15726154? ago

Yeah I know middle path has transgenitals but he's/she's alright I guess

SearchVoatBot ago

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forget-me-not ago

has transgenitals

Lol, wat?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

its when you go from a slash to an exclamation point

or you have a question mark

TheKobold ago

Suck start a shotgun beta.

TheKobold ago

Go for it faggot.

TheKobold ago

Lol, i'm so scared. What are you going to do? Caps lock at me.

TheKobold ago

If you were some one, you wouldn't be here arguing with a nobody.

TheKobold ago

Its a reply to an idiot, so yes. Double commenting is shill tactics.

TheKobold ago

You are a nobody.

TheKobold ago

I'm sorry you're too stupid to form normal conversations.

TheKobold ago

Go suck yourself I don't give a fuck what you want

TheKobold ago

You can think whatever you want I don't give a fuck. I do know that people that respond to actual real thought out information and ideas with basic everyday knowledge are probably stupid

TheKobold ago

No need to be a moron, idiot.

TheKobold ago

Thank you for the very obvious and basic knowledge it's so very helpful. It almost sounds like you think I'm talking bad things about ladybugs with your response when in fact I was saying look into the life cycle of a ladybug because the larvae look like freaky little bugs that could be hurting a plant and I want people to know and realize they aren't with their own research. But again thank you for your vast amount of knowledge and shared with us it was so very helpful

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Oregano also works well under apple and pear trees, to prevent apple maggots.

middle_path ago

They're pretty cool! Bug haters should love spiders and such as for every spider you see, there's like 1000 other bugs not there because of them.

TheKobold ago

Check out the life cycle of a ladybug. They are horrible looking little buggers before they actually turn into ladybugs and I thought it was some crazy ass infestation so you don't make the same mistake I did you should really look up lady bug pupae and larvae

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Grow some fennel or dill and let it flower, then watch the madness of thousands of little wasps flying all around them. Its why I plant fennel between my cabbage, because those wasps love to devastate cabbage worms.

Fuck harlequin bugs though. I took a weed burning torch to all of my greens and everything within 5 feet of them, cut everything down and burned it in a massive bonfire, then piled mulch along the entire row and let it burn for hours to kill any eggs left in the soil.

middle_path ago

Harlequin bugs are no joke. Got hit with them hard this spring. And that's why I am only planting brassicas in the fall.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

I'm going with sowing Roman chamomile in the flats with them. Once the brassicas are done, I'll transplant the chamomile out to the grass somewhere. That and buckets of soap and neem oil. I'm investing in a backpack sprayer this winter, with all the bobbex I've got to spray to keep the deer from killing everything. Seems to be working so far.

middle_path ago

Good luck!

Eualos ago

Plus they're a delicious source of protein if you cook them right