Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Start a maggot farm. They are usually going after the protein and trace elements that they are not getting from bagged food rather than calcium.

5 gallon bucket with a ring of small holes drilled in the bottom edge, and some larger holes drilled in the top for flies to enter. Throw some old meat in there and give it a few weeks.

calfag ago

Epic tip. Thank you.

Asgardener ago

What else are you feeding your chicken? It might be craving some protein.

calfag ago

Doing 16% protein pellets with calcium supplement. Every morning they get added mealworms, plus some bread. Scratch twice per day, dinner scraps including protein from my plate. I think they're spoiled and need calcium or stewing. Yeah?

TinyBunch ago

I've heard of blowing the inside out of an egg and filling with hot sauce then replace in the nest. Also putting in a porcelain egg or white golf ball into the nest.

I agree with adding calcium.

calfag ago

Chatted with the folks at Tractor Supply, and they all concur that I should try calcium first. Give it a bit, then time to stew.

Warnos44 ago

There's another solution no one mentioned.

You can add to your egg box a slight incline so that the egg rolls away into a small cache with wire across the top for you to see to collect. Saw this ages ago before I got chickens. It's simple enough to rig up and it will prevent you from having to off a chicken that (feels like) takes forever to get to egg laying age!

calfag ago

Cool illustration. Thanks for that. I think I may have to build a new box. My current one, though I thought it had enough angle, doesn't seem to. That eggs linger.

Warnos44 ago

No problem. I prefer this set up as it prevents poop on the eggs!

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LightningAndTheSun ago

This is what happens when a chicken gets a hold of eggs as scraps of food. It learns how good eggs taste and eats its own.

Butcher it and get a new one and make sure it never learns how good the eggs are.

mrgreenjeans9 ago

eat that chicken. it'll probably be the best tasting chicken you ever had seeing as how it lived on a diet of protein instead of scratching around in it's own shit looking for a kernel of corn. grill it so the rest of the chickens can smell it and learn to deliver every morning and not hold out. gotta keep your pimp hand strong.

calfag ago

That's my favorite tip so far. Cheers!

mrgreenjeans9 ago

i was thinking about your chicken some more and it occurred to me that this particular chicken also does nothing but further complicate the 'which came first the chicken or the egg' argument and a 'why not both' reply just angers me. that chicken is dividing by zero and must be eliminated, with extreme prejudice.

Frowning_Buffalo ago

With eggs showing up roughly 340 million or so years ago, and the first chickens evolving at around 58 thousand years ago at the earliest, it’s a safe bet to say the egg came first.

calfag ago

Good point sir. That, in reality, is the truest problem occurring out back. Eggs are great, and I'll kill a bird for stealing from me. But violating the rule of mathematics and threatening all of us with a circular implosion of space-time is definitely worse.

Sosacms ago

2x4 to the head. That's how my grandpa solved the problem of his pig eating it's babies as they were being born.

Jewed ago

Smart pig didn't want to sustain its life in hell.

calfag ago

Interesting. Crazy part is baby pigs look like pigs.

Ginger_Snaps ago

Eat that chicken. Quick. Before they all start. NO CORRECTING THIS BEHAVIOR.

i_am_texas_charlie ago

Partner the eggs with some bacon and hashbrowns, obviously.

BushChuck ago

Kill it.

calfag ago

Probably gonna have to. Oh well. TBD...

BushChuck ago

It's like a computer, in a way.

You can spend days trying to fix some bullshit. Or you can spend 20 minutes reformatting.

calfag ago

If I knew for sure which one it was, I'd probably just off it. As it is, gonna try calcium supplement while doing some detective work. Looking for a beak with dried yolk on it.

Jewed ago

Look for sticky egg on its beak.

calfag ago

Cheers Jewed. Would hate to kill the wrong one...

SeanBox ago

Build a drop box under the nest to catch the egg where they can’t get to it.

calfag ago

Thanks, tried that though. Smart little shit traps it in there and eats it.

SeanBox ago

Ya, I’m not %100 on the logistics or if it’s even possible. Just spitballing.

Corpse_washer ago

Calcium deficiency.

Moikd ago

Maybe it's lacking in calcium? If you are feeding it well then maybe just chop its head off. 1 Rooster to around 10 hens, or in my experience, a strong big hen can stop this stress in your chooks. Good luck

calfag ago

Thought I was feeding it well. Will try adding calcium to see if it stops.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

My understanding is once they realize their eggs are food you can't stop them.

Eat it and start over. u/Intheknow2 is probably right about ensuring good calcium for the new birds.

calfag ago

Unfortunately, that is my understanding too. Gonna try calcium first. If it persists, time to put the old bird in the slow cooker...

NamelessCrewmember ago

Feeding to y low of protein can cause weird behavior too. Picking at each other, eating feathers, eating... Give them extra protein and calcium, see if it quits. But, once they learn that trick they usually continue. The others learn too...

calfag ago

Bought some calcium supplemented feed earlier. They get tons of protein. Little buddies are in trial for sure. Thanks for the thoughtful reply. Cheers!

Ginger_Snaps ago

Plug in cooker. One bad apple spoils the bunch.

calfag ago

Totally, slow cooker. With onions, carrots, dunno...more stuff.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

om nom nom

I'm never upset about too much food.

Incidentally, I've never raised chicken, but I've helped raise and I've butchered plenty of quail.

They start laying like 6 weeks after hatching. Food for thought.

ShowMeYourKitties ago

Buy and feed them (crushed) oyster shells

calfag ago

Thank you. I will try that before slaughtering.

Battlefat ago

Your chicken regressed into full oviraptor. Breed it until its progeny’s feathers fall off and are replaced by scales — you will win this war

Dean_Wilhelm_Hawkins ago

Not sure if that's how it works but OP absolutely needs to try

calfag ago


Battlefat ago

Glorious evolution

Diggernicks ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago

dinosaurs cant reach their previous sizes in our current atmosphere

the atmosphere was 300x as dense back then

facepaint ago

I understand the atmosphere was a bit denser. But 300x?

HorseIsDead ago

He's full of shit. There was a bit more oxygen. That's it. It was not 300x denser. If it was 300x denser it would have been solid heavy metal.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Yup. It's the only way pterosaurs could fly.

It's the only way a brachiosaurus could pump blood to its head.

It's why so many dinosaurs had powerful tails and small arms.

It's why the entire planet was 70°F and tropical ferns lived at the arctic circle.

And the change to our thin atmosphere is why they died out....

Iheartcatfood ago

Where did all that atmosphere go

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Carbon dioxide dissolved into the ocean, as it often does. Tiny sea life used it to make seashells. They died and the seashells sank to the ocean floor. The layer was compressed and became carbonaceous rock like limestone.

Battlefat ago

Smallish, chicken sized dinos

Smarter than a pit bull with less empathy. Imprint them at hatching, wreak havok on the dog fight underworld

clamhurt_legbeard ago


Corpse_washer ago

Gravity was 1/3 of todays. Its not the more oxigen or more dense atmosphere.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Can you explain where all the required extra mass of the earth came from?

Corpse_washer ago

In physics, mass–energy equivalence states that anything having mass has an equivalent amount of energy and vice versa.

From the birkeland current, powering the planet. Increase energy, mass follows.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

A picture of Birkeland Currents

Given that Birkeland Currents fluctuate in their energy between 105 and 106 Ampères over the course of a week, can you explain why that doesn't make gravity 10x stronger, under your theory?

Corpse_washer ago

You wanted to know where the mass increase originated from. The mechanism itself is currently not fully understood. You see, the planets core is a ball of electric plasma, not iron. Vlf supports this. Couple that with the fact the continents fit like a puzzle if you make the planet smaller and with how water gets created(fuse h and o) and you have arrived at a reasonable explanation. Now, that the ballooning up is the fruit of the core ballooning, or electricity fusing h and o to water added the extra mass, thats not fully understood.

The birkeland current is only the power cable, not the machine itself.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You see, the planets core is a ball of electric plasma, not iron. Vlf supports this.

Can you link to some of this evidence?

the ballooning up is the fruit of the core ballooning, or electricity fusing h and o to water added the extra mass,

Are you saying the earth has hydrogen and oxygen floating around, that it gets fused by energy from the sun via Birkeland Currents, and that once fused the hydrogen and oxygen somehow have more mass than before?

Corpse_washer ago

No. I mean matter comes from electricity. Create hydrogen, it floats away, o2 too. Water doesnt. Also answers why there is so much water in the crust. I dont link. You can find the boiling point of iron with core temps and reflect on the fact that plasma reflects radiowaves and think it out for yourself while looking at earthqake patterns.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

So it's your opinion matter is being literally created on the earth's surface by electricity?

The same electricity generating gravity via the Birkeland Currents?

Corpse_washer ago

Near or in the core. Its why oil is still available. There was no life 5 kilometres below the ocean floor to be the source of oil. Or 3000m under mountains, et cetera.

WickerMan ago

Dinosaur bodies made the Earth heavier.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


Where did the dinosaur bodies get their mass?

WickerMan ago

From a star that exploded long before the Sun existed, I was trying to be funny.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

i prefer the other guys answer

he said from smaller dinos they ate

WickerMan ago

I could have went another route. Their bodies turned to stone after the died.

Seventh_Jim ago

From the smaller dinos they ate. How else could they get so big?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Where did the smaller dinos get their mass?

Seventh_Jim ago

Infinitesimally smaller dinosaurs.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Dinosaurs have a minimum size limit below which they would stop being dinosaurs because they wouldn't have the right anatomy.

Where did the smallest dinosaurs get their mass?

Intheknow2 ago


calfag ago

Thank you. Off to Tractor Supply...

Corpse_washer ago

You can simply keep the eggshells from the eggs you use, bake them at 70 celsius and brake it to powder and add to their food.