bopper ago

I feel popular here and I like it.

think- ago

Then sing us a song, @bopper, please! :-)

@srayzie @Shizy

bopper ago

Just this once. Wrote this for @Votescam.

Shizy ago

Wow bopper, you're so talented!

bopper ago

It's not my best work.

think- ago

@bopper, Votescam know you cheated on her with Mrs. Jones....;-)

Thank you though.

bopper ago

Oh don't mention it...

think- ago

My theory is that the Swedish invented flat earth theory.

When they were lying on the ice after they had lost a hockey match (Canada had won, of course - as usual), the earth seemed to be flat.

:-P ;-P

@EricKaliberhall @bopper

EricKaliberhall ago

After listening to this -

Flat earth theory is a couple of steps up on the IQ ladder... :)

think- ago

I see you are posting from your phone.....very suspicous.....confirms yesterday's theory that you are working for the Swedish secret service and are doing underground operations in Finland.

P.S.: You are watching CNN? Even more suspicous..... ;-P

EricKaliberhall ago

P.S.: You are watching CNN? Even more suspicous..... ;-P

@bopper knows this... I find Chriz Cuomo hilarious... My secret guilty pleasure is getting stoned and having some Chriz time... :)

think- ago

I understand why you need to smoke weed in order to be able to watch CNN.... ;-)

think- ago

Listen to at least 1 minute of how this guy explains it 🤣🤣 forgot the link of @bopper's exciting revelations I think! ;-)

MolochHunter ago

Ok if you reeeely reeeely believe the earth is flat, I'll show you how you can become millionaires off it

here's your flat earth map

On a flat earth model, the longest flight / ship journey from one major city to another would be Melbourne Australia to Santiago in South America

You can fly between those 2 destinations in 15 hours if you look up flight details

You SHOUL be able to get from Melbourne to London QUICKER bc on the flat earth map London is clearly closer - nearly half as close to Melbourne - as Santiago

AND YET in order to maintain the round earth conspiracy illusion, they have been diverting the airplanes and making a Melbourne / London triptake a full 24 hours


a capitalist could make $billions offering people flights Mel - London quicker - and you'd save millions in airline fuel they unneccessarily waste circling around in the sky to maintain the round earth illusion

you're welcome

(ps i accept no liability if you try this business model and go bankrupt)

think- ago

Who wants to go from Melbourne to London anyway? :-P

MolochHunter ago

people who wanna escape Melbourne, clearly

think- ago

Ok, lol. But why go to London? It has been slowly turning into a shithole place, I'm afraid.

srayzie ago

Well nobody explains it quite like this black guy does.

Shizy ago

@Bopper taught me how to make a damn good sandwich and how to score pot from willie Nelson

i_scream_trucks ago

whats their dating advice like?

srayzie ago

😂 did he tell you it has to be WHOLE WHEAT?

goatboy ago

You're over the market.

valk2 ago

What subverse did I just stumble into.....

MolochHunter ago

we were in voat/pizzagate and 2 of the female mods there @Shizy and @Srayzie were fighting over who is going to get the privilege of stroking their fingers through my copious chest hair

valk2 ago

Ah. Well very interesting....I guess.

srayzie ago

He’s trying to send us money. I feel bad for him. 😁

@think- @shizy

think- ago

How stupid of him. Since you sent him all the gifs you made for his eyes only free of charge.... ;-)


srayzie ago

Yes. I don’t offer my gifs services for nothing. 🙄

MolochHunter ago
