TheAntiZealot ago

Damn, that dude is ugly.

My_Name_is_Not_Sure ago

I miss the days when shame was still popular.

vastrightwing ago

I see that and think I'm the freak because I have no tattoos, no pins, no rings, no hair color, collard shirt, slacks, black shoes.

That's ok. I don't want to be the new normal.

dangerous_ai ago

I feel like none of these puny-brains has thought ahead when skin gets thin, wrinkled, and sags. Sure, it's edgy at 25, but what's this going to be like when you're 65? (if they make it)

Adminstrater ago

This is a weird clown. I wonder what type of song it sings when it does it's angry dance.

Wolfspider ago

Probably something by Wheezer

DeltaBravoTango ago

Yeah but it probably doesn’t vote. Talks about politics, but doesn’t actually show up.

plowboys ago

her glasses are much to broad for her face LOL

MacKuGoo ago


Mesencephalon ago

The bigger problem is who you get to vote for, the choices are only ever between zog puppet a and zog puppet b, if voting changed anything they would have banned it long ago.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

The entirety of them need to be killed in a purge.

con77 ago

that bitch will wake up at 2 pm on election day still high with all its orifices leaking. It wont make it to the polls

senpaithatignoresyou ago

You got it all wrong, you make a white family, and put THAT in the meme, then spread it on nigger twitter or niggerbook. Granted, none of them write their congressmen so i don't think it will go far.

Durm ago

A lot of work went into that

ALIENS2222 ago We could get it the hell out with this...

MuscularMayor ago

I want to take a dump on it

fuckinghell ago

It probably would be into that, so I'd pass personally

voats4goats ago

Holy fuck do the gas chambers need to come back online and stat!

majb ago

I don't think gas chambers would be fast enough at this point.

toobaditworks ago

Gas Chambers Online. It's like America Online but with gas.

Decidueye ago

Too much effort for such a freak. A rope and tree is all you need.

Mesencephalon ago

Or a rooftop

voats4goats ago

For one yes i agree. For many you need to go the costco route and gas in bulk.

Liberals are like cockroaches, theres 20 more you dont see for ever one you do.

fuckinghell ago

The Costco route is .22lr to the head.

fuckinghell ago

That's cool as fuck, thermals of that gun after would have been awesome.

1moar ago

Needs more fire.

Whiteflighter ago


Aristocratic republic only.

Broc_Lia ago

Same problem. You end up getting ruled by something like this

Voluntaryism is a better solution. You can still have a king if you want (like Hans Adam II) but if he wants to take your guns away or flood your territory with dindus, you can simply decline to extend his contract.

Whiteflighter ago

Plato's general definition.

The true aristocracies are mothers, men who punish according to law, and donators to the state.

Broc_Lia ago

Ok... and who runs the state? If it's philosopher kings then we only have to look at third level education to see how that works out. Leftists sniff power and flood the place with fake philosophers.

Whiteflighter ago

The three aristocracies.

Checks and balances and all that, but they run the show. Life would be mostly preoccupied with pregnancy, order, and wealth building.

Broc_Lia ago

The trouble there is when any two of the three realise they can gang up on the other one.

Any organisation will become corrupt given time. The only proven way to avoid corruption is to introduce competition. In the example of the state this means that individuals must be free to join and leave states at will, just like they would any other service.

If the rule of three aristocracies produces good results then people will adopt their rule without being forced to. If it doesn't then they should be free to adopt another system of rule without having to fight a war.

Whiteflighter ago

No two have the same interests. Ganging up cleans up bad rule.

Voluntary punishment will not work.

Broc_Lia ago

No two have the same interests.

I'm pretty sure any two of those could find something in common. Plus, you haven't considered infiltration. In our society motherhood is a welfare meal ticket, if it granted political power imagine all the whores queueing up to get knocked up with a financially valuable vote.

Same goes for law enforcement. We don't have to imagine how that would become a corrupt organ.

Ganging up cleans up bad rule.

So violent revolution every time corruption happens? Doesn't sound very efficient.

Voluntary punishment will not work.

How do you mean voluntary punishment?

Whiteflighter ago

It's by veto.

Infiltration will be discovered eventually and revokes power permanently.

Mothers rule by quantity of successful children. It's a long term investment. Quality mothers rise to the top.

Punishment is the worth of a man. He has to be successful and according to law, ultimately guided by the donators.

They gang up by veto. There is an equilibrium.

If one should be punished, under your proposal, he would have to submit voluntarily. But joining is voluntary.

Broc_Lia ago

It's by veto.

In that case, if unanimity is needed for every decision, then it'd be very difficult to get anything done.

Infiltration will be discovered eventually and revokes power permanently.

Who will revoke it? The power structures have been infiltrated.

Mothers rule by quantity of successful children. It's a long term investment. Quality mothers rise to the top.

How is success measured? That just shifts the reigns of power off to some statistics bureau. Also, if the best mothers are also expected to be politicians, how are they finding time to be mothers? Even when they hit menopause they should be coaching their daughters.

Punishment is the worth of a man. He has to be successful and according to law, ultimately guided by the donators.

Again, someone's going to have to measure and legally define success. Whoever does that will now control both law enforcement and the maternal caucus.

They gang up by veto. There is an equilibrium.

If bad rule is occurring then by definition the veto hasn't been excercised.

The point I'm making with all of this is that no system is perfect and that there is always an avenue for a leftist takeover, or other forms of corruption. There needs to be some system by which successful people may remove themselves from the hegemony of the unsuccessful.

If one should be punished, under your proposal, he would have to submit voluntarily. But joining is voluntary.

If someone distrusts the justice system they're currently involved with so much, they should be free to secede. In doing so, they lose their right to anonymity and the details of their crime and the evidence against them is made public.

If their basis for secession is good then another community will accept their decision and allow them to integrate. If it's not, then no other community will want them and they'll be isolated on their own land. The only community that will want them will be that of rapists and murderers.

So ultimately they still face judgement and consequences in the court of opinion of whatever community they seek to join. And their secession does not revoke their original community's right to defend itself: If they leave their land or commit an aggressive act, invasion is perfectly justified.

Whiteflighter ago

I didn't mention unanimity.

It's impossible to take it over. Everything is infiltrated to some degree.

It's measured quantitatively.

Mothers can reduce their political activities to a simple app. No politicians, at least in the way we're used to.

No one directly controls recognition. It's easy to prove and punish.

There is no direct line between quality of results and exercising of vetos in any system.

No, this is about as perfect as it gets. There is zero long term chance of a takeover or corruption.

Wrong again. The successful will fall all over themselves to punish according to law and donate their wealth to the state.

Feel free to leave the faith at any time, but any votes given before leaving will be taken away with no possibility to recover. So mothers will need new babies and men new punishments and donation.

Broc_Lia ago

I didn't mention unanimity.

That's how vetos work. If there isn't unanimity, then it doesn't happen.

It's impossible to take it over. Everything is infiltrated to some degree.

People said the same thing about democracy, turned out they were wrong. There needs to be an exit mechanism.

It's measured quantitatively.

Someone needs to still write the test and administer it. With anything that complex there will always be potential for fudging figures.

Mothers can reduce their political activities to a simple app. No politicians, at least in the way we're used to.

Even with completely direct democracy, someone will still need to write the policies and educate the voters about them.

There's just far too many ways this could go wrong. Like I said, there needs to be a clear and recognised exit mechanism which allows any household to make a clean separation with their assets intact.

Whiteflighter ago

Vetoes do not inherently require unanimity.

A republic is potentially perpetually politically stable.

Bookkeeping is a fraction of production.

The mothers don't need your help. They only have to survive a veto.

There's no risk in a country with freedom of religion. A religion can't seize your assets; that's silly. It survives by free donation alone.