voatHatesTheFirst ago

Let me guess, Ubuntu faggot.

GumbyTM ago

Gentoo, sister fucker.

voatHatesTheFirst ago

I call bullshit. This lame ass grade school level 'project' is not something someone who figured out how to install gentoo would do, and certainly not something they'd brag about.

GumbyTM ago

Hey, shit-dick-sucker, you're the one that made an issue of OS. I'm sorry you mad an ass of yourself.

Also you should probably learn the difference between silly done for fun vs something serious.

This wasn't a serious project of value rather something silly done while drinking. Much like your own conception.

voatHatesTheFirst ago

I don't believe you. Gentoo users are not this stupid.

GumbyTM ago

I would say who cares what you think but I just can't resist making more of an ass of you.

So how about a wager where the loser deletes their account?

You confident enough tough guy?

voatHatesTheFirst ago

I don't wage with known liars.

GumbyTM ago

So you're just a beta pussy who talks shit but is scared of confrontation and lacks the conviction to follow through on your own blowhardery.

Exactly what I thought.

PS watch out for yeast infections.

voatHatesTheFirst ago

How would this wager work in your peabrain?

You bet you use gentoo, then you lie about it some more and claim victory?

Eat a dick buntufaggot.

GumbyTM ago

Simple, I'll point you toward a post with a screenshot and timestamp before our 'conversation' which clearly shows my machine name kernel and OS.

The image link will be from imgoat so it can't have been edited.

Do you agree to the terms or are you quitting?

voatHatesTheFirst ago

LMAO, the liar thinks a fake image is proof.

I have all the proof I need that you are an ubuntu (or similar) fag with this post. It is indisputable rock solid.

GumbyTM ago

< Bueller....... Bueller....... >

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            ||     ||

GumbyTM ago

Keep trying to save face while pussing out. Pssst. It's not working.

Are you claiming that I put a fake image out before this post in an attempt to trap you before I even knew what a cry baby you are? (Because that would make me psychic which is way more impressive than being able to follow simple instructions and install Gentoo.)

If not, define how I would fake the test I have proposed?

Or define what would constitute proof for you?

Looking forward to your next quitters excuse.


AmaleksHairyAss ago

You have the gay.

Kleyno ago

Well at least he is fucking someone. I hear that in order to run Gentoo, you must be a wizard, and only 30+ virgins can be one of those.

i_scream_trucks ago





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SkinnyMagna ago

HA! Nice