Ocelot ago

Get those faggots away from my voat.

CheeseburgerMan00 ago

Dear God, please don't use VICE. Don't give them the time of day. Regardless of your views, they are pure left wing feminist cancer.

AlbitEinstein ago

The Vicegrip of the masses

sjwdisabler ago

Make White Women Desirable Again/ Make White Men Not Faggots Again

sjwdisabler ago

Fucking nooooo. These guys are literally 100% charlie male faggots. Self hating unaware idiots with no sense of self respect or nobility. Everyone, prepare to educate fucking retards.

maxoverdrive ago

Good fucking Christ no. If reddit truly wants to destroy Voat, flooding us with all their leftover trash is the best strategy they've come up with yet. I don't want these black-pilled motherfuckers here; like these nigger Q-lovers, they'll contribute nothing of value while blowing out the servers.

13807745? ago

OH god please not the MGTOW faggots.

speedisavirus ago

The faggot running the site doesn't care enough to even have basic alerting. Nobody will scale it up

Sometimesineedhelp ago

I'm a woman that has been banned from multiple Reddit subs because I made a single comment in a totally unrelated sub simply mentioning MGTOW (as a concept) in a way that indicated that it made a certain amount of sense considering how awful a particular woman was being. Mgtow & men's rights make Reddit mods more furious than any other issue I've seen pop up in the last decade of active redditing, it's definitely on the chopping block.


Everyone knocks MGTOW with their fake plastic macho bullshit until they find themselves in divorce court. Then they stop. That being said, I’m a MGTOW, but going your own way doesn’t mesh with “let’s start a club”, so I don’t participate in that.

whysosensitive ago

MGTOW is for cuck faggots.


Right up your alley then; you’re a natural!

muffalettadiver ago

Send em to poal....

Alopix ago

Send the anti-feminists to poal because they hurt your feefees... maybe you're the one who needs to go there.

muffalettadiver ago

Wow. Nothing about feelings here...just would be logistically nice to not deal with a broken site.

BentAxel ago

We need these faggots like a hole in the head. They belong in Our Gang and the he-man's women hater club.

Approved ago

Don't be a fool.

If you're (a) not gay, (b) at a normal body weight, (c) not hideous looking, (d) have a job, (e) dress like an adult, (f) bathe regularly, and (g) have a place to live...

...then every MGTOW is a net plus for you in the dating market.

I would encourage everyone (except me) to go be a MGTOWm

0fsgivin ago

Thats exactly why I dont hate fags. As long as they dont molest kids and dont want to fuck women... Sure bro. Do you I'll take care of the ladies dont you worry.

Alopix ago

You're confusing MGTOW for incel like the feminists trained you to.

Approved ago

I'm not confusing shit.

Incels are involuntary celibates. MGTOW are voluntary celibates.

Either way, that leaves unserviced pussy on the market, and through the laws of economics drives up the value of non-celibate dick.

Being a fucking dick, this is relevant to my interests.

LostandFound ago

Voats 404 defences will take care of all but the most autistic faggots. Then we go after them one by one and make them have healthy happy relationships with lots of babies.

Alwaysmakingprogress ago

I like you.

LostandFound ago

Good lets make babies! X

mynewaccountagain ago

We don't want them here.

dooob ago

Too bad nobody asked you, bitch.

Food_Stamp ago

I picture every single one of you as david sheratt which makes it hilarious when you try to act tough.

dooob ago

Lol, who is acting tough? I just expressed my displeasure towards a guy who thinks he can police new users.

Weasel_Soup ago

They've been black pilled into celibacy. Though I am sure some just can't get laid and say they do it by choice.

0fsgivin ago

Well I still have more respect for a chip on his shoulder MGTOW than the incels.

Ocelot ago

That's like having more respect for Mexicans than you do for niggers, though.

Merchant_Menace ago

Imagine turning their Blackpill red and directing the ensuing rage where it belongs - the kikes.

Soyboy69 ago

I mean for me the incel community is what turned my black pill a dark shade of red. I started thinking about what conditions lead to the current situation which lead to the sexual revolution, and various women's rights going back to suffrage, Next step was figuring out who would be ignorant enough to support it and what makes them that way, ect.

Merchant_Menace ago

Exactly. That's exactly it. There's a potential there to gain new allies and teach them strength and nurture their growth. They know the system is broken. They just don't know the specifics or the extent or why. We should try to teach them and see what happens

dayofthehope ago

There's always poal.co, and notabug.io if voat gets overloaded.

fellowWhiteGuy ago

read many times that Poal is kosher, what about notabug ?

dayofthehope ago

Poal is kosher

I wasn't aware of that.


It's run by go1dfish, a user on voat. He's very pro-free speech, but I'm not sure what his political views are.

skywalker7777 ago


No thanks.

polkadottedhero ago

I thought these guys were already here.

Alwaysmakingprogress ago

MGTOW is a crappy belief system, but it’s an (often shitty) entry point into HBD. From there, many of them can mellow out, realize that you shouldn’t HATE women for being different, just be aware that they are different and treat them accordingly.

Humansized ago

Pretty sure youre using the feminist definition of mgtow.

Alwaysmakingprogress ago

No, MGTOW is a crappy belief system because it isn't sustainable over generations. Feminists don't care about that.

Humansized ago

Everyone ive ever seen was talking about shit like the idea that women shouldnt automatically win divorces and custody battles, its men who are sick of being 2nd class citizens in a gynocentric society which is ironic given that feminists claim the opposite. Ive never heard one of them preaching everyone should just stop procreating.

Alwaysmakingprogress ago

When you say "go your own way," that means apart from others. I agree that family court is misandrist.

WenzelDashington ago

Got damn, fuck these pussy ass faggots. It's like, it's a sub for a reason, if you don't like what's been discussed don't fucking stay.

Food_Stamp ago

Goddamn we cant handle another influx of homosexuals. The mde fags have already made the place unbearable.

Skeeterdo ago

rinse and repeat

Site starts

small user base

Site grows

healthy medium of users

normies come in, rape and pillage original site

original base moves elsewhere where they can share uncensored things

normies love the uncensored humor

follow to new site

demand censorship

1fish2fish ago

It’s the bitter god damn truth.

IndigoElectric ago

Road to Serfdom