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derram ago :

To push Iran back, Israel ramps up support for Syrian rebels, 'arming 7 different groups' - Israel News -

'But it is also gradually bolstering its presence in southern Syria, including in the Syrian Golan Heights. '

'This change has taken place at a time when America has greatly reduced its involvement in southern Syria. '

'In January, the Trump administration closed the operations center the CIA ran in Amman, the Jordanian capital, which coordinated aid to rebel organizations in southern Syria. '

'The de-escalation agreement for southern Syria, which the United States, Russia and Jordan signed last November, included a promise to keep Iran and its affiliated Shi’ite militias away from the Israeli border. '

'Moreover, she said at least seven Sunni rebel organizations in the Syrian Golan are now getting arms and ammunition from Israel, along with money to buy additional armaments. '

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