oiseaulibre ago

Luckily, since you can no longer go through and downvoat posts and comments more then 7 days old, once you get enough CCP and SCP, downvoat brigades lose there effectiveness.

SDBH is essentially confirmed as SRS.

https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/1639472 archive: https://archive.fo/jenIg

https://voat.co/v/MeanwhileOnReddit/comments/1193416/5900868 archive: https://archive.fo/6Zpbc

https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/comments/474809 archive: https://archive.fo/dXxIB

/v/cheers is connected to SDBH and acts as an upvoat farm, in addition to SDBH being an upvoat farm.

I haven't been able to confirm if SBBH is connected to SDBH and SRS, although many users suspect this. However, SBBH definitely controls the voat meta narrative as I've stated above.

All of these groups are highly suspicious: /v/SoapDoxBanHammer, /v/Cheers, /v/SoapBoxBanHammer, /v/TheCabal, /v/ProtectVoat

However! I do not think these subs as a whole are filled with SRS shills, for example go1dfish and a few other posters in /v/cheers seem like normal users.

Lobotomy ago


Seriously, if you've got delicious infos, gimme. I'll drop Mint like it's hot if it is indeed pozzed, but to my knowledge, it contains nothing from Ubuntu that is compromised.

I haven't used Ubuntu itself since probably 2009/10. I watched that OS get fat, right before my eyes. Didn't take long before using it made me just as noided as if I were running Windongs. Also, Gnome 3 is fucking terrible.

raw ago

If you are willing to install Gentoo, then why not go a step further and install Slackware?

Zawaken ago

If you didn't notice, it was a shitpost, but yeah. I have fedora right now, I really enjoy it so I don't see a reason to install either Gentoo or Slackware :P

oiseaulibre ago

If you haven't already answered this guy he was asking about voat enhancements. I think you were talking about those before, maybe?

Anyways, don't play dumb kev. You know how much SBBH influence opinions on voat. Mighty and others say you're SRS, but I don't believe so. I think you guys are trolling all of voat by influencing and manipulating it. All you SBBH guys jump in a thread and spread the same idea. To the average user it seems like many individual people all have this same idea and you are all upvoated as well because you upvoat eachother. So, users see all these people saying the same thing and are therefore likely going to be more likely to accept that idea. For example, there were many many people who believed MYG7 was SaneGoat. That was because of you guys. Granted, I found it hilarious, but it was you guys controlling the voat meta narrative.

You guys also really pushed the anti SaneGoat thing. The whole /v/TIL thing wouldn't have happened without your guys help. Also, you guys are in Putt's ear to an extent. You guys got the chat restrictions implemented because you complained about that one spammer who had been there for months already before that and we were all able to ignore him until you guys showed up to chat. Then there's post after post about spammers in chat. Next thing you know...chat restrictions. Me and others had a few concerns about these restrictions, but not you guys. I went to voice my thoughts in Putt's thread, but lo an behold, all of SBBH is in the thread praising Putt. So, from Putt's perspective a ton of user's loved his changes while in reality it was just SBBH that loved his changes. Thus, controlling the narrative.

Zawaken ago


I too have 1.5k+ packages (stupid fedora) however I don't mind it tbqh

goatism ago

Arch is fucking annoying. Used it for a year, and all the tweaking and stuff just annoys me. Also, I don't need software updates 3 seconds after the coder commits them! I want to get shit done, set everything up the way I want it to be and be done with it! Fedora for me, used it for the past 2 years on my desktop and laptop! Stable, software did not break once and super user friendly! I got enough programming shit to do on my own, no need to tweak the OS every 2 days!

Zawaken ago

I think you're kinda missing the point, Arch is an ok distro, and this was a shitty shitpost. I'd admit I miss the AUR when on fedora. I miss having under 1k packages, there's a lot I miss. but that's not really the point here. I just shat this shitty shitpost out because I could. But yeah, Fedora has it's usecases, Arch has a different usecase (I used it for a good while).

But yeah, Fedora is more stable than arch, user friendly? well as long as you're not using novideo. But, the "tweak the OS every 2 days" thing is a meme, I didn't have to tweak my OS, maybe once per month or so. But if you don't have a special snowflake set up like me, you should be good on arch. But I agree, Arch is fucking annoying

goatism ago

Well, i don't fuck with video production... I set up VLC with codecs when i installed it, and never had any issues! Yeah, you don't really need to set the OS up every 2 days :-D! I was also using i3 and a highly tweaked setup, that may have been the issue. The AUR is actually pretty awesome, I miss that! There should be a stable rolling release of Arch, and I would be coming back real quick! Kinda hate the LTS system, those distro updates rarely work!

Zawaken ago

If you want a somewhat stable rolling release I think Opensuse Tumbleweed would be something for you. And regarding the highly tweaked setup, I have cwm + compton + rofi + urxvt (CWM is a wm from OpenBSD) running on fedora right now, I've been running that same set up on Arch, Void and Fedora, loving every single bit of my setup. I am also gonna add XMobar to the mix pretty soon :-)

goatism ago

Yeah, i installed OpenSUSE once but couldn't get VLC and codes to work so I downloaded Fedora :-). After Arch I was pretty impatient, doesn't work in 5 minutes, you are gone! All those TWM are awesome, stuck with i3 because back then there were the most tutorials for it out there! I miss urxvt, I think terminus was the font I used. Looked fucking insane! I also used HLWM for a while, also a pretty awesome TWM! If you work in the terminal a lot and code in Vim and stuff this is the perfect setup! Damn I miss that. Not using the mouse at all. Fuck, I already see myself hopping around! Damn you! Also, the Arch wiki is one of the best resources out there!

Zawaken ago

Yeah the arch wiki is fucking great, and yeah TWM's are great (I'm a heathen with a Floating/Stacking WM) but goddamn, I used windows not too long ago, and I found myself pressing the keybinds I use in my wm, I was so goddamn frustrated that it didn't work. Anyway, I dig using my mouse as little as possible, it is just so much easier to use the keyboard for everything, I can't live without my precious keybinds. I don't really code at all, but I do know I have a pretty great set up if I ever start coding shit :D

And no problem ;)

goatism ago

You probably know about this, but just in case. There are addons for most mainstream browsers, that let you use Vim keyboard controls in your browser. When I browse, I never touch the mouse. Fucking great, and much much faster!

RiverWind ago

Arch is bleeding edge, but there is a much better one:

This is an entirely Libre fork of Arch. The repositories contain only Free As In Freedom packages, so you would never lose your Liberty. Instead of using the Linux kernel, which has been non-Free for quite a few years, it uses a de-blobbed fork from the GNU project: Linux-Libre.

For those who prefer a more conservative, Debian GNU/Linux based distro, there is also . This is a Free fork of Ubuntu. A long awaited, new release is currently in Beta, and you can try the Live ISO images here.

Both distros are endorsed by the FSF (Free Software Foundation).

Zawaken ago

I know I should be thinking about everything in a free as in freedom way, however, there are a lot of non-free shitware I need to live. So Trisquel and Parabola aren't really something I can deal with. I am on Fedora atm, and I enjoy my non-free software in moderation.

Lobotomy ago

Depends on what you want, and your level of skill. Are you familiar and confident with the Linux kernel? Try Arch. Do you want a Windows 7 Ultimate replacer? Linux Mint is your man. Do you want the CIA and NSA to know everything you're doing? Try Ubuntu.

Zawaken ago

I am actually on Fedora, I only made this post because reddit was down as /u/oiseaulibre said. However I was hoping this community was atleast active.

Also I've been on arch for quite a while before, it's ok but it's not GREAT, as archfags usually tend to say.

oiseaulibre ago

/v/Linux is a lot more active than this sub. I love the voat community way more than the 4 years I spent on reddit. I came over here almost 2 years ago and haven't left.

Zawaken ago

Yeah you joined this site at around the same time as I did. But I've spent ~4 years on reddit, and I only visit a handful of subs r/linuxmasterrace r/pcmasterrace (to get some cancer) and a couple of subs like that. And I don't know if voat has the type of cancer I need

oiseaulibre ago

It's extra cancerous right now. Come check it out on a normal day.

Zawaken ago

Of course it is extra cancerous right now, makes sense. since plebbit is down and all, but it's the cancer I'm after

oiseaulibre ago

Oh, you don't know the shitshow we can have here. The voat meta is the best out of any site I've been a part of. You should have seen the chat when we could post inline pictures. r i p those were the days...

Zawaken ago

Shitposts are the most beautiful thing there is. And I'll try out voat for a few days.

oiseaulibre ago

Voat, has a much higher rate of shitposts than I experienced on reddit. It's like reddit fucked the chans and we're the product of that.

Zawaken ago

That's great!

Side Note: is there something like RES (Reddit Enhancement Suite) for Voat?

Disappointed ago

v/ave works but its maintainer stopped dev on it. It still works for a lot of things apparently. I don't use it so I'm going off what others say. You can turn on dark mode by clicking the lightbulb icon up top right of the page or permanently by going to the gear icon and finding the setting there.

Lobotomy ago

Nothing currently exists. I asked that question just this week.

oiseaulibre ago

I know there is something, but I don't use it.

This might be it, but I don't think it is: /v/ves

@kevdude and @mick, IIRC I think one of you was telling me about voat enhancements...?

Zawaken ago

tbqh, all I really wanted was a night mode, so that I didn't have to look at the horrible white background. But I'd take a look at /v/ves or whatever the smartlads were talking to you about

oiseaulibre ago

I wouldn't call @kevdude and @mick smart... although, they do control the voat meta narrative.

You hear that (((SBBH))), the people of voat are onto you! :)

Zawaken ago

You hear that (((SBBH))), the people of voat are onto you! :)


Well, maybe they aren't smart. but they seem to know more about this /v/ves thing.

oiseaulibre ago

Yeah, they should be able to answer any questions you have. I pinged them earlier in the thread so they will see it whenever they get on.

Zawaken ago

Yeah thanks :)

oiseaulibre ago

So many redditfags here right now.

Obviously arch tho.








gentoo ayyyyyLMAO

Zawaken ago



oiseaulibre ago

Member for: 1.7 years


1st post


reddit is apparently down

kinda obvious

I wish voat chat wasn't just taken down. You guys could see it in all it's glory.

Zawaken ago

What really is the reason to use voat, I made a account when voat came out, and I haven't touched it till now. just seems like the communities are more dead on the voat side

oiseaulibre ago

Reddit censors you. A handle of mods control majority of the subs. You get banned for having the wrong opinions. There's shadowbans. And a very high percentage of posts and comment are literally bought and paid for by companies.

Zawaken ago

Yes, I know that. However, voat isn't active at all. Atleast not the subs I would want to be active. (for example this one) And isn't Voat hosted on M$ tech?

oiseaulibre ago

What's the difference between using this sub and /v/linux? They're essentially identical.

I'm not sure how Voat is hosted rn, I'm sure someone else here does.

Zawaken ago

Have you seen r/linuxmasterrace? (reddit is down now but whatever) it's a cancer shitshow, and that's what I love about it. and I'd imagine /v/linux doesn't have bad linux memes and shitposts

oiseaulibre ago

You can post whatever you want on /v/linux and they won't remove it or ban you. All subs have public ban logs as well as public logs of removed posts and comments.

Here's their removed submissions. It's all malicious links and spam that got removed. If you make a post related to the topic of a sub here, it won't get removed.


The only subs here with reddit-style cancer mods are /v/Chicago and /v/Canada, so people created alternative subs that get more activity than those two.

Zawaken ago

So even my shitty shitpost (this post) will never get removed, that's sick. I already kind of like voat a little

oiseaulibre ago

We'll grow on you if you stick around.

Zawaken ago

I'll stick around for a bit atleast, I just thought that I should shitpost a little here while reddit is down. seems like an overall nicer community tbqh.

oiseaulibre ago

Glad to hear it. If you haven't already done so, enable nightmode, it makes the site better. However, this particular sub has cancerous white css.

Zawaken ago

Who the fuck designed the css for this sub? anything that is of a lighter color than my terminal background should be illegal. (#2f343f)

oiseaulibre ago

lmao, I know it sucks ass. There's a few subs that have cancer css. Since nightmode is builtin and not an enhancement most subs' css works and looks good in nightmode tho.

Zawaken ago

Atleast /v/linux looks great, not like this dump, goddamn.