skeetskeet ago

Steve Huffman a.k.a Spez needs to be doxxed

Keiichi81 ago

"I'm really sorry for censoring r/the_donald! To show how sorry I am, I'm now going to further censor r/the_donald. CAN'T YOU SEE HOW I'M THE VICTIM HERE!?!?"


avian_buddha ago

That's what reddit is doing to itself. Destroying its own userbase.

avian_buddha ago

Talking out of both sides of his mouth. That site can't be destroyed faster.

AlphaWookie ago

Well you be the good cop you are good at it. I'll be the RWDS. It works.

AlphaWookie ago

Just don't be a "dude weed" Voater and you will do fine. Enjoy the belly laugh.

Phobos_Mothership ago

How much of /r/the_Donald is people being blatantly white supremecist? I've had some friends tell me it was getting really out of hand on the_donald.

I'm never actually been on /r/the_donald, I left Reddit because they banned Pizzagate

retractableclaws ago

Something to remember about t_D is that all of the current mods took over about 2 months ago (1 month before the election). Twice the head mod of t_D has been doxxed and forced to resign, allowing for this kind of takeover. So if that board is filled with anything awful, it is because the Reddit admins have allowed their mods to get doxxed without consequence.

retractableclaws ago

On Voat, you can be the top comment. ;)

Ispankdamonkey ago

Because censorship always ends well.. Morons. All they want is an echo box..

wikchi ago

Honestly reddit has been a censorship shithole since i first started going on there in 2009

Absolutely terrible now that the alt left just want to ban stuff they dont like like the_Donald and anything that goes against their warped as fuck narrative

1person10voats ago

alt left just want to ban

ctrl left

123_456 ago

Spez, that fucking cuck!

heresaguywhoo ago

It's not even the actual actions at this point, but the way he wrote that shit that made me realize he's a nutcase that compromises the site's integrity.

Who the fuck writes a TIFU and then suddenly switches to talking nonsense "healing the country" while at the same time doubling down on what that supposed mistake was in the first place?. The whole piece was really just psychotic and made my skin crawl; I can only hope it was people's rabid hatred of the_donald that allowed them to give him a pass on that, and not that they didn't realize how creepy and full of it he seems.

If it was before the election I probably would've fought tooth and nail against it, but it hardly even matters now that the purpose of the_donald has already been fulfilled. I guess they really thought Trump had no chance, eh? I'm not sure the Fine Brothers' "apology" was even as bad as this one.

Ivegotredditcancer ago

I'd love to see the real stats on gold when spez or pao did their announcements.

retractableclaws ago

Just from t_D. /u/go1dfish said:

Right now, just them. In the past, when a community was deliberately wasting our time, we would look for general solutions that wouldn't single out a specific community. Unfortunately, that usually causes civilian casualties (e.g. when we removed all stickies from r/all and broke sports communities). Going forward, we'll just take away their toys specifically and move on.

retractableclaws ago

He may or may not have edited your comments to say nice things about him.

retractableclaws ago

I don't know how much is the liberal culture on that site, how much is corporate shills, and how much is caused by state actors, but I find it hard to believe that so many real individual people upvoted those comments saying "I don't get why anyone thinks this is wrong!" Christ, man. I can't trust anything I read on there now. Yeah, I know that probably that dickwad won't edit things at random, but if someone you trusts lies to you, it's not easy to trust again.

retractableclaws ago

Front page is created by adding subversesreddits to your list of favs. /all will be created by taking the list of all and then subtracting the ones that you don't want to see.

retractableclaws ago

Ya plucky bastard! Welcome to Voat. Have you been to /v/introductions? You can say hi and get a little starter karma to get you going.

Tangent-love ago

Maybe it is time to start up voting some of the pedo sub reddits to front of /all.

lakeyosemit ago

Who gives a shit, The Donald won, reddit and spez can have their salty ciclejerk for all I care. Voat is my new home.

AsRandomly ago

Looks like others and I myself have transferred over to a new voat.

ChillyHellion ago

Reddit mods already use stickies and enforced meatheads to kill unwanted developing topics; I can see them abusing a "no stickies in /r/all" rule to further bury developing news.

AlphaWookie ago

Why you no call them a nigger faggot as is tradition here on Voat? You lame.

AlphaWookie ago

This is how you fuckkked you lil goat you did not great him the correct way. You must call all new goats an ethnic slur to re-enforce the barrier to entry and the commitment to free speech here on Voat.

@pall_mall is a beaner rape baby sucking the marrow out of Voat.

You stupid blue gumb.

shayneyn ago

I think what they changed back then was Stickied posts had to be text-only posts. I smoke a lot though so am probably mistaken :P

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Reddit sucks, the only reason to go there is to shit in their hats.

Impulsive ago

I won’t do it again.

I am pretty sure you like to have control over people, you probably like the power too much to not do it again.

Biplane ago

I still use Reddit, I can handle differing opinions. Doesnt stop me from using voat.

retractableclaws ago

What do you use it for, out of curiosity?

Biplane ago

Opinions. I like to know everyone's opinions on whatever topic. It has a larger base. Not everyone is there for a safe space. It is important for the citizen to be informed. Even if one defines Reddit as "The corporate take on things" It is important to know that take. "How does the media want ____ portrayed today?" "How do people feel about _____ today?" can be more easily found there. Respected journalists know the twists of all news media that have a large following. I see this in a similar vein to that.

retractableclaws ago

It is important for the citizen to be informed.

That's why I listen to radio from time to time. Thanks!

Biplane ago

As do I! Cheers!

pagesix1536 ago

While my account has existed for 1.5 years (that was from the first time Reddit pissed me off with the FPH ban), I'm now going to be using it exclusively. See ya Reddit!

pagesix1536 ago

Screw Spez, screw reddit.... I'm done with em. Digg learned the hard way, it's about time Reddit does too.

Hilarious_Exception ago

Oh I'm sorry, your title seems to be misleading. When it says "Spez fucked up" in the first part, I would logically assume the second part would say "apologizes to r/The_Donald and vows to fix his site," not "punishes r/The_Donald for reacting to it like any users from any other subreddit would."

piratse ago

Hello fellow new people from reddit. Would you guys like to hang out? This goat place is pretty neato!

JokesOnYou42 ago

its alright i * guess*

piratse ago

This is literally him defining the mind set of reddit. Genius on his part. He calls them trolls (a term NO ONE uses correctly anymore) blames them for the problems, implies they are the reason for "racial divide". All while saying its a "home to conversation." He is literally telling everyone which side they need to be on, the liberal side where Trump is evil and these people aren't serious they are trolls. NO WAY they could actually be speaking their mind, they are trolls and trouble makers. Good way to get the lemmings to fall to your side. Very crafty.

Ivegotredditcancer ago

Admits he has been changing shit for years and reddit eats it up.

go1dfish ago

I'm speaking only to what they have publicly admitted to.

And yes that was before the per sub reddit count restriction in /r/all I expect.

kneo24 ago

I came here about a week ago, but that asshats doubling down on his hatred against that community makes me want to be here more often. Fuck reddit.

timo103 ago

Kek finally got a suspension.

My terrible "harassing, threatening, or bullying post?"

Fuck off /u/spez

go1dfish ago

That three post restriction was still done generally.

Right now, just them.

In the past, when a community was deliberately wasting our time, we would look for general solutions that wouldn't single out a specific community. Unfortunately, that usually causes civilian casualties (e.g. when we removed all stickies from r/all and broke sports communities).

Going forward, we'll just take away their toys specifically and move on.

Bonechip ago

Greetings gang. I just left Reddit Sensorit over this. It was the last straw.

I am officially switched over here now. :)

retractableclaws ago

Welcome to the community. :) You wanna drop by /v/introductions and say hi? Or post a random question in /v/askvoat to get a conversation going if you feel talkative. See ya around!

Blase ago

I am sorry but ends justify the means.. we gonna fight those "trolls" and of course no consequences because I am too big and I said sorry, love you guys! - another asshat who don't have balls to take responsibility for his actions.

retractableclaws ago

I am a troll and I'm proud of it. I believe that I have the right to say offensive shit, just as much as you have the right to not listen. Words are not the same as actions. Words only hurt you if you let them.

Fucking pussies.

Hermesthriceborn ago

I loved the narrative of "anti-harassment" as opposed to the censorship it truly is. The use of the terms "Toxic Users" and "Taken Care Of" sounded like the leader of a cult or mob speaking of dissent. Fucking gullable asshats over there are sucking his teet after the incredulous victimization post he calls an apology.

AlphaWookie ago

DO not be a faggot nigger and leave the Eddit mentality behind. You are with the big Goats now. Also fuck off on your "dude weed" shit.

AlphaWookie ago

Eddit refugees inbound it is gonna be craptastic here on Voat.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I fucked up, and as punishment I've excluded thousands of people I disagree with from the main feature of the site, I hope you all appreciate this and I super no backsies double promise that I won't do it again. To make sure of this we're restricting this kind of editing to only engineers, of which u/spez is one, only engineers could do this kind of editing before but now we restricting it to just them and not other people who wouldn't really know how to do this.

poloport ago

He just doubled down on the insanity...

Grunge ago

His 'apology' was filled with insults to Trump supporters and praise for himself. "I fought the bullies and some people thought I was super brave for that!"

123_456 ago

What a c-c-c-c-cunt.

joethepro36 ago

It was an example of playing the victim, he attacked others and lost so he resorted to seeing himself as a victim of others. He started the fire and instead of putting it out, has just put up a huge screen to shield off the flames. It'll get worse for reddit no doubt, but the next few days will just show the flames licking ever higher. His solution will likely be to put up a bigger screen.

New_Iso ago

What a fuc boi.

Donbuster ago

(I received plenty of support from users of r/the_donald)

PHFFFFT. That's some weapons grade bullshit there

RumpRangerRick ago

((( FAKE NEWS )))

Grunge ago

All he did was praise himself and insult Trump supporters even more. The more they push us down, the stronger the movement gets. The more demand for free speech, non-cuckold sites increases.

123_456 ago

Does Spez want Trump for 8 years? Because this is how you get 8 years of Trump.

retractableclaws ago

And, worst of all, he did nothing to assure that this could never happen again. His silence basically said that it can and will happen again. To top it off, he later says that he had this ability because he was one of the "engineers" who built Reddit, but he doesn't say how many people have access to this feature. He just assures us that they will limit access to this in the future, which only makes me more uncomfortable. Christ, they might as well house the site in the UK the way that they're banning specific forms of speech.

Northvvait ago

For shits and giggles I decided to read it and it's no exaggeration. "Me! Me! ME! Toxic users! Toxic Trump!"

the_magic_man ago

Free speech? You do know that the_donald is the most heavily modded sub on reddit? Evening questioning something Trump does results in a ban.

Edit: not sure why I'm being downvoted, it's pretty much common knowledge. Also, their "free speech" isn't effected

Biplane ago

You're right, they just arent used to the "dissent".

But in all honesty i think the voaters that downvoated you are talking about r/all and what will be the ability for (in this case specifically) leftists to stop from hearing the alt rights view and thus, further thrmselves from the reality of the situation. Not that TD is reality, its not. But its bias is the counter bias that helps people find the reality of the political situation.

the_magic_man ago

The same feature of blocking subs is here. Its seen as a good feature

Biplane ago

That's fine. But them why is the_magic_man being downvoated? The_Donald is an echo chamber. This is not news.

pall_mall ago

Yep me too.

avian_buddha ago

I first made my account a while back but I think that voat will be where I go now.

AlphaWookie ago

You better not act like a faggot nigger here that includes "dude weed" posts and the entire Eddit mentality.

pall_mall ago

the fuck is dude weed

looksforthings ago

enginears 32 points 8 minutes ago

Yeah I've been a daily user of Reddit for 4+ years now and I truly don't care. I like Reddit. You can do whatever you want and I wont stop coming here. So just saying. You probably dont hear this side too often.


Biplane ago

Probably several thousand people in that post. Those points arent engineered. The guy is a kiss ass though. No CEO should get off the hook for secretly editing comments and only coming clean after he was caught. Everyone is just so happy about filtering that they are forgiving spez.

ilovepussy ago

"I will never risk your trust like this again" - No, just in other ways, you slimy POS

wesofx ago

You can filter r/all now? Why would you want to intentionally turn your r/all into an echo-chamber? I go to r/all to specifically to get fresh-air from outside my echo-chamber subs.

joethepro36 ago

Its the final act of making reddit an echo chamber, the last place that you could find pure unfiltered content across all of reddit has now become a set of echo chambers. I've seen lists of up to 50 or more subreddits that people are filtering, its the modern equivalent of putting fingers in your ear and saying "lalala can't hear you".

When the main general aggregator says at the top on your browser "filtered" you know things are bad.

JohnQCitizen ago

Because some people just don't like certain subreddits. I don't play Dota or Lol, so I filter them.

the_magic_man ago

You can do the same on voat. And voat is probably the biggest echo chamber on the internet, so you're probably right

wesofx ago

You can do the same on voat. And voat is probably the biggest echo chamber on the internet, so you're probably right

EarlPoncho ago

to avoid being triggered

TheDude2 ago

We're going to need a bigger voat

AsRandomly ago

If more users are going to be coming along side us, let way for a new wave of users!

jerrykantrell ago

They chose that ship, let 'em sink with it imo. This lifevoat has all the people it needs.

Ifaptocomments ago

yes and no, voat has filled out the default subs nicely but discussion in the more niche and smaller subs still suffers. For instance the debian linux sub is basically dead.

retractableclaws ago

I read that as "lesbian dinux sub." I'm not sure what a "dinux" is, but I hope it's hot.

revofire ago

Oh yeah. That sub needs more attention. ;)

jerrykantrell ago

True, I am all for organic growth, this sort of mass migration however tends to dilute the original culture.

AlphaWookie ago

When the_donald comes over Voat will get back to is 14/88 free speech roots.

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

I hear he is having the aggrieved parties for dinner.

TopGun ago

Its worse than that. r/The_Donald has effectively been completely removed from r/All. You cannot see it for pages and pages.

It will be difficult to bring about change in Reddit.

piratse ago

Not even to mention the weighted votes.

tanukihat ago

Why bother? The people who made the site won't let you change it. Find a new site, like the one you're on right now.

In_Cog_Nito ago

Its worse than that. r/The_Donald has effectively been completely removed from r/All.


TopGun ago

You're right. Thanks goodness! False alarm. Or maybe he just reset r/the_donald posts from r/all with the sticky purge.

In_Cog_Nito ago

I can't remember them not being in /all. I like reading /the_Donald, so that is 95% of my reading on reddit, but I do check /all periodically to see how bad reddit's jimmies are getting rustled by /the_Donald.

hunter3 ago

did they actually take it off of all or did they just tweet the rules so that it doesnt show up?

CowWithBeef ago

They made some sort of algorithm change to it. There was a post a couple months ago where somewhere deep in /r/all there were dozens of The_Donald posts. There was perhaps a ceiling applied. They also mentioned applying a multiplier in the leaked slack chat.

The_Donald figured out that /r/all is heavily influenced by upvote speed so stickied posts in a sub full of Donald fans would get 3k+ upvotes within an hour. They could get a post to the top of /r/all at a rate exceeding 1 per hour. Then when a story would come out that the rest of reddit censored, The_Donald could be half of the top ten on /r/all from even non-Donald fans coming in and upvoting the news.

Instead of making the /r/all algorithm harder to game, they just nerfed The_Donald.

TopGun ago

The_Donald figured out that /r/all is heavily influenced by upvote speed so stickied posts in a sub full of Donald fans would get 3k+ upvotes within an hour.

TBF, many r/The_Donald posts make r/all, including ones that are not stickied. Stickied posts don't even have observably much more upvotes than organic posts. The argument that r/The_Donald is abusing the sticky system is purely BS.

Maybe it had an impact when it was a smaller sub; but, r/The_Donald is big and active enough so that the "sticky manipulation" doesn't give much of a boost. Especially after whatever vote manipulation algorithm Reddit has set up to limit r/The_Donald posts.

CowWithBeef ago

The sticky thing was big months ago.

go1dfish ago

Depending on how deep the changes go I may be able to restore the posts to their correct positions at much like I do with /r/undelete as a source.

I'll look into it.

Edit: well that was easy. It's done

retractableclaws ago

I just wanted to say thank you for ceddit. Any time I feel brave enough to wade into the comments section, I view it through ceddit, and I've shared it with a few other redditors, too. So thanks for your work. :)

Mylon ago

ceddit crashes for me.

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"limit": 100,
"over18": "yes",
"api_type": "json"

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go1dfish ago

Should be fixed now, I'v also generalized my /r/all anti-filtering algorithm to pick up the other posts their recent changes are filtering out.

jerrykantrell ago

Doing Truth's work as always, thanks go1dfish

go1dfish ago

Turns out it was pretty easy, already live:

jerrykantrell ago

Man, you have...No brakes.

go1dfish ago

Should have some more fun stuff releasing later this year.

the_magic_man ago

Good The_Donald is like a virus on reddit

AlphaWookie ago

No shitskins, joooos, and niggers are the virus.

crom_laughs_at_you ago

Reddit is the disease, The_Donald is the cure

VicariousJambi ago

Damn your title was catchier than mine.

retractableclaws ago

For the record, I checked /v/all/new before posting. I was feeling a bit anal retentive, so I checked our posting times. Yours was first! 7:45:05 PM Voat Local Time. 7:45:29 PM For my post. You got me by 24 seconds! You were kind enough to copy paste the text into comments, too. If we combined yours and mine it would have been half decent. :P

VicariousJambi ago

Nah its all cool. That's just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.

Guess I'll have to try something catchier next time :)

go1dfish ago

Yeah this is the first instance i can think of where Reddit instituted subreddit specific restrictions into their codebase.

Not even trying to hide their biases any more.