their own daughter assimilating versus when a white shiksa says she doesn't want to date black guys?

What's your take on this Amren piece and the role Franz Boas played in institutionalizing HBD-denialism when previously Vanhannen's, Richard Lynn's and J. Philippe Rushton's findings would have been taken as sensible?

Jews are bad for the same reason that non-jewish white leftist are bad: they worship black people as they are afraid of being racist.

Statistics be anti-Semitic and sheeit.

Israel's policy of sterilizing Ethiopian women was fucking great--the alternative to sterilization, just trying to have lots of kids and not be outbred by the Arab enemy, has resulted in disasters and unsustainable strain on the ecosystem and natural resources. Too bad it's doubleplus verboten for European countries to be similarly sane and logical.

JewsAgainstNigs ago

Food for thought: if Jewish success is due to culture or being Yahweh's Chosen People, and intelligence isn't hereditary, why don't Mizrahim have an IQ just as high as Ashkenazim?

I do think that intelligence is hereditary. I even touch on how ashkenazi Jews basically bred ourselves to be more intelligent. Mizra and Sephardic Jews are smart too, but not nearly as smart as the Ashkenazim. Im ethnically Ashkenazi, and I am a agnostic theist. Im not sure if Jews truly are g-d's chosen people (although Id like to think so). It doesn't really matter that much though. Also, the vast majority of Jews don't hate non-Jews.

What are your teachers like? Do they think successful nonwhite immigrants are more "privileged" than Michael Brown?

My teachers aren't jewish. Jews make up a small proportion of the town. All of them are quite liberal, and a few are ultra-left. One of my teachers, despite the overwellming evidence otherwise, continuously defends the "angelic, innocent, perfect" being that was Michael Brown. I almost raised my "power level" as you call it over that, but I was able to keep myself contained. I don't know their exact privilege scales (Although that same teacher once forced us to do a "privilege walk" where we lined up to see who was more or less privileged), but I imagine that yes, they think that successful asian / middle eastern immigrants are more privileged as they don't have a "legacy of slavery."

Thank you for the advice.

How would they react to her bringing home a shvartze? Is their any difference to how they would react to their own daughter assimilating versus when a white shiksa says she doesn't want to date black guys?

They would be entirely fine with it. It actually came up in discussion and it seems like if anything they would be enthralled. I would be disgusted and would not support any nigglets that she spawned. Luckily it seems Tyrone's aren't her type. I doubt there is any difference in a white girl vs my sister (who is IMO white), a jew, dating or marrying a black dude. I think you may be referencing that traditional orthodox Jews don't like Jews marrying non Jews, no matter the sex. This is true, but those orthodox Jews are a minority and are not liberal cucks. 2/3 of orthodox jews are republicans (the ULTRA ULRA orthodox Hassidic Jews LOVE Donald Trump).

What's your take on this Amren piece and the role Franz Boas played in institutionalizing HBD-denialism when previously Vanhannen's, Richard Lynn's and J. Philippe Rushton's findings would have been taken as sensible?

I think again, Jews just have a fear of racism and with it, the VERY obvious differences in the three major races (sub-species) of humans. It could have been any influential liberal, Jews just unfortunately are vastly liberal. I think it is a fear of racism. That fear really comes from the holocaust, but jews lack of desire of adopting local culture (christianity) and control of money (as christians were banned from being bankers) have made them hated for a long period of time. This hate fuels our racial liberalness, as I have described.

Israel's policy of sterilizing Ethiopian women was fucking great--the alternative to sterilization, just trying to have lots of kids and not be outbred by the Arab enemy, has resulted in disasters and unsustainable strain on the ecosystem and natural resources. Too bad it's doubleplus verboten for European countries to be similarly sane and logical.

I love Israel's nigger policies, especially on the Sudanese. Ethiopians are still niggers, but they are actually half middle eastern, and way better than any Nilotic or Bantu dindu (that doesn't have any importance to the conversation other than that its rather interesting). Also, I have nothing against Arabs (although Islam is a pretty shit religion which turned the middle east from the center of the world to a war torn shit show).

I wish that the rest of the world would take a page out of Israel's book and sterilize their niggers. Especially Europe. Keep nation states nation states. I like diversity (not including niggers), but if you mix that shit together, you lose diversity and end up with a gross cultureless brown blob.

SayTan ago

Arabs are as dumb as niggers. Only smart sand people are the Persians.

JewsAgainstNigs ago

Arabs are nowhere near as dumb as niggers. Islam makes them act like animals. Persians are very smart, but so are arabs (and the kurds and the Assyrians, and the Druze, and the Lebanese, and all other "sand-niggers"). They have made many important contributions to modern science and medicine during their golden age, and actually built both trade and military empires, which ruled vast expanses of land for long period of time. Honestly Middle eastern people are just tanned white people. Even Indians are genetically closer with the British than they are with the Chinese (who are also very smart), their next door neighbors. I know this might be an unpopular opinion here, as one person once claimed Greeks Italians and Spaniards weren't white.

And then you have niggers... Almost all niggers (mixed ones like Ethiopians being the exception) lived in shit-mud hut mixtures and couldn't form a tribe above a few thousand individuals until European colonization. Also these tribes were constantly at war, but made no gains, at least no significant gains which they kept. Niggers have never contributed anything worth mention to society. I love all people, but niggers are barely human. They are huge differences between sub-saharan africans and all other races. Niggers are basically animals.

Edit: I noticed I may have come off as aggressive or angry. I am neither of those, I am just expressing my beliefs.

SayTan ago

You are a pup who hasn't had to work with them. I've done time in sand and africa.

JewsAgainstNigs ago

While I admit Im a pup, and that you are likely wiser, I do know a few my age, as well as a few nigs. These kids are infinitely smarter than the niggers near them. These kids also aren't muslim (two christians, one atheist), and they are normal human beings. I very convinced that being raised a muslim is what makes middle easterners into sand-niggers.

Then again, I only know three middle easterners, and so, you have likely had more experience.

SayTan ago

The ones that make it to America trend towards higher functioning. If you look at the native environments, they're both filthy. Maybe Arabs have 5 iq points on nigs?

JewsAgainstNigs ago

Thats exactly what Im talking about. Arabs in the middle east are basically sand-niggers because of islam. In america there are very few fully-islamic people, and as such, less sand-niggery arabs.

SayTan ago

But only the higher functioning ones make it to America. Dumb fuck nigs are already here. They only have to be smart enough to remember to breathe and get EBIT cards.

JewsAgainstNigs ago

Ill leave you to your opinions, but I have, out of curiosity seen many "holo-hoax" documentaries, but I just don't buy it. Not enough evidence for it, too much against. Its like watching a very hilarious afro-centrist documentary about how the Egyptians, Jews, Romans, and every other group of people were Black. I don't really care if you think that Jews are a g-d send or are satan spawn.

Also, about the "Jews Against Nigs" name, its because I want to prove to people that there are nigger hating jews. We do exist, even though I only know one jew brave enough to admit it. Even my liberal family and town think Im pro nigger. I've never said Im a nig lover, but I definitely try to avoid stating my real opinions.

moki_ ago

where is the evidence it happened?

jewish population didn't drop by 6m it dropped by few hundred thousand

gas chambers were a hoax

no piles of jew ashes found

holocaust wasn't even alleged until way after the war ended.

churchill, stalin, and french leader (de gaulle?) didn't mention the 'holocaust' in their extensive books about ww2.

it's a fiction. burden of proof is with the believers.