phillyjoe ago

when people call you out the system notifies.

I've been here for years it's done that shit forever.

phillyjoe ago

88 upvoats, lol

MrThursday ago

that's a lot of projection there schlomo

"NO U" the argument.

These reddit mods are confirmed pedo's

Would you mind posting evidence of that? Because last I checked reddit was about as good a judge as Ginsburg.

MrThursday ago

If seeing drawings of little girls makes you immediately think of fucking them then you’re probably a oedo yourself.

Rotteuxx ago

So you like drawings of little girls, huh ?

What do you find so attractive in those drawings ? Would it be the prepubescent subject ? Kinda like a pedo would ?

MrThursday ago

Are you saying you've never looked at something and thought "that's cute"?

You're the one who can't stop thinking bout sex when you see a drawing. But hey, I like to compromise. Lets start drawing them in hijabs so that there's no possible way to think of them in a sexual light, eh?

Rotteuxx ago

looked at something and thought "that's cute"?

What exactly do you find to be cute in drawings of prepubescent girls wearing little to no clothing and often depicted in sexually exlicit poses ?

You're the one who can't stop thinking bout sex when you see a drawing.

I don't see anything sexual here

Lets start drawing them in hijabs so that there's no possible way to think of them in a sexual light, eh?

Pretty sure that won't classify as Lolicon, seeing as how it wouldn't be about little girls in pornographic drawings.

Stay on subject, I know it can be tempting to use comparisons to prove your point but it's important to keep those within context.

MrThursday ago

What exactly do you find to be cute in drawings of prepubescent girls wearing little to no clothing and often depicted in sexually exlicit poses ?

Loli art doesn't necessarily involve either of those. Reddit banned them for any depiction of little girls in an Eastern artstyle.

Truth be told, the porn makes my skin crawl. However I don't think it should be banned.

Rotteuxx ago

You can personally define it all you want, it won't change what it factually is. Lolicon is softcore pedo porn.

MrThursday ago

it won't change what online dictionaries say it is

That's not the way it's used on imageboards. And it's also not what reddit banned.

Rotteuxx ago

Not sure what your point is here, your link defines it the same way the others I presented do.


1) short for lolicon

2) hentai that contains underage females in sexual situations.

3) an underage child, often depicted in sexual poses in hentai movies/images.

2) "I saw some loli the other day, I swear to god that girl had to be no older than five!"

3) Stacy was too young for Brad, but thats ok because he likes lolis.

What does rEddit have to do with this convo ? This isn't about their shit site, it's about the pedophile nature if Lolis.

MrThursday ago

Third definition, only says "often".

At any rate I don't think lolicon can make you a pedo anymore than violent vidya makes you a killer.

MrThursday ago

Fine, you win. It's pretty fucking disgusting. But I'd like to point out two things:

One: In areas where lolicon is most popular (i.e. Japan), there are a far less degree of pedophiles.

Two: Right before Gab banned Nazi thought, they banned lolicon.

Like it or not, it makes an effective yellow canary for when free speech is about to hit the fan. And since it doesn't actually hurt anyone I don't see why it needs to be banned.

Rotteuxx ago

I've never advocated for banning legal content.

That's the problem, it's legal in the U.S. but illegal in many countries like mine. It's not about censorship on Voat, it's about pedophile material being legalized by the U.S. justice system.

MrThursday ago

I think it's illegal in certain states, or atleast my own. I think making it illegal is a bad thing for a number of reasons.

First and foremost, how do you enforce such laws without infringing on a person's right to privacy? Secondly, how do you distinguish between those who fap to loli and those who had it planted on their computer? Putting CP on someone's computer is an easy way to discredit them for anything they might have said. The government is rumored to do this constantly, and making drawings that can be found rather easily on the internet illegal would make it even easier for either them or other people to frame someone.

Thirdly, by letting the government regulate this based on obscenity, you're giving them precedent to regulate other things in the same manner. For regular CP, it's easy: the law prohibits it because it directly harms children. For lolicon this gets murkier as you have to justify its ban by it being obscene; sounds fine at the moment, right? Trouble is, obscenity is subjective. Eventually you'll have cases come up where certain groups will demand that other things be censored by the same guidelines. This almost happened with video games.

In short, I don't think a decent society needs to prohibit it by law, the people ought to do that for themselves informally.

Rotteuxx ago

First and foremost, how do you enforce such laws without infringing on a person's right to privacy ?

How are laws against CP being enforced right now ?

You 2nd point kinda goes nowhere because these situations already exist, loli wouldn't compound the problem.

Thirdly, by letting the government regulate this based on obscenity, you're giving them precedent to regulate other things in the same manner.

Canada kept it pretty simple and to the point, no murky waters there :

Section 163.1 of the Code, enacted in 1993, defines child pornography to include "a visual representation, whether or not it was made by electronic or mechanical means", that "shows a person who is or is depicted as being under the age of eighteen years and is engaged in or is depicted as engaged in explicit sexual activity", or "the dominant characteristic of which is the depiction, for a sexual purpose, of a sexual organ or the anal region of a person under the age of eighteen years".[11] The definitive Supreme Court of Canada decision, R. v. Sharpe, interprets the statute to include purely fictional material even when no real children were involved in its production.

Trouble is, obscenity is subjective.

The subject is not obscenity, it's pornography.

In short, I don't think a decent society needs to prohibit it by law, the people ought to do that for themselves informally.

Human nature dictates that laws are required to keep things objective, which was the subject of your third point... objectivity.

People need leaders & moral boundaries, the degeneracy we're seeing today comes from the destruction of moral pillars and the subversion of government to instore fake leaders who don't care for their citizens.

Illusory ago

This seems a bit like fighting windmills.

stealthninjataliban ago

Did hitler have any beef with adolescent girls? Voat needs a dictionary

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the nazi's burned books advocating for pedophilia

YoHomie ago

Yeah, they burned a lot of other books too... and were Socialists. Great group of guys.

WhiteRonin ago

Hey @Dr_no / @phillyjoe enjoy the heat!