WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

This guy was the son Barry Soetoro never had.

DukeOfRaul ago

Good thing they pulled it. Some coal burner on reddit would be tracking the guy down to have kids with

LycanChoke ago

"Sorry, we can't let people know black people do bad things!!"

Muh black supremacy

kammmmak ago

Reddit is basically complicit not letting the truth be seen

biggreddy ago

What are the victims names?

aileron_ron ago

You can take the African out of the country but you can never take the culture out of the African.

thebearfromstartrack ago

This is nigger reasoning. RACE MATTERS.

ManchesterT ago

He relaxed.

BlackJivesChatter ago

No hatespeech. SJW commie reddit. Goooooooooo China!

Shotinthedark ago

It's now in the TOS to delete and post that shows niggers as perpetrators of crime.

AdaptOrDie ago

You're trying to post to Reddit still??......

Nesano ago

"That he caused." The motherfucker tries framing it too justify the killing.

HeavyBrain ago

They don't try anymore.

"We removed it for reasons"

binrobinro ago

It's just what blacks do.

Neverendingpissstory ago

Seriously fuck reddit. Can't say that enough. Their hq should be burnt down with the moderators in it.

ScientiaPotentia ago

What do White people get out of having non-Whites in our lands?

hollandkt ago

raped. we get raped.

Wingrider ago

They chose not to think we chose to let it go

spudsmcz ago

95 percent upvoted

Jiggggg ago

Dead eyes, doesn't even understand what he's done

Bushtaco321 ago

Those eyes man. I see why the Jews use them. Zombies

fightknightHERO ago

You know, when i go to Bannerlord Multiplayer (thankfully no censorship yet since it's an Early Acces) and i type "BLM" and i get "FUCK NIGGERS" and "nigger lives don't matter" by the metric fuckton
i'm tellin ya, times are changing

it's getting heated to a point that whites no longer a singular fuck about Niggers

binrobinro ago

I think you a word.

Nesano ago


TheSeer ago

Isn't that Chadwick Boseman, Mr Wakanda himself?

Ocelot ago

Nah, that nigger recently became good.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

'not news'


'unreliable source'

DantesInf ago

What are you on about? Because multiple news outlets reported that story.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

I was REFERRING to the typical Reddit faggit replies.

HeavyBrain ago

"Them fuckin whities are guna restepe me...I will be a bubbas ass bitch for the rest of my life but I showed them whites"

Lin_Ching_Yu ago

It doesn't fit the blm narrative on reddit so they delete it. Post something about white on black crime and you'll be a hero.

binrobinro ago

Tried to, but when I searched "White on black crime", it came back with "no results".

c0ck ago

I see what you did there.

SearchVoatBot ago

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FinallyHere ago

Anarchy will only spread.

Non whites seem to have zero virtue, but whites don't seem to either.

Golden or White Republic.

kishind ago

Most of the ideological support for SJWism or critical race theory is born from a perversion of virtue. Whites put a lot of value on fairness. I want to live with people who care about fairness.

It's only partially their fault for believing that shooting a violent felon resisting arrest is "unfair". They're ordinary minds pitted against the most extraordinary propaganda system ever invented.

Use extreme leftism to get white girls kicked out of their social justice club ("white bitch, more than half of you voted for Trump" as a brown sock puppet). Thus begins their conservative journey. Soy boys will simp-ly follow them to depths of heiling hitler, and along the way will realize the women want MEN, not simps.

Intrixina ago

SJWism comes from, like you said, a perversion of virtue - but it's from people who utterly fail at life. Normally most would find something they're good at, be it a hobby or something like that - but you just have to take a look at those who spout the SJW bullshit - they are fat, lazy, NPD pieces of shit who thinks everyone has to cater to their needs. They utterly fail at life due to being a combination of a loser + being entitled.

The only reason they are spouting this shit is because they fail at life, but they have to get somewhere - so they think that they can use these ideologies in order to get free shit.

Nukeisrael ago













areyoumygaffer ago


SexMachine ago

When was this posted?

TheAntiZealot ago

7 hours ago.

Wally777 ago

Low IQ individuals cannot foresee the consequences of their actions because they cannot think in abstract concepts.

kammmmak ago

Consekenses. Wat dat

Killnigs3 ago

therefore as niggers and niggerlovers are unable to accurately understand and accept the constitution they are not protected by it. their biomass will be reclaimed and the deserts shall bloom from the vibrance of their fleshes nutrients

Nukeisrael ago

The sweet spot for criminality is around 85 iq. Guess what American niggers have? 85 iq. Compound this with their high serum test levels and repeating MAOA alleles for increased aggression and violence and you have a golem. They don’t belong in a western country at all.

JaimeL_ ago

Do you have links for these studies? I believe it, I just want to read the papers

Killnigs3 ago

they actually also have the highest estrogen levels its what mak ed s them love cloths shiny things gay sex and dindu nuffins

MurkSquatch ago

That isn't the sweet spot. Pure sub saharan Africans have an IQ of 70 and commit even more crime.

Nukeisrael ago

Pure niggers born and raised with enough sustenance to have full gene expression (in a first world country) have iq of around 81.

kishind ago

Maybe the sweet spot for criminality is "nigger", and their 85 IQ average is skewing the crime stats. It's hard to have a serious discussion about this when niggers skew all the stats.

For example, "America has a gun violence problem". No we don't, we have a nigger problem. Ban niggers and our gun violence rate is just as low as European countries with heavy restrictions on gun ownership.

Nukeisrael ago

Oh don’t worry, I’m aware but the most criminal whites are also around 85 iq. It’s just thats like their entire middle of the distribution in the “danger zone” for niggers so it makes sense that they commit shitloads of crime. And yeah we don’t have a gun problem, control for whites only and we have 1000x the guns per capita but the same gun crime rate as Finland. The US has a nigger and spic problem that is causing all of these other massive problems. But the core issue is niggers and spics. They don’t pay net lifetime taxes, they leech and whine and bitch and then get money and jobs they don’t deserve through affirmative action.

epik- ago

I’m aware but the most criminal whites are also around 85 iq.

There are 6 times as many whites around 85IQ compared to, say 70 IQ whites. I'm not informed at all, simply wondering if your data takes into account the bell curve.

breet30903 ago

agreed. they zoom in on the details

Firinmahlazer ago

Don't low IQ people inherently have little impulse control as well? Or am I thinking about a different study.

Ocelot ago


RoundWheel ago

High correlation between low IQ and low impulse control.

High correlation between tattoos and low impulse control.

TechDumb ago

Then how do you explain the thousands and millions of white people with tattoos?

RoundWheel ago

Averages are averages for a reason. This combined with jewish, anti- christian propaganda, it's kind of surprising you would need to ask.

BlueDrache ago

Location, location, location. And size. Is it a small, military one or a whore-stamp?

kishind ago

Blacks have low IQ, low impulse control, low future orientation, are extremely violent, and have a high rate of single motherhood.

It's meaningless to try and make correlations between these attributes unless you exclude niggers from the study first.