HappyMealBullshit ago

Looks like shit. Put some real effort in next time. Sorry.

zyklon_b ago

you look like shit and u be kilt with a knife

Gothamgirl ago

Well for someone who has spinal chord disabilities, and a titanium plate in my neck, and has had lots of flooding from rain, I think it is doing ok. It's producing. What do you suggest?

HappyMealBullshit ago

Oh poor little girl with disabilities. You looking for sympathy? Take that shit to reddit cunt. Sorry.

zyklon_b ago

ima shoot you with an arrow in the head in 1990

HappyMealBullshit ago

Oh look it's gothamgirls cucked out boyfriend. Desperately trying to convince himself that just one more chivalrous act will finally get him some pussy.

Keep dreaming faggot.

Gothamgirl ago

He is my fiance, and sex is great. Your lack thereof shows in your miserable comments. Try harder incel πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

SearchVoatBot ago

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HappyMealBullshit ago

You're the one trying to convince a stranger about how great your sex life is. Normally people who are comfortable with their romantic and sexual relationships don't put energy into trying to convince anonymous strangers of their superior status. Thou doth protest too much. Way too much.

Gothamgirl ago

No I am not your the one convinced it's not, so I was correcting you.

HappyMealBullshit ago

I never said anything about your sex life. You showed up out of thin air and started trying to convince me about how fantastic sex is with some guy who talks about other guys dick's and pedophilia in his comments.

That's all you baby. Sorry. Gonna have to take responsibility for your actions.

Gothamgirl ago

"Desperately trying to convince himself that just one more chivalrous act will finally get him some pussy."

That comment is about my sex life

HappyMealBullshit ago

Not unless you're a man. The word "himself" refers to a person of the male gender. That comment is about your faggot bf and his cucked out philosophy of trying to please women to get sex in exchange.

Gothamgirl ago

He is definitely not a faggot and what you claim he doesn't get, is attached to me so what are you even trying to say then? You making shit up cuck.

zyklon_b ago

u is a hoe and in the pen youd be bitch...even on the streets u an incel bitch.

kill yourself

zyklon_b ago

in 1990 @happymealbullshit raped and murdered a white infant

Gothamgirl ago

I didn't ask for sympathies for anyone so you fuck off back to Reddit, you delusional faggot.

HappyMealBullshit ago

You clearly were asking for sympathy. Trying to pitch some sob story about how your garden isn't too ugly for a disabled cripple. Get the fuck out of here bitch.

Gothamgirl ago

Not a sob story, it's my reality. You're the one who twisted the meaning. If it bothers you so much, delete your account. Why would I leave here? If I did, it wouldn't be over a dumb troll like you.

zyklon_b ago

bitch she aint need sympathy .

u be kilt

HappyMealBullshit ago

You don't even think she's capable of defending herself in a simple conversation. Your opinion of her is pretty obvious.

Stop talking like a nigger, faggot.

zyklon_b ago

no bitch. i talk how i talk and will see u dead

heygeorge ago

@happymealbullshit ain’t got no tree grove in the ghetto

HappyMealBullshit ago

Oh NO! What empty and unused subverse are you going to threaten to ban me from reddit fag? See a lot of titles there. You must be important!

heygeorge ago

no u

HappyMealBullshit ago

I love how I completely and utterly preempted everything you could try and say against me so you're left with nothing but meaningless bullshit to respond with.

Go back to reddit faggot. You clearly aren't a real Voat user.

heygeorge ago

no u

zyklon_b ago

heygeorge ago

I heard @happymealbullshit is an angsty low IQ incel.

zyklon_b ago

@happymealbullshit only gets to jack off cause aint man enough or confident enough to have a real woman

zyklon_b ago

@happymealbullshit is an incel and aint able to get boner except with infants

HappyMealBullshit ago

@Gothamgirl Haha yeah the two of you must have a real vibrant sex life. I'm SOOO jealous.

Gothamgirl ago

Lol nobody cares about your feelings, this isn't Reddit.

HappyMealBullshit ago

Well you care enough about my thoughts and feelings to try and convince me of the fact that you have an amazing sex life with your cucked out bf. If you actually didn't care, you wouldn't be responding to the facts I'm pointing out. You clearly care, and care a lot.

zyklon_b ago

obviously you are triggered by facts that you cannot get laid.

kill yourself pedo

HorseIsDead ago

He's just a retarded troll that spams this shit on every single post here.

Gothamgirl ago

Haha I noticed.

beefartist ago

I hate you guys: I just have some leggy tomato sprouts and a couple of fresh paprika pepper ones but we still have frost.

zyklon_b ago

post pics

beefartist ago

I'm sorry I didn't mean to give the impression that I was into sodomy.

zyklon_b ago


beefartist ago

I mean...it isn't a good lifestyle choice and I can't promote it to youth...plus it is just gross! I am fucking with you...I just don't take pictures of shit unless it is really interesting and I don't upload them unless they are REALLY fucking interesting. I know you are edgy as fuck and can handle it :) Do you want to see a hundred year old rifle with a custom stock that I hand rubbed with linseed oil?

zyklon_b ago


beefartist ago


zyklon_b ago


Gothamgirl ago

I am surprised ours hasn't drowned with all the rain we've had.

ephesians5_11 ago

Congrats, you guys!

zyklon_b ago

thank u friend

Ina_Pickle ago

Let me know if you have any success with the peaches. Mine fell prey years ago to the same blight as everyone else in the region - Asian stink bugs.

Have tried just about everything short of spraying pesticides directly on the peaches, which is the method used by every orchard that sells to grocery stores.

zyklon_b ago

we live in a town of peaches

middle_path ago

Eggplant looks a bit odd.

Also, mulch your shit! That ground needs to be covered.

HorseIsDead ago

I do what I want, I didn't mulch at all until last year and even then still didn't mulch much. Fuck mulching. But it's not a bad idea tho tbh

middle_path ago

Why do you hate your soil microbes?

HorseIsDead ago

Why do you love jews?

middle_path ago

Because they care for their soils. Every 7 years leave the field fallow. Semitah.

Gothamgirl ago

Thanks for the advice.

srayzie ago

Wow. Good job guys. I would kill them.

Gothamgirl ago


SurfinMindWaves ago

I would kill them.

Haha - that sounded like a threat the first time I read it.

srayzie ago

Lmao. OOPS

NotHereForPizza ago


zyklon_b ago

top kek

u wanna mod sbbh?

gabara ago


Gothamgirl ago

Thank you.