Bigdickedelf ago

Over the wall you go useless spic

watts2db ago

oh and "jews" are just another religion too goy

ichlibejuice ago

13% * 400,000,000 = 13 million?

Someone dropped out of third grade

Acerphoon ago

While hispanics aren't as bad as blacks, most hispanics still score lower on IQ tests than whites and are still more likely to be on welfare and commit more crime.

Just like with africa, the state of south america is as it is because of the people living there. Not "racism" or "colonialism". - No, it's the people who live there. South America doesn't look that bad everywhere and you can like how it looks, but that's what you'll get when the United States becomes majority hispanic.

aristotle07 ago

While hispanics aren't as bad as blacks

Thats like saying, do you want to die from bubonic plague or the black death. Both kills you but one takes a little longer.

kidcip16 ago

That's because Mexicans are mosyly mutts, and are on a scale from 0-100% white (mixed with Aztec).

I can assure you, the high-Aztec spics are just as bad as niggers. Maybe even worse. Complete savages except they reproduce like crazy.

spaceman84 ago

They're not any better than American niggers either, on average. Marginally higher test scores and marginally lower crime rate. Still human garbage. The Spanish fucked up big time when they didn't genocide the natives correctly.

ichlibejuice ago

South America is a mixed bag. There are many countries in South America that would be successful if it weren't for communist dictators planted there by the U.S.

There are some countries that are definitely first world.... argentina, chile, uruguay, costa rica... and there are countries in SA that are definitely third world. Brazil is alright in some parts and BY FAR the worst elsewhere (unsurprisingly because it's full of niggers). Peru is another mixed bag.

Lot of drug cartels everywhere though. DEA is keeping the northern half of S.A. in full thirdworld shithole status.

WD_Pelley ago

argentina, chile, uruguay, costa rica

They're better because they're Whiter, same with southern Brazil (which has a separatist movement going on right now).

Lynch_Tree ago

costa rica [first world country]

That's a bit of a stretch

DefinitelyNotaJew ago

Whoever downvoted you doesn't realize that there are South American countries that are significantly whiter than the United States. Uruguay, for example.

recon_johnny ago

The jews and niggers don't care.

ichlibejuice ago


voatusernamevoat ago

While hispanics aren't as bad as blacks

stats show spics cost more than niggers.

DefinitelyNotaJew ago

I remember someone posted statistics here a couple years ago that showed that niggers cost the taxpayer almost double what a beaner costs. Something like 750k over a lifespan, compared to 400k. And whites add in about 200k. If I can find the post, I'll link it. What stats are you going off of? Or at you referencing something other than their cost to the tax base?

voatusernamevoat ago

Per, niggers cost more, but there are so many spics leeching they dwarf nigger drain.

DefinitelyNotaJew ago

Ahhh, yeah, great point, and you are absolutely right. The TOTAL COST of beaners is much worse than niggers. Makes sense now. And I searched everywhere and couldn't find the stats I was talking about. I should make a post to try and find them.

voatusernamevoat ago

BTW, the graphic you're thinking of:

DefinitelyNotaJew ago

You fucking rock. Thanks for pulling that up for me. I lost all my memes and graphics in my old phone. Fucking tragedy...

So basically, beaners are more than twice the cost, and that's just what we know about. Consider how many illegals aren't even on record, and what they are costing us too.

HeavyBrain ago

How so? the bot would receive the same welfare and atlesast many of the illegal spic work.

Per person it would be the same, if you count by family, sure, spics have tons of kids.

voatusernamevoat ago

because there are far more spics leeching than niggers.

ichlibejuice ago

nice of you to provide sources for your imaginary statistics.

connecteduser ago

In case anyone is unfamiliar with the orginazation LaRaza, it translates into "the race".

Rellik88 ago

Which is totaly fine to have a race based org for brown people.

ElementalPee ago

If it's not even a race than how is it racist?


Beaners can't logic. Or shower. Or even really live without Ypepo gibs

IsaacJan ago

Or keep themselves from abusing animals and children

GoyimNose ago

latino is a mutt race of europeans and aztecs. Mexican is about 3 very distinct sub races. India is also very similar in that regard.

winners_history ago

This: A 'mexican' is:

1. The original trans-continental colonizer and plunderer.

2. Human-sacrificing savages that didn't even have the wheel.

3. Cowardly minor tribes that helped (1) conquer (2).

Look at their damn soap-operas. Where are the indio faces? All their media looks like it was filmed in WhiteBread, Ohio.

GoyimNose ago

yup and the white mexicans hate the nigger mexicans. they have a phrase callled "majora la raza" which means to better the race by only breeding with white mexicans.

Lynch_Tree ago

Must be why India has so many mutant abominations

GoyimNose ago

Yeah India is African/european mutt races. Some clearly have 10% euro while others have 60%

Ifckstacy ago

exasperated Jackie Chan face

rapedbyanape ago

Seems kind of gay

Maroonsaint ago

You seem kind of gay. Why don’t you pm me a picture of your dick

rapedbyanape ago

Ight mane I'll gib you some ruffies TAHNIGHT so you wont feel a thing

Maroonsaint ago

You know I like penguins. Actually when I was younger I edited a cartoon picture of penguins in paint. Idk how but all these years later it ended up being some of the album artwork on a few of my songs. All the way back from the Kazaa and limewire days. Used to play some nhl game with my friends I was the penguins. My created team. I even used to have an email called pever something. It was penguin and beaver combined. So why don’t you send me a real picture of your dick. It’s fate really. Penguin pecker. Come on. What are you worried about. I ain’t gonna say nothin if you do. And I ain’t gonna share it. And I ain’t gonna do anything you wouldn’t like.

Penguinpecker ago

I'm good dude. I'm not the kind of person that aims a smartphone at my dick.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

tell him extra mild sauce and "to go"