23911382? ago

All the time.... Too many weirdos on the net now.

23913656? ago

and dumb ass teenagers

23905057? ago

I miss dial-up BBS's.

I miss there being a certain amount of technical expertise in just being able to operate a computer.

(((Smart))) phones have flooded the internet with niggers, and other assorted morons.

23905402? ago

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23904841? ago

The internet was a better experience when there was a higher entry barrier and it was more of an elitist thing.

23904803? ago

https://archive.ph/kWc1r :

2014-05-20 | Do You Ever Miss the "Old Internet"?

'And most of the people who produce the things that make the internet weird and wonderful end up chasing the attention of those networks. ', " And anyway, it's faster to just Tweet that thought than write a blog post anyway, isn't it?", "It's all very depressing, if you've been online long enough to have treasured Metafilter and the internet it represented."

'Yesterday, the good folks who run the venerable group/community blog Metafilter announced that it was in financial trouble. ', "It just isn't as sanitized, and is consequently not as condescending, as a lot of the internet feels to me these days."

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23904798? ago


23904750? ago

23904724? ago

Is there a ways to browse a snapshot of the web at a certain point in time? I know there is the wayback machine and things like that. But imagine a browser where you pick a date in the URL and then any site you visit or navigate to would be as it was on that date. Think internet time traveling. On top of this leave the ability to comment with a modern date stamp over the old versions could be neat.

23904716? ago


23904713? ago

Ahh the days before monopolies control of the internet.