In response to this
Bald man who looks normal decides to put on a dress and lipstick
This is what being an unhinged progressive does to your brain. Anyone slightly depressed decides to become a tranny for attention.
Even 10 years ago this didn't happen as much, now every male feminist wants to be a woman for some of those victimhood points.
Notice how it's rarely female to male. Always men in dresses. You don't get leftist victimhood patriarchy points trying to become a man. You don't become a protected poster on Resetera as a female to male tranny.
AIDSFailed ago
His poor dad looks blind in the family pic. Only way i'd imagine a father could cope.
ZeroXVX ago
With a chin that could cut steel.
SpaceC0w ago
The male feminists have been taught more than anyone else what an awful thing it is to be a man. For them, going Troon is a desperate attempt to escape the original sin.
blahblahgafsucks ago
FtM is like changing the difficulty from Easy with God mode enabled to Nightmare difficulty.
AutisticScreeching ago