DammitMoonMoon ago

If you can. I already have. And will again.

avian_buddha ago

Can I come in legally?

DamoclesofBenghazi ago

Reddit like obama's US controlled media has just lost all respect to the outside world. Did any of them ( nbc cbs cnn fox buzzfeed) cover Putin's announcement to the rest of the planet OCTOBER 3rd 2015 yet?

TAThatBoomerang ago

shocking or highly offensive content

shivan21 ago

Evidently they hired a new "thought safety inspector" (aka censor) from wikipedia the day before yesterday, and he has to do something, it's not like he's payed for doing nothing, right?

J20 ago

In addition to Philippe, we have brought on an additional five members to the Community and Trust and Safety teams this week.

How is this real? "Safety" team? Why do you need to be kept safe from a bunch of images and words that you voluntarily seek out?

/r/european always kept themselves isolated in their own sub. They didn't brigade. They didn't cause legal trouble. If you couldn't bear to have the narrative's long dick out of your throat, then all you had to do was leave the sub. The idea that a sizeable portion of Reddit's userbase is willing to support the stripping of free speech because they're too thinskinned to stomach that someone out there disagrees with their soft-thinking cancer is sickening to think about.

Fuck Reddit. Seriously.

shivan21 ago

It has been set to private mode, do you know if it is so for good?

Apathy ago

Main mod said it was for good.

DoomMantia ago

I'm wondering why didn't they migrate earlier. They're basically /v/niggers version 2, just with the focus on Europe instead of America.

Gracchi ago

Great. More of an echo chamber on the way.

Outrider687 ago

voateuropean marked as favorite

Kal ago

Aren't we on voat because fuck reddit? Why are you so concerned what's going on there?

Apathy ago

Because that sub was actually posting shit going on in Europe? Now until the dust clears, it's going to be even harder to get my news. Not to mention that a lot of redditors who have no idea what the fuck is going on were exposed to that content.

You're also in the wrong sub if you don't care about what goes on on reddit.

Talexis ago

Is /r/trees still OK?

InfoTeddy ago

Communities that are dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content are quarantined.

Hey, Reddit isn’t lying—they quarantined the sub for showing shocking content about Muslims.

tentonaraft ago

Meanwhile, at Reddit HQ






Aged ago

OH FUCK!WHY!? We don't need more of these!

Apathy ago

I'm pretty sure mine was the first one.

metacrnl ago

And the solution is to move to other subs not to create a safe space here on Voat, because the only people here are already switched on. If you're going to waste time shitposting online might as well do it smashing the false reality the demagogues that have managed to weasle their way into the higher positions of reddit want to create.

123_456 ago

Ha-ha. Reddit. What a place.

Apathy ago

Some people think it's because the new "sensitivity" team that has been hired last week. Others think it's because of the Brexit vote coming up next month. I think reddit is just being reddit. I'm sure they got tired of all the posts hitting /r/all recently and decided now was the best time to ban them.

the-gerbil-in-my-bum ago

wow, the thread on /r/kotakuinaction is full of people justifying this

how shameful

Apathy ago

kia has been cucked for a few months now.

MaunaLoona ago

Not months. Years.

the-gerbil-in-my-bum ago

how long exactly? is theyre a happening that coincides with this because i had to duck out a bit for mental heath reasons.

AlinskyRules ago

About a year. Basically just go to the point when GamerGate didn't manage to get any shit done anymore. That was the day both active GG hubs were destroyed at the same time.

Apathy ago

I don't remember exactly all of it, but the mods went all SJW a while back and started censoring certain things. I don't even know how long, maybe 2-3 months?

kryptoniankoffee ago

Name checks out.

srgmpdns ago

Pretty sure there isn't a single second-generation San Franciscan among them.

They're all immigrants....

Rabidfish88 ago

"Quick goyims! Do something! WE ARE LOSING THE NARRATIVE!"

Goater ago

Voat may not, but if the advertisement directs to a 3rd party server with a landing page for that ad, won't it still log the amount of impressions?

DammitMoonMoon ago

Oh, well thanks for letting me know. I have no real understanding of how all that works. lol. I'll quit wasting my time clicking them then. Although that dermaneedling thing was pretty interesting to learn about.

ginganinja ago


NoMoreScreenNames ago

May reddit follow usenet, MySpace, LiveJournal, and Digg into oblivion.

Robert_Baratheon ago


8Hz_WAN_IP ago

Dude, NSFL. I'm triggered now.

Fambida ago

I'm not triggered or anything, but that's a definite nope zone. I need to make sure I'm too fat to fit mystery holes.

TheTrigger ago

This hole... was made for me...

...this is my hole...

That gif just brought back some unsettling memories.

novictim ago

The notion of censoring "only offensive speech" flies in the face of what Free Speech is all about.

Mylon ago

It's not about free speech. It's about making advertisers comfortable so they spend more money. How else are you going to convince Taco Bell to buy a #1 slot on /r/pics on Cinquo de Mayo?

novictim ago

Of course. But think.

If it's really about " making advertisers comfortable" and the way you make them comfortable is you ban certain opinions then it is about free speech.

Mylon ago

Reddit doesn't have any duty to allow anyone to say whatever they want. They are a privately owned company and thus they are allowed to limit speech to support their business model.

It's up to us to show them that we value potentially offensive opinions by taking our discussions elsewhere.

novictim ago


This is the conventional position. Well done.

Mylon ago

Well, we are here aren't we?

Forcing reddit to keep the lights on against their will even after all of their advertisers left would be facism.

etzefeck ago

Refugees welcome!

RedSocks157 ago

What was the difference? Was it supposed to be /r/europe without all the bullshit?

Apathy ago

/r/europe is cucked and they don't post any stories that portray the rapefugees in a negative light. Basically any rapes, attempts at pushing sharia law in Europe, or the boatloads full of adult men posing as children get taken down.

Datastream ago

Among other things. Even just asking the "wrong" questions gets you perma banned.

aileron_ron ago

I don't see a problem, I just used a fake gmail account and started reading EU reddit. Looks like the American reddit mods have taken over the EU reddit.

DammitMoonMoon ago

Won't be long before r/the_donald meets the same fate I'm sure. SRS is already building a case for that being a racist, sexist, hate group subreddit. It's not but any disagreement with illegal immigration or the wage gap myth will get you labeled as such.

SRS controls reddit, make no mistake. It's sad and disgusting. Thank god we have voat. We have to continue to support voat financially. click the ads, every time you log in. At least once. Help keep voat viable and operational.

Fume ago

Conspiracy theory time: the admins are only keeping r/the_donald around as long as Bernie is in the race. As soon as him or Hillary snag the nomination then that sub will get quarantined or removed. Not until then though because as of now they are a useful offensive against Hillary. As soon as that is no longer needed the hammer will come down.

DammitMoonMoon ago

Well, I think it's probably inevitable no matter what. Not a matter of if but when. Will be interesting to see if it happens like that.

Martenzo ago

Not likely. r/the_donald has been cowed into silence regarding the quarantine, and they've been diligent in censoring criticism of the Jew well before that. They're good goys, so they won't be quarantined.

RedLeader ago

I'm convinced the subs that actually are still going but offend SRS is because they are SRS by another name.

RamblinRambo ago

Yep they shoahed us.

Datastream ago

Oy vey!

avian_buddha ago

I've made the migration to voat.

Nekochan11 ago

I finally deleted my account there after a harassment brigade from SRS started to stalk me.

spooz ago

Nobody likes migrants.

GenghisSean ago

Welcome! MeanwhileOnReddit is the only way I see reddit posts, and I'm a lot happier without constant reddit drama in my life.

go1dfish ago

Archive of recent content from before the quarantine available here:


RamblinRambo ago

Oh hey man! Long time no see. How's it going?

go1dfish ago

Pretty good, and yourself?

RamblinRambo ago

It's good all things considered. Enjoying the spit in the face from reddit admins after for free growing a community from 0 to above 20k so they can get more clicks. Other than that it's all as usual.

Omnipresent ago

Why are you so amazing, Go1dfish?

BentAxel ago

Communities that are dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content are quarantined.

Offensive to whom? I doubt it will offend me.

HeavyBrain ago

Lol they should see v/european now thats offenisve.

Fambida ago


I don't see anything offensive...

HeavyBrain ago

Then you dont look hard enough, there is always offence.

Didnt you know?!

Fambida ago

Silly me, I forgot.

deerhoof_fan ago

My thoughts on the matter.

Edit: I am stupid. Thought /r/europe and /r/european were the same thing. Now I can totally see why /r/european got banned. Pretty blatant censorship.

CobraStallone ago

That gif is very impressive.

It made me think of the times like on the Medieval period and such where villages were raided and people had to hide in the mountains to save their lives and whatever they could carry.

DigitalRefugee ago

Because it was one of the few places left to freely discuss the European invasion. They have truly censored the public's ability to learn about and discuss the issue.

Truly nefarious and it shows exactly what this is - a forced invasion.

Grunge ago

wow, that is truly despicable. Fuck censorship, that was one of the few subs left that was any good. Fuck that. They don't want people knowing what's really going on over there with muslims, must be a reason for that.

SparkS ago

+1 to fuck censorship, but there are a few issues here.... if the anti-muslim current is the main reason for that quarantine or wtfever, then i consider that i saw enough and have enough infos to believe that freedom of speech must be restricted in certain circumstances and that might be one of them. from my point of view is not because being anti-muslims but becuase of those frustrated no-life anti-mainstreamer brainwashed attention-whores eventually bored morons arguments dog..... i can fucking jump from a high building without parachute if 90% of those morons has an objective idea of whats happening in reality with this immigration crap.... not to say that there are high chances for the user-pool to be manipulated but in this context doesnt rly matter.

bohda ago

It's not an easy situation. I know where I stand, but I know where I stand is not the only stance. And I didn't come to stand where I do because of a knee jerk reaction. As I said in another post, and to elaborate more, Europe needs to ban most Muslims or basically just most refugees from the middle-east. The western world has won their countries by blood and sacrifice (thousands of years of it.) We all are mostly liberal and want to help out those in need, but we have to draw lines in the sand somewhere.

My position boils down to this; you earn your place, you don't get one by virtue of having terrible things happen in your life. I'll help you the best I can, but it doesn't make you my countryman. My countryman, my forebearers, fought for what I have and I fight to honor their sacrifice. You want to come live in my country, great, but I have debts of gratitude to pay and you come second. So, prove your worth, give me a reason to respect you, and you'll have a place in my heart. If you don't, you can go back to whatever shithole you came from and fled from rather than fight for. And if you would, you'll have a hard life, but maybe your progeny will be like me; living in a civil society, and knowing that you have a debt to repay to people that you never got the opportunity to know.

I'm drunk as shit. Rambles.

administrater ago

are the servers ready? prepare your anus

selpai ago

WTF are those? I genuinely want to know what kind of food that is.

thisismyfist ago

ask george soros