cursedcrusader ago

Fuck how beta can a creature be?

Recyclops14 ago

Nodabunaga ago

Hahahahahaha! πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

Argumentative ago

why are you protecting the identity of these faggots?

Broc_Lia ago

Not my screencap

Argumentative ago

ahh cool

yewotm8 ago

pretty that's a self-aware ironypost

fluhthreeex ago

one would think... without the fucks to look into it it's kind of just a funny image of something someone made in photoshop

Blompf ago

These thirsty fuckers are disgusting to men too.

Diggernicks ago

Hey girls of reddit

Tits or gtfo

No exceptions, youre not exempt you special snowflakes

ViperCarbz ago


drakesdoom2 ago

One of those things needs fixing.

Recyclops14 ago

That's a copy pasta you retard faggot.

Phantom42 ago


The actual.


Islamiscancer ago

Hey Girls of voat who are single.. Message me. I know i can give you what you want.

invisiblephrend ago

pls bb...

Rellik88 ago

You should bang moselm girls, just to get them honor killed. Some of them are kinda hot. Then again I could only see her eyes...

Islamiscancer ago

already done my share of fucking muslim girls.. and they are hot as other girls.. they jsut arent white lol.

now im married and a dad.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Reddit is leftist incels. Voat is right wing chads

Sometimesineedhelp ago

Hey! Some of us are middle aged women sick of censorship on Reddit!

Simonsaysgoat ago

Are you white and have kids?

Niggardly_Jew ago

Voat is probably mostly right wing incels.

european ago

Probably volcels to a degree

Shekelstein6M ago

Nah. Voat is nothing like incel hugboxes. Go visit them yourself on reddit or 4chan.

RevDrStrangelove ago

Chad checking in. My Eastern European mom was a horrible person but because of her I was red pilled like a motherfucker before my pubes came in.

Diggernicks ago

You pretty much fail at life if you feel the need to brag to strangers on the internet about how "chad" you are

andrew_jackson ago

You're an asshole and nobody likes you.

RevDrStrangelove ago


You think pointing out that I had a sociopath junkie for a mom that, unintentionally, showed me the true nature of women at an early age is a 'brag'? How fucking pathetic are you? I had a shitty fucking life but I learned some important lessons. That's not a brag shit-for-brains.

Simonsaysgoat ago

I don't think so, some of the most popular subs here are things that reflect the best in our people. Even in unrelated topics I see offhand comments that refer back to wholesome values

Dortex ago

Voat is right wing chads

And child porn solicitors.

theoldones ago

hey dortex, remember that time you said you'd fuck a 6 year old, then ran a spamlie campaign on me you had to stop spamlinking, because i laced your links with a mega-rebbutal that sowed you were a lying snake?

Broc_Lia ago

Not since pizzagate lol

Dortex ago

This copypasta begs to differ:

Did you know u/theoldones begged for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then had a mental breakdown for over a day when he got called out for it? Also u/TruthDefender is his alt.

Broc_Lia ago

I don't like that guy (I suspect he's also shadow323), but I think it's pretty obvious he wasn't begging for child porn, he was challenging the guy to cross a line he suspected the guy wasn't actually willing to cross. Nor is trying to clear his name after you accused him of being a pedo a "mental breakdown."

Dortex ago

I think it's pretty obvious he wasn't begging for child porn, he was challenging the guy to cross a line he suspected the guy wasn't actually willing to cross.

That "line" being to post child porn. What's it called when you repeatedly request something?

Nor is trying to clear his name after you accused him of being a pedo a "mental breakdown."

Where did I accuse him of being a pedo?

Broc_Lia ago

That "line" being to post child porn. What's it called when you repeatedly request something?

You make it sound like he wanted to watch childporn, instead it's pretty clear he was challenging the other guy to live up to his words.

Where did I accuse him of being a pedo?

You accused him of "begging for childporn repeatedly."

Dortex ago

You make it sound like he wanted to watch childporn

I've never said he wanted to watch child porn. Where did you see that? I said he begged for child porn. Which he plainly did. You don't even deny it. I don't know about Ireland, but in the US, and Canada, trying to convince others to commit crimes is illegal. And in this case, I'm not talking about slap-on-the-wrist illegal, I'm talking "spend two decades in prison because that's a class B felony" illegal.

You accused him of "begging for childporn repeatedly."

Which is a factual statement linking to the actual thread where one can plainly see the felony taking place. Now if you want to read other stuff into that, that's on you. I don't see why I need to go out of my way to preserve a felon's name. Especially a child porn solicitor's.

Broc_Lia ago

I've never said he wanted to watch child porn. Where did you see that? I said he begged for child porn.

Which is a factual statement linking to the actual thread where one can plainly see the felony taking place. Now if you want to read other stuff into that, that's on you.

Oh come on. You knew full well what you were implying. No one's that autistic.

Dortex ago

I don't know how I can imply anything when I literally tell you what I mean, link you to the conversations, then have all but one (Crensch) agree my description is perfectly accurate. The only difference is some people like to throw in an implicit "but" and tell me it was all "provocation", as if that's somehow less illegal/disgusting.

I know it's surprising, but sometimes people tell you exactly what they mean and leave no room for ambiguity. If I wanted to call TOO a pedophile, I'd call him a pedophile. It's not like he can do anything about it anyway.

Broc_Lia ago

At the very best you mischaractarised what happened. If you don't agree then ok, but that's my take on it having seen the links.

Dortex ago

I'm trying to understand how it is you feel I mis-characterized the exchange. From my perspective, I:

1) told you what happened, then you

2)looked at the links and

3) independently concluded the same thing. Only after that, you

4) threw in additional objections to things I never said.

Somewhere between 3 and 4 we're having an issue, and it may be happening with other people who aren't direct enough to actually tell me, unlike you.

Broc_Lia ago

Your original post claimed he was "begging for childporn." Begging is a verb which suggests desperation and need on the beggar's part, whereas in fact he exhibited neither desperation nor need, he was issuing a challenge to the guy to put his keyboard where his mouth was. That is not begging.

You then claimed that he "had a mental breakdown" when you called him on it. I see no evidence whatsoever of a mental breakdown. He was clearly just defending himself.

So no, I did not "independently conclude the same thing."

Dortex ago

That is not begging.

After the third or fourth time he gets shut down, I would have imagined most people would start to call it "begging". This wasn't a single, isolated (but still illegal) request. It was several. To several different users. Over the course of days.

. I see no evidence whatsoever of a mental breakdown. He was clearly just defending himself.

Interesting take.

So no, I did not "independently conclude the same thing."

Well we agree he solicited child pornography, if nothing else. Looks like this all disagreement boils down to semantics. I would imagine committing felonies would have stood on its own, but apparently semantic issues derail from the real point.

Broc_Lia ago

After the third or fourth time he gets shut down, I would have imagined most people would start to call it "begging". This wasn't a single, isolated (but still illegal) request. It was several. To several different users. Over the course of days.

Begging isn't defined by how many times you ask something, it's defined by desperate need. For example: If a cop points his gun at you and repeatedly orders you to get on the ground, it would not be accurate to describe this as "begging." Or if a duelist issued three challenges to an opponent only to be ignored, that could not reasonably be described as "begging."

Well we agree he solicited child pornography

No. I'm pretty sure he posted that knowing the guy wouldn't post childporn, so I don't think it could be described as solicitation. I agree that's a fine distinction though.

I would imagine committing felonies would have stood on its own, but apparently semantic issues derail from the real point.

Everyone commits felonies. The fact that doing something is against the law in one country or another doesn't make it immoral or deserving of censure.

How would you suggest I rephrase this so people understand me better?

Well, first you'd need to explain why you want to spread this so badly.

Dortex ago

that could not reasonably be described as "begging."

We'll have to agree to disagree, since this isn't a factual issue, but rather one of perspective. Thanks for sharing yours.

No. I'm pretty sure he posted that knowing the guy wouldn't post childporn, so I don't think it could be described as solicitation.

It can. Also, you're wrong, since he's explicitly stated his intent. You need to be consistent with your arguments. You're not issuing a serious challenge if you don't actually intend anyone to follow through with it. Nobody disagrees he's challenging someone to post child porn. His intent was specifically for it to happen. That it didn't is imaterial.

Everyone commits felonies. The fact that doing something is against the law in one country or another doesn't make it immoral or deserving of censure.

Yes it does. I don't think you understand: This is America. We don't have your stupid "hate speech" laws protecting everyone and everything that isn't white. Our restrictions on speech are probably the most reasonable on the planet. Unless you're about to argue that child porn solicitation isn't absolutely disgusting and shouldn't be an indictable offense, I suggest we stop this line of argument.

In fact, let's stop it regardless. Child porn solicitation is illegal for good reason. The only context it should ever be legal is as a joke. I dare you to disagree.

Well, first you'd need to explain why you want to spread this so badly.

Because I don't think child porn soliciting felons should get to chide others for posting legal content. Much less get them banned. Even less so keep their platform after using it to censor others for doing nothing wrong.

theoldones ago

I've never said he wanted to watch child porn.


Now if you want to read other stuff into that, that's on you.

the high-lord dortex gives us this humble permission. oh how wonderful. thanks for giving us permission to think you're peddling bullshit, you cunt

Maggotbait88 ago

It looks to me like he said "Post a picture of a naked child"

Pretty clear cut to me

theoldones ago

calling a fair defense a mental breakdown, is like assaulting someone randomly then calling them the crazed one, when they fight back

theoldones ago

all of these are literally the laced links that eventually say you're a dishonest snake

Maggotbait88 ago

I read them. You said "post a naked child" what the fuck dude

theoldones ago

oh hi dortex's-alt

Maggotbait88 ago

Oh look it's the cp solicitor

theoldones ago

oh look it's dortex's alt

Maggotbait88 ago

Calling me a alt doesn't undo you asking for naked children pictures

theoldones ago

oh right, i guess the proof of you being separate is your preferred age of childfucking is 7 years apart

Maggotbait88 ago

And I'm still not the one asking for cp. Geez dude calm down maybe?

theoldones ago

wanna explain this NSFL and horrifying copypasta you wrote?

Maggotbait88 ago

it amused me. I see how you constantly deflect from your "Post a naked child"

Whats up with that?

Diggernicks ago

Can you two fags take your public circle jerk someplace private?

Glipglup ago

Faaaaaaaaaake and gaaaaaaaaaaay

drakesdoom2 ago

Disregarding the first rule of the internet.

thebassdude ago

Tits or GTFO.

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

Actually it’s #31