argosciv ago

Manufacture a crisis using alts then come running to "address it".


PS: Where was my invite to this little party? */sadface*

Not to worry, I'm a bit busy anyway ;)

cc: @Crensch @Trigglypuff

gabara ago

Usually when a Keyboard Warrior says that, they've run out of tactics. If they had the power they claim, they'd have already used it. What they're actually saying is they're willing to sacrifice more of their personal time trying to destroy you by setting themselves on fire and hoping the flames eventually spread to you.

Initial_Setting ago

-3 just wait

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @Renatus.

Posted automatically (#15545) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Crensch ago

Again, I'll thank neither you nor her for any pulled punches. That is entirely on you oh, and I find it rather fake since there are no fangs behind your implied threat.

Crensch ago

And do you know exactly how I operate.

Crensch ago

It is true oh, and you dehumanizing other users doesn't make it not true. I don't need someone else protecting me from you.

Your username will forever be stained with your claim that you would delete if 10 users were found that were sick of your shit.

More than that were found.

Crensch ago

You need to know that other people have opinions and that other users on this site actually exist and that there is a list of them that want you gone that is above 10. You are a liar and you have shown yourself to be a liar and not to be trusted.

HorseIsDead ago

I think my soil is too alkaline... it's weird because Oregon is supposed to have highly acidic soil. That's why we have tons of slugs and almost no snails... pH supposedly too low for the carbonate shells to form. But I tested my soil from a couple areas, even areas that were mixed with peat a year ago (peat moss is supposed to be very acidic) test at a neutral pH, at best 6.5. Much too high for most plants... I added some sulfate soil acidifier, and I'm thinking I'll still need to add gypsum in the spring. It was clear that the soil was calcium deficient, and I definitely don't want to raise the pH anymore, gypsum achieves adding calcium without affecting pH since it doesn't have a carbonate ion.

Really hoping this solves all of my retard/slow-growing plant problems this year.

middle_path ago

I hope it does. Balancing soil is important.

HorseIsDead ago

I wonder what the pH of ground-up-voat-shill paste is... maybe we can finally get something useful out of the vote manipulating autists

middle_path ago

It's probably pretty damn salty, would damage plants.

HorseIsDead ago

Could do some experiments seeing if autists are more acidic or have more calcium or something than the ones who are just mentally retarded, not necessarily autistic.

HorseIsDead ago

everyone look at this retard talking to himself as if it's not the same person behind both accounts

Crensch ago

No, you are not. You are well-liked on Poal or Phucks.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


I've had several people invite me in PM or comments to DV this person or that person. Just my interpretation of the general tone of all of these posts.

He boasts all the time and talks shit constantly.

Absolutely. It's very annoying and he'd be better off if he stopped.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

yeah thats pretty weak

clamhurt_legbeard ago

thanks man

hopefully this all blows over soon

Crensch ago

And when putt does nothing because they are legit?

middle_path ago

middle_path did pop into that thread yesterday to speak up for DI

No, I didn't. I popped in to ask you to leave Voat. The only speaking up I may have done for DI is to call him a funny idiot.

Crensch ago

Why haven't you deleted your account yet and left this site?

Crensch ago

You spoke up and defense of cancer mods oh, but I like how you ignore that and blame it directly on PV. Turns out, goats don't like users that support cancer modding.

It seems to me any legitimate user could have easily come to this conclusion, but you have to go misrepresenting things.

@kevdude @Trigglypuff @clamhurt_legbeard @gabara @ExpertShitposter

What do y'all think? Think it has anything to do with his being against someone in PV or do you think it has something to do with him supporting heavy moderation without consequences?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I think this is a downvote party and everybody is invited. Let's get mad! Look how convoluted this is:

We have a crybaby mod who gets downvoted by many people for deleting "Racist or hateful comments". This is unsurprising.

Somebody else caught him crying about it in his sub and made a post in whatever laughing at him. Mild drama.

Then u/dial_indicator came in with an alt and said he could singlehandedly change that. Voat doesn't like brigading anymore than it likes suppression of speech, so dial_indicator got downvoted by a lot of users.

u/kevdude has a history of disliking dial and came in and said dial_indicator had a history of using alts to upvote mods who had been downvoted en masse.

In the back and forth over several different submissions, dial said if kev could "produce 10 legit accounts that are legit sick of me i will quit voat...."

Nobody believes this is true, but kev figured he could get a list of 10 people to be mean to dial, so we moved on to submission #4 where kev started a signup list.

In that thread, u/middle_path started talking shit to kevdude because they already had a history of disliking each other.

Now we're here, and here's what I think:

middle_path got two porn submissions put into his sub because somebody is mad at him. Maybe one of the people who already disliked him long ago, or maybe not. Hardly matters, because whoever put porn in a gardening sub is violating the intent of Voat. kevdude and I were just discussing this yesterday. middle_path is fully within his rights to delete them, and he didn't even do that, which is more restraint than I show in my subs.

kevdude and protectvoat have a reputation for brigading mods who censor too much for their likes, and dial_indicator dislikes this. Meanwhile, people say dial_indicator is himself brigading with alts, which is even worse because at least a brigade of different users involves more than one opinion.

And over in a sub we don't even remember, some mod is deleting things because feefees.

So this entire thing is just people who dislike each other downvoting each other and trying to recruit allies to help downvote. The original mod is stupid for deleting posts because of racism, dial is stupid for openly talking about mass upvotes with alts, kevdude is stupid for being surprised when not everybody wants to join his downvote party, middle_path is stupid for going into a thread to specifically start a fight and getting surprised at consequences, and the rest of us are stupid for participating now.

But what do I know? I'm a commie jew with 700 submissions to v/soapdoxbanhammer

I think that covered everybody, watch how many downvotes I get for this.

15731435? ago

Shit slinging and dick wagging.

Crensch ago

I mostly agree with this. I think it's worth noting that the reputation PV and Kev have has always and only been pushed by cancer mods and their cheerleaders.

I've never heard a single legit user claim that Ke recruited them to Brigade, and Putt has dealt with sock puppet account vote manipulation before, so it's probably not that either.

middle_path ago

Know what, you summed it up absolutely perfectly.

gabara ago

I was getting flack from multiple sleeper accounts for posting to v/aww all tellting me that "no one" wanted my post. I then showed them a link: where Atko encourages me to keep posting to v/aww and suddently all the sleeper accounts went silent.

One of the accounts that was posting porn to your subverse is one of the accounts that was trying to convince me that they were a large group of users and that "no one" liked me, lol! I guess they gave up trying with me and have moved on to you.

It's ONE lone loser.

QueeferMadness ago


ExpertShitposter ago

Now that's one old-ass alt account!

I_Always_Lie ago

Which cronies?

middle_path ago

The rest of PVs mods.

I_Always_Lie ago

Yes there are a lot of them aren't there? Funny how protect voat is the exact opposite of what it claims to be.

heygeorge ago

Happy Cake Day

I_Always_Lie ago

Thanks. Happy Hanukkah to you.

heygeorge ago

Is that still a thing?

Diggernicks ago

Crensch is a homosexual brainwashed catholic boy lover who requires ovening on maximum.

TheBuddha ago

It's too early in the day to whine!


QueeferMadness ago

Wow. I enjoyed that very much. It has that hawaiian slack key feel about it. I love hawaiian slack key.

middle_path ago

That was pleasant.

Merry Christmas.