nwguy ago

been banned from reddit like 30 times.

banned from portland subb for saying Covid is the normal flu

Seius ago

Banning criticizing China too. That place is a CCP psyop now.

SearchVoatBot ago

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PizzaphilePodesta ago

there is no snowflake more prone to melting than the ginger cannibal himself, spezhole

Xax ago

Could it be? Friends of Jizz Maxwell doing these nefarious deletes?

GlobalSouth ago

My guess is the reason ellen pao and the venture capitalists at Kleiner Perkins knew her and why she was such a prominent power user/mod on reddit is because she was a major angel investor in the reddit venture. She operated as one of Shlomo's hidden hands helping to shape the content and tone of reddit from its very inception. This may also help explain why Reddit executives like Ellen Pao and Spez tend to be sexual deviants. Also don't be surprised if you learn that Ellen Pao's bisexual Ponzi schemer black husband did not really manage to swindle investors out of $100MM all by himself. He may have been a stooge and the fall guy set up by more powerful, scheming Jews who lurk in the background.

Xax ago

You’re over the target, anon.

MongolianPaellaFish ago

More fan fic.

derram ago

https://snew.notabug.io/r/conspiracy/comments/hnp4pi/reddit_banning_all_users_commenting_on/ :

Reddit banning all users commenting on Maxwellhill threads. Closing threads of this theory that is now blowing up. This should let you know that there is basis behind this theory. Reddit has been shaped as a pedo-apologist website for a decade. Mossad/CIA infiltration. It all makes sense now. : conspiracy

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brandnewset ago

Cover ups cover something

altident ago

The mods are going crazy this week. I got banned and the mods cited cause was 'anti-semitism' but all I posted was that 'bankers are at the top of the power structure', but I did not mention a religion at all. Some mods are hairtrigger and batshit insane.
